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ATTN: 2 P.M. AMA (Ask Mike Anything)


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11 hours ago, TonySoprano said:

Maybe that's a company device.? 

Yeah, I'm practically old enough to be his father, and I use a macbook.  You won't get me back on a WIN10 machine.  My wife has one and she asks me all the time to troubleshoot it. 

I can't believe you got downvoted for this post.  And I don't really care about upvoting/downvoting but I'm usually kinda curious to see what offends/upsets people.  

I'm also old enough to live and let live and not get uppity when people like an inferior machine like Windows, but if that's what they like, that's what they like.  No need to be butthurt about it.

47 minutes ago, sportsfan8703 said:

Pretty cool that Elias did this. Part of taking a team through a terrible couple years is having a good PR guy. At least Elias can always sell us on “We’re analyzing that.....” It feels like with this guy we’re going to be more aware of what is going on. 

I think we'll be more aware to a degree.  He's obviously not going to tell us the ingredients of his secret sauce and what metrics they're going to be using but I feel like he will be more accessible and fan/media friendly.

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I don't know if we touched on it in the thread, but he once again dodged the contract question in the AMA, which is totally fair. But he did say he was buying a house in the area and hopes to be here for a long time. To me that says it's a 3-5 year deal. Rumor is that he's the highest paid first-time GM in the game's history, so I think it's safe to say this isn't a one year trial. He's got at least 3.

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12 hours ago, foxfield said:

All I can say is wow.....what a day!

LOL!  Silence is golden or as the editors said on my hs yearbook page, "Silence is the answer to a wise man".  Now does that mean STFU or "you haven't earned the right to respond"?



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5 hours ago, Moose Milligan said:

I can't believe you got downvoted for this post.  And I don't really care about upvoting/downvoting but I'm usually kinda curious to see what offends/upsets people.  

I'm also old enough to live and let live and not get uppity when people like an inferior machine like Windows, but if that's what they like, that's what they like.  No need to be butthurt about it.

I think we'll be more aware to a degree.  He's obviously not going to tell us the ingredients of his secret sauce and what metrics they're going to be using but I feel like he will be more accessible and fan/media friendly.

Jeeze i dont recommend going on Reddit then. I get downvoted a ton. All i have to say is i like the color Orange more than i do the color Red and ill get a hundred down votes. SMH.

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8 minutes ago, NattyO's said:

Jeeze i dont recommend going on Reddit then. I get downvoted a ton. All i have to say is i like the color Orange more than i do the color Red and ill get a hundred down votes. SMH.

We normally reserve downvotes here for trolling, attacking, or untrue statements. Personal attacks on posters or about players or management usually qualify. I get close when talking Don Hart. 

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9 minutes ago, NattyO's said:

Jeeze i dont recommend going on Reddit then. I get downvoted a ton. All i have to say is i like the color Orange more than i do the color Red and ill get a hundred down votes. SMH.

So is that masochism or sado-masochism?  I can never remember ... I mean you keep going back for more right?  #non-baseballpost 

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5 hours ago, Moose Milligan said:

I can't believe you got downvoted for this post.  And I don't really care about upvoting/downvoting but I'm usually kinda curious to see what offends/upsets people.  

I'm also old enough to live and let live and not get uppity when people like an inferior machine like Windows, but if that's what they like, that's what they like.  No need to be butthurt about it.

I think we'll be more aware to a degree.  He's obviously not going to tell us the ingredients of his secret sauce and what metrics they're going to be using but I feel like he will be more accessible and fan/media friendly.

Either folks are missing this very good joke where Moose defends TonySoprano while still managing to insult his choice of computer, 


Moose is that hilariously oblivious to have unknowingly still insulted the choice of computer while defending the guy. 

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1 hour ago, weams said:

We normally reserve downvotes here for trolling, attacking, or untrue statements. Personal attacks on posters or about players or management usually qualify. I get close when talking Don Hart. 

Certain posters down vote if you prove him wrong. I think down votes should be eliminated.  What purpose do they serve? On Reddit they make posts hidden if they get too many down votes.  Also hurts your Karma which won't allow you to post on certain forums if you have negative Karma.  All it does here is make it less friendly atmosphere.  Up votes I think should stay as they are friendly gestures. 

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