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MASN dispute update


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42 minutes ago, accinfo said:

I heard that today.  He said that he heard through a good source that they offered 3 billion to buy and move the Orioles to Las Vegas.  He seemed to indicate that it was something MLB supported.  I am not sure if that has to do with their disdain for the Angelo's family because of this on going dispute and they want to get ownership away from anyone in the Angelo's family.  I have a hard time believing they would favor moving the Orioles over Tampa Bay are Oakland who don't have newer stadium's.  Are those markets more valuable to MLB then Baltimore?  If they really feel fans here can be lumped into the Washington market they are wrong.  Sure as baseball would become a memory here in Baltimore younger fans in the area will gravitate to the Nationals if they are the only thing on TV but to me they will always be separate markets.  I am not going to over react to this but as much as I love baseball this would finish me as a baseball fan. 

So the city of Las Vegas made an offer?  How does that work?  MLB doesn't allow municipalities to own teams. 

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I don’t believe for a second that the Orioles will be moved, regardless of what happens with the MASN lawsuit.  The Orioles are a storied franchise with a crown jewel of a ballpark and a rabid fan base.  Ownership has probably prepared for the possibility that they might lose the lawsuit and have to pay the Nationals millions more than originally anticipated, but as others have pointed out, this means that the Orioles would get paid more as well.  Either way, I’m sure they will continue to fight and tie this up in the courts for as long as possible, knowing how they operate.  

The only way I could possibly see the team moving is if the Angelos family sells the team to an out of town buyer, but even then, I just don’t see it happening.  Teams like Oakland & Tampa Bay would likely be moved before the Orioles due to their stadium situations and lack of attendance/revenue generated.  If anything, the situation will force the Orioles to commit even further to investing in scouting, player development, analytics & technology, because they won’t be able to spend big money on free agents anymore (like they did with Chris Davis & Alex Cobb, for example).  They will be forced to do it like Tampa Bay & Oakland does it, but that also means it’s less likely  they will be able to keep their best players unless they sign them very early in their careers before the arbitration years,

If I’m being naive about this, and there truly is a real chance the team could be moved, please convince me, because I just can’t see it happening.  If MLB is conspiring against the Orioles and is intentionally trying to force them to sell and move, then something needs to be done to prevent it, because it would be a major black eye for baseball and an entire fanbase with a proud history.

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Though I find it to be unlikely that the team is moved, I don't think I'd be that surprised if Angelos did so much damage relations-wise with MLB that they just want him and his team gone. Manfred is about to do some pretty crazy things to this sport next year, so nothing would surprise me with him. I think he'd do just about anything. Still, I find it to be a highly unlikely scenario that the Orioles are moved. Sold? Maybe.

Is the MASN dispute really going to affect whether the Orioles can get another lease on Camden Yards in a couple years? I admit to being a little over my head with this whole situation and the effects it may have down the line if it continues to drag on.

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2 minutes ago, Sessh said:

Though I find it to be unlikely that the team is moved, I don't think I'd be that surprised if Angelos did so much damage relations-wise with MLB that they just want him and his team gone. Manfred is about to do some pretty crazy things to this sport next year, so nothing would surprise me with him. I think he'd do just about anything. Still, I find it to be a highly unlikely scenario that the Orioles are moved. Sold? Maybe.

Is the MASN dispute really going to affect whether the Orioles can get another lease on Camden Yards in a couple years? I admit to being a little over my head with this whole situation and the effects it may have down the line if it continues to drag on.

Getting the Angelos family out while keeping the team in Baltimore is the more likely course of action.

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23 minutes ago, Sessh said:

Though I find it to be unlikely that the team is moved, I don't think I'd be that surprised if Angelos did so much damage relations-wise with MLB that they just want him and his team gone. Manfred is about to do some pretty crazy things to this sport next year, so nothing would surprise me with him. I think he'd do just about anything. Still, I find it to be a highly unlikely scenario that the Orioles are moved. Sold? Maybe.

Is the MASN dispute really going to affect whether the Orioles can get another lease on Camden Yards in a couple years? I admit to being a little over my head with this whole situation and the effects it may have down the line if it continues to drag on.

The MASN dispute is a big deal to the Orioles because it is going to decide the value of the Orioles' television market for the future. So, while the Baltimore television market might be bigger than other cities - the way that the MASN profits get divided could make the Orioles' television market worth significantly less than another market who wants a team: Vegas, Portland, Nashville, etc. 

So, the MASN decision might not only make it difficult for the Orioles to have a competitive payroll - it might lead to a decision where it is in the best financial interest for its ownership group to move the team to a city - like Vegas - where they're going to have more revenue and tons of free taxpayer money thrown at them to build a new fancy stadium. Camden Yards is old and is going to need significant reinvestment soon.

Angelos was a crummy owner on the baseball side of things - but he's a big reason the Orioles are in Baltimore with a nice, beautiful stadium downtown. He loves Baltimore and he used his financial power to keep them here. He should be applauded for that. I believe that his sons have his same dedication to Baltimore and its community - but there's questions if they can even hang onto a team once their parents pass away.

So, if the Angelos sons need to sell or want to sell - which is very well possible - I could see the acquiring ownership group seeing an opportunity to move a team with an expiring lease and a declining financial situation to greener pastures. I don't think Manfred's hate for the Angelos family means anything - it's simply that money talks and a new ownership group probably won't have any emotional attachment to Baltimore to keep them here.

That being said, I'm doubtful anything happens anytime soon. But, I wouldn't count on the Orioles staying here indefinitely as a sure thing.

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Even if the Angelos family eventually sells the team, I have a strong feeling it would be to an ownership group with strong ties to Baltimore.  I agree that their affection for Baltimore will most likely outweigh their willingness to sell to out of town investors that could potentially move the team, but then again, money talks, so who knows?  Let’s just hope for the best, because I don’t think I and the majority of true Oriole fans could handle the Orioles moving out of Baltimore.  I was luckily too young to remember the Colts moving away, but I never want to have to experience something like that.  I would be totally devastated.

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3 minutes ago, Obando said:

Even if the Angelos family eventually sells the team, I have a strong feeling it would be to an ownership group with strong ties to Baltimore.  I agree that their affection for Baltimore will most likely outweigh their willingness to sell to out of town investors that could potentially move the team, but then again, money talks, so who knows?  Let’s just hope for the best, because I don’t think I and the majority of true Oriole fans could handle the Orioles moving out of Baltimore.  I was luckily too young to remember the Colts moving away, but I never want to have to experience something like that.  I would be totally devastated.

I don't think it's wise to just assume the sons are the same as the father.

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24 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

I don't think it's wise to just assume the sons are the same as the father.

I don’t assume that.  If anything, I think they are very different, which is why I am actually optimistic about the future of the team and think they “get it” when it comes to needing to do a full rebuild and seeing it through.  I just mean that I think they truly care about Baltimore like their father does, and wouldn’t want to see the team be moved (or move it themselves).  Money talks, but if the team were to move, I just can’t see them being the ones to do it considering they are from Baltimore and are very philanthropic when it comes to helping the City and community at large.  That is the one positive thing that we could always say about the Angelos family, despite their very poor track record as owners.

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1 hour ago, theocean said:

The MASN dispute is a big deal to the Orioles because it is going to decide the value of the Orioles' television market for the future. So, while the Baltimore television market might be bigger than other cities - the way that the MASN profits get divided could make the Orioles' television market worth significantly less than another market who wants a team: Vegas, Portland, Nashville, etc. 

So, the MASN decision might not only make it difficult for the Orioles to have a competitive payroll - it might lead to a decision where it is in the best financial interest for its ownership group to move the team to a city - like Vegas - where they're going to have more revenue and tons of free taxpayer money thrown at them to build a new fancy stadium. Camden Yards is old and is going to need significant reinvestment soon.

Angelos was a crummy owner on the baseball side of things - but he's a big reason the Orioles are in Baltimore with a nice, beautiful stadium downtown. He loves Baltimore and he used his financial power to keep them here. He should be applauded for that. I believe that his sons have his same dedication to Baltimore and its community - but there's questions if they can even hang onto a team once their parents pass away.

So, if the Angelos sons need to sell or want to sell - which is very well possible - I could see the acquiring ownership group seeing an opportunity to move a team with an expiring lease and a declining financial situation to greener pastures. I don't think Manfred's hate for the Angelos family means anything - it's simply that money talks and a new ownership group probably won't have any emotional attachment to Baltimore to keep them here.

That being said, I'm doubtful anything happens anytime soon. But, I wouldn't count on the Orioles staying here indefinitely as a sure thing.

Peter Angelos had nothing to do with Camden Yards, nothing. 

He does love Baltimore. 

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1 hour ago, Can_of_corn said:

I don't think it's wise to just assume the sons are the same as the father.

John in particular as been pretty vocal about the team's role in the community. Other teams talk that talk for sure, but it seems like he really means it.

They're definitely different people, but it seems like Peter's political and community views have carried onto his sons.

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2 hours ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

Well word is MLB will not allow the sons to take ownership of the team under any circumstances. 

Isn’t that really just s rumor or dimes educated opinion? Had there been a statement from mlb that supports that opinion? 

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4 hours ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

Well word is MLB will not allow the sons to take ownership of the team under any circumstances. 

Want to see proof of this. Also, praying Kevin Plank or Bischotti come into the O's picture ownership wise if the Angelos' aren't allowed to keep the team.

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5 hours ago, MDtransplant757 said:

Want to see proof of this. Also, praying Kevin Plank or Bischotti come into the O's picture ownership wise if the Angelos' aren't allowed to keep the team.

Well by “word”, I thought it would be understood that it is speculation.

I’ve heard mentioned by more than one media person. Again no idea if this is true, but Angelos relationship with MLB isn’t good. So I wouldn’t be surprised that when Peter passes that MLB would want the Orioles sold.

One problem with that is the wife could assume ownership, and if the sons really want to keep the O’s they can sue MLB. Hopefully this doesn’t turn into a cluster. 

I like what, I see out of the Angelos sons so far and hope MLB is fair to them when the time comes.

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