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ATTN: 2 P.M. AMA (Ask Mike Anything)


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37 minutes ago, weams said:

Welcome back to Baltimore!

Watched the press conference and was impressed with the direction you and John and Lou discussed. Every baseball fan in Baltimore is familiar with the great Earl Weavers strategy of pitching, defense and the 3 run homer. Recently it seems our general strategy has basically been power above all else. What, if any, general on field strategy do you see Baltimore employing for this rebuild? Is this something that is dictated by what is available or do you believe you build that strategy from the ground up? Not saying I don’t love the 3 run homer but I’d love to see a little more small ball, speed and defense. Thanks!

level 2
Official Account
2 points·1 minute ago

We will be looking in talent in all forms. There is no strict philosophy as to what that looks like in terms of "how". Sometimes, in order to get better, you bring in players who are great in one or two aspects but not so great in others. Getting your hands on really well-rounded players is not always easy, or affordable! The important thing is we want to install systematic ways of weighing all of these traits against one another so that our overall player valuation is sound.

Great answer!

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