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Loewen done pitching


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A terrible shame. We never really got to see if Loewen could have become the ace pitcher many experts thought he would be. He did not fail, he just broke down. The positive is that many thought he could have been a star hitter. Good luck to Loewen, he always came across as a good guy. Here is hoping he can become our Ankiel. The flash point will be next year when it comes time to send him to the minors after spring training. Will some team claim him??? Doubtful but he would be the equivalent of a Rule 5 pick. If we take him off the 40 he would be a Rule 5.

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Here's the million dollar question for me... Is Adam Loewen's career as an Oriole now over?

Unfortunately for the O's (as well as for Adam) is that he is out of options. He won't be able to reinvent himself in the minors ala Rick Ankiel, he'll have to be on the 25-man roster. Sure, there's the fall instructional league as well as spring training, but will that be enough? Most certainly not. Would the Orioles stash him on their bench while he continues to adjust and learn? Or will they simply have to let him go? This could be quite an interesting predictament.

I'd just walk away, at this point and time. The chances of him pulling a Rick Ankiel are few and far between.

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Do you really think he wouldn't make it through waivers? That another team would keep him on their 25-man roster as a hitter if the Orioles wouldn't? I don't buy it. I think he'll pass through waivers and play a full season in the minors next year.

Honestly, I'm not really sure. But could another team claim him, in hopes that he'll pitch again? It's obvious pitching is in his heart. What if another team came along and claimed him, then convinced him that surgery would be the way to go? I'm not saying it's likely, but I'd guess it's certainly possible.

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I just asked a question. What did you say beforehand regarding this specific situation that we should give you credit for? Do you want to tell me or no? It is not my role to go back and research your "contributions" to this board. I'm not the one bragging and doing an "I told you so". I'd think you'd be willing to tell us why you're so smart.

Ah, just like you went back and looked at all my posts to give me negative rep for no reason other than your apparent jocking. Good job, vatech. Continue the good work.

I just posted my synopsis in this thread. To sum it up even further: I would have been shocked if Loewen put together a full season, let alone 2 seasons of consistent baseball as a pitcher. Furthermore, before he went on the DL the 2nd time this season, and before he came off the DL the first time, I said that if he was rushed (and he was) he'd end up getting hurt again and possibly screwing over the rest of his career indefinitely. BTW, feel free to negative rep me again, you've been my biggest supporter, here.

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Here's the million dollar question for me... Is Adam Loewen's career as an Oriole now over?

Unfortunately for the O's (as well as for Adam) is that he is out of options. He won't be able to reinvent himself in the minors ala Rick Ankiel, he'll have to be on the 25-man roster. Sure, there's the fall instructional league as well as spring training, but will that be enough? Most certainly not. Would the Orioles stash him on their bench while he continues to adjust and learn? Or will they simply have to let him go? This could be quite an interesting predictament.

If I remember correctly about the Ankiel situation, he had to pass through waivers. I believe there was sort of a 'gentleman's agreement' that since his career was hanging by a thread and the Cardinals were willing to help him, no other team selected him off of waivers. I'm sure one of our Cardinal fans on here can explain the whole story.

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If I remember correctly about the Ankiel situation, he had to pass through waivers. I believe there was sort of a 'gentleman's agreement' that since his career was hanging by a thread and the Cardinals were willing to help him, no other team selected him off of waivers. I'm sure one of our Cardinal fans on here can explain the whole story.

Reading the comments on the blog posing, Roch is suggesting that the O's will sever his current deal and retain his rights making me think that a gentleman's agreement is exactly what will happen.

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Honestly, I'm not really sure. But could another team claim him, in hopes that he'll pitch again? It's obvious pitching is in his heart. What if another team came along and claimed him, then convinced him that surgery would be the way to go? I'm not saying it's likely, but I'd guess it's certainly possible.

They can't force Loewen to do the surgery, and if he wouldn't do it for us why would he for some one else?

It's possible (and with the history the Orioles seem to have with luck, really quite likely :laughlol:), but I don't see it happening.

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This has absolutely NOTHING to do with his elbow. This is just generic stuff about him not sticking to a good workout routine. Bones don't break twice in two years due to a poor workout routine.

I think I've read everything you posted about Loewen and I don't remember you ever saying a word specifically about his elbow, not one. If I missed it, please let me know.

In the meantime, keep simultaneously bragging and playing the victim. It looks good on you.

Oh please. A poor workout routine and a poor offseason regimen are directly related to his shoulder as well as forearm/elbow issues. His forearm/elbow issues were certainly compounded by putting that bastard of a screw in his arm. I don't/didn't think he'll ever be the same again as such.

That wasn't what I've always said about Loewen. It's never been just about a poorly executed workout routine. It was much more about phantom and hidden injuries that were kept from the team. It was also about labrum issues and forearm/elbow issues related direcetly to both his workout routine, his hiding of the injuries, as well as his surgery that most definitely put the final nail in the coffin, so to speak, of his pitching career.

I've always echoed these sentiments. And if you don't think so, look them up. You've looked up every post in the past about me, what's keeping you from doing it now? More work?

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Again, I'm not the guy bragging. I think you didn't say a word about his workout routine related to his elbow and now you're stuck. I really think you didn't expect to be called on your little "look how cool I am" post.

How does a poor workout routine relate to breaking bones in one's forearm?

How am I stuck? Do you think him quitting pitching is entirely related to his forearm? I'll tell you now, it's not. Call it bragging, call it whatever. I'm 100% positive of this.

Once again, you go the simplistic route. It's not entirely related to a poor workout routine. Let's break his "retiring as a pitcher" down for you:

1. Labrum issues in the past

2. Forearm tenderness in the past, and recent past

3. Elbow issues in the past, requiring surgery (but could have been rehabbed)

4. Elbow issues and forearm issues in the past and recent past

5. Poor offseason routine that has resulted in various arm and shoulder "hidden" injuries (can either believe me or not, but I've been right about them)

Now, coupling those together:

His poor workout routine (see: overtraining and poorly executed regimen), injuries kept from the club since he wanted to complete (I don't blame him, but it hurt the club, ultimately) have definitely led to the issues in the present (i.e. him retiring).

And, FWIW, he didn't break his elbow. He had a stress fracture. Guess what? You can get stress fractures in the weight room and other forms of training.

But keep detracting.

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