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Roch: Decisions Still Pending


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2 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

And @Frobby's like the most diplomatic guy around.  Kinda hard to get upset with anything he's ever said.

I mean, I get it.   I questioned whether Roch would ask the tough questions he had put in his blog about Chris Davis and Brady Anderson at the actual Elias press conference.   Well, someone else asked the Brady question, and to his credit, Roch asked the Davis question.     And I posted to give the media credit for the questions they asked.   

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1 minute ago, Frobby said:

I mean, I get it.   I questioned whether Roch would ask the tough questions he had put in his blog about Chris Davis and Brady Anderson at the actual Elias press conference.   Well, someone else asked the Brady question, and to his credit, Roch asked the Davis question.     And I posted to give the media credit for the questions they asked.   

I get that, too.  But we've all said many times that Roch is essentially a team employee and is limited in scope.  Had he NOT asked a tough question at the Elias presser, I don't think anyone would have been that upset.  I think most of us understand the area he operates in and are cool with it.  For example, I don't see you getting pissed that Roch didn't ask a question about Davis or Brady.  

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1 hour ago, TheOtherRipken said:

Unlike some posters I like Roch, I actually read his blog daily.  With that said he chose in his career to be a semi-public figure.  If you choose that as a profession and cannot take criticism, you chose the wrong profession. 

I always though Roch was a decent guy and did the best he could within his limits. I did not know about him being upset about what was said here though I do believe folks assume things that are fictional about his constraints and journalistic integrity. He is a journalist unlike some who are simple guys with a hot take and an attitude. 

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1 hour ago, Tony-OH said:

I think a lot of these guys are going through what I originally went through years ago and with Twitter it's even worse. They were used to putting stuff out and the only interaction they had with the public was probably a few e-mails. Now, they get to have everyone second guessing them and with the world full of trolls online, it's become a really mucky place out there.


This is so true. A comment section does not compare to twitter  and facebook. It just doesn't.

I find it difficult to defend or argue a point when I really don't know  much but folks sure do enjoy spouting off negatives about relatively hard working folk for relatively poor reasons in my opinion.

Now Donnie Hart is gonna catch up with me someday and I'm probably going to have to make amends. But until then I prefer to be at least civil with most everyone. 

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I can tell you that all of the local folks are interested in earning their pay or paywall. Making a buck writing about sports has become a pretty difficult thing to do.  Newspapers are dead, websites fickle or here today. I appreciate what they all do and there is not one of them that won't hit me back if I have a question or need help on something.  

The "shock" folks withstanding I have respect for the Baltimore media. I think it is easy to compare their lack of "breaking news" to those who have a network of folk feeding them. Whether it be agents or agents of fortune the small local sources simply can't keep that type of network "fed" sufficiently. 

I think anyone that expects the MASN folks to speak poorly about the people who run the team or network are not looking at what business they are in. 

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We can all be sensitive. And we have probably been a little hard on Roch here lately.  I think most get what he is and his role is not to scoop the national media regarding the Orioles and I am sure he is sensitive when he says what he is told and the Orioles go and do something different and he has to bend to the new Oriole line.  I for one appreciate his daily blog and I take it for exactly what it is and I don't even look at the comments.  I follow him on twitter, but I am not really a twitter person.

I am sorry if he is bent out of shape by comments here and if he reads this I hope he understands we are all in the same boat.  We want the best news and the best results for the Orioles.  If he carries a grudge to Tony or Frobby or anyone else, that...as they is his own doing.  I believe he should and will get over it.  No one is perfect, not here or at the School of Roch.  Well, Can of Corn is a perfect product, but...none of us mortal humans anyway.  None of us should really be throwing rocks.  See what it did there Roch?

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51 minutes ago, Frobby said:

I mean, I get it.   I questioned whether Roch would ask the tough questions he had put in his blog about Chris Davis and Brady Anderson at the actual Elias press conference.   Well, someone else asked the Brady question, and to his credit, Roch asked the Davis question.     And I posted to give the media credit for the questions they asked.   

I'm uncertain that Roch read your credit. But be assured, all the media reads what we write. 

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20 minutes ago, foxfield said:

We can all be sensitive. And we have probably been a little hard on Roch here lately.  I think most get what he is and his role is not to scoop the national media regarding the Orioles and I am sure he is sensitive when he says what he is told and the Orioles go and do something different and he has to bend to the new Oriole line.  I for one appreciate his daily blog and I take it for exactly what it is and I don't even look at the comments.  I follow him on twitter, but I am not really a twitter person.

I am sorry if he is bent out of shape by comments here and if he reads this I hope he understands we are all in the same boat.  We want the best news and the best results for the Orioles.  If he carries a grudge to Tony or Frobby or anyone else, that...as they is his own doing.  I believe he should and will get over it.  No one is perfect, not here or at the School of Roch.  Well, Can of Corn is a perfect product, but...none of us mortal humans anyway.  None of us should really be throwing rocks.  See what it did there Roch?

Roch is not holding any grudges against Tony or Frobby. When Tony see Roch at Spring Training and Frobby, Roch at Fanfest, all will be forgiven ;)

I think anyone who gets bashed here consistently would tire of it though. 

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Generally not a Roch fan. I don't like his sense of humor and the constant mediocre (and sometimes confusing) jokes he tries to add into his reporting.  And have posted as much through the years multiple times.  

To me, the irony of Roch catching flak here is that the summary of decisions in from of Elias - at least as composed by Roch - is a pretty darn good one.  It points out the current folks in major scouting positions, how long many have been here, how some arrived here and more.  Of course, Roch's (poor) trademark humor attempts - centipede, last full dinner - make the article less professional and, IMO, take away from the article.

Anyway, any journalist today who can't stand a little keyboard criticism and who insists on being told things to his face is less than professional anyway.  Good riddance. 

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2 hours ago, Frobby said:

I am sorry you got yelled at for something I wrote.    I don’t feel any need to tell Roch anything to his face, as I’ve never once posted anything on the MASN site.   He must be pretty sensitive, as I think I’ve been pretty mild in my criticism and I’ve also given him credit for things over the years.   But I’ll continue to express my opinions here in reaction to things he writes that are germane to our discussions, unless you tell me I shouldn’t.   

I think the point was that someone felt that Roch needed to have your thoughts shoved in his face. Had he happened upon it organically he may have reacted differently.  

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2 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

I think a lot of these guys are going through what I originally went through years ago and with Twitter it's even worse. They were used to putting stuff out and the only interaction they had with the public was probably a few e-mails. Now, they get to have everyone second guessing them and with the world full of trolls online, it's become a really mucky place out there.

I can remember when the Hangout really took off and suddenly we had so many people posting regularly that I could't keep up. All of us are human, and as humans, we sometimes have bad days and when someone pushes your buttons it's hard to just walk away (virtually). There were times when I didn't handle a situation as well as I could have, but then there were times that the people on the other side were just trolls looking for attention. 

The one thing I can say is that I've always given second and sometimes third chances. Anyone who has apologized or asked for a second chance has been let back on. I really don't hold grudges, especially against particular posters. Now are there people who i feel back stabbed me over the years? Yep. But even a few of them have asked to come back and I've let them back and moved on. 

Hell, SportsGuy when he was Rshields97, said crap about my wife and kids but he apologized and I let him back on. See, i realize that people make mistakes, and that it;s real easy to let your emotions get the best of you in a post, and e-mail or text. Hell, I've done it. 

So when you see some of these guys get testy, remember, it's not always easy to work hard at something only to have some people attack you for your thoughts or work. I know at some point I had to be talked to by trusted people to tone things down. I took their advice and over the last 4-5 years I think I've banned about 4 people, maybe and perhaps only 1 or 2 was become they got personal with me.

We all have good and bad days, and it helps to have a guy like @weams who has my back and the boards best interests in mind at all times. It also helps to have a great, great community of diverse posters. As always, you guys make this the place that it is and I'm thankful for that all the time.

I’ve been on these boards a long time, although I am an infrequent poster.  There is no question and it’s been cool to see how you’ve “grown” on these boards.  It’s not just taking advice as you said in this paragraph, nor is it just toning it down, it’s a matter of how you were willing to be self-introspective, accepting, and were willing to try a different approach when folks came at you from positions of ignorance and sometimes rudeness. That’s not easy.

The frequent posters on here for better or worst are going to be held to a higher standard and there are a lot of people on these boards who come here to read the opinions, even if they rarely join the conversation. Although I miss the constant rumor leaking from years past, I think the OH is better now than I’ve ever seen it. 

For what it’s worth (since you have no idea who I am) I really respect you for what you’ve done here and a lot of people feel the same way.

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3 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

Now I have no idea on who he bans since I don't read his comments section and really only read his blog when people here post things, but I will say that I've had people say the same thing about me and it wasn't true. I've never banned a person for not agreeing with me. I have banned people who want to act like a troll or who can't have a decent conversation back and forth.

It's a very fine line sometimes between allowing freedom of speech but not allowing your board/comment section to turn into an internet wasteland full of trolls. 

We've had very strict moderation here and that's for good reason. There's a reason why this board is still a place where you can make a comment and not have to face troll-like behavior. 

This board has posters like yourself, webbrick, Frobby, Wildcard and Can of Corn, all of which are pretty different in their opinions and how they come across, but all continue to be part of this community because they stay within the rules.

I love the fact that this board has so many different viewpoints. I love the fact that we have so many different kinds of people. I love the fact that we don't allow politics to be mixed in so it doesn't screw our conversations up. And mostly, I love that this is a safe place where you can have a good conversation and get good information about our favorite baseball organization.

He is more of a once in a while and gets mad at everyone and talks to them like they are stupid.  I think it is more of when he is in a bad mood he bans people for minor criticisms. I don't really post too often in his comments.  People do post political stuff there which is annoying. 

Anyway I think last season was tough on the MASN staff as even Steve started to be quick to lash out on posters at the end of the season. I guess it is tough to be the  team chearleader when the team only wins 47 games.

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 I've always understood who Roch works for, and it's job security to not "roch the boat" with an Angelos.  Ask people like Jon Miller who didn't "bleed orange and black" enough.  That's why instead we get people like Rick Dempsey and Jim Hunter.  If Roch doesn't care about what some say, he's free to defend himself here.   Asking for censorship of those comments here is cowardly.  

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