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The New Cavalry?


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Bergeson and Berken gave us just about all you could ask for. Good moments, some solid starts, and hope. We've seen so many guys get chances recently and only Means has done anything with it. 

The fact that nobody has really stepped up out of nowhere just illustrates how we aren't competing again until 2022. Which makes the keep everyone in the minors strategy the right call. 

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17 hours ago, interloper said:

I think this is fair in that most of these guys would go on to have successful careers. However, we didn't get what we hoped, which was 4 or 5 good homegrown starting pitchers. And that's probably an unfair expectation/hope. Loewen was in this convo as well and flamed out even worse than Matusz did.


Yeah, injuries derailed Loewen as well.

As you mentioned, the expectations on our end as fans were just unreasonable.  That why depth is so important, because the odds are that most of these guys aren't going to work out.  It's also why I'm really following Means closely, because if he turns into even a back-end rotation starter that's a huge development.  You need some of these "out-of-nowhere" guys as well.

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16 hours ago, El Gordo said:

When they're pitching well for Bowie then I;ll start to get excited.

Yeah that is my feeling as well. Also if they have an 89 mph fastball and are pitching well at Bowie I won't get too excited either.  

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2 hours ago, sportsfan8703 said:

Bergeson and Berken gave us just about all you could ask for. Good moments, some solid starts, and hope. We've seen so many guys get chances recently and only Means has done anything with it. 

The fact that nobody has really stepped up out of nowhere just illustrates how we aren't competing again until 2022. Which makes the keep everyone in the minors strategy the right call. 

I'd rather see some of the "prospects" brought along in increments. Bringing them all in around the same time could easily backfire if they are not up to task. At least with the incremental call ups they'll have an idea on what is needed to supplement the roster. All of that is just my opinion. They really don't have but a few ML players currently. There is a lot of potential for misery.

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14 hours ago, Frobby said:

The league was beginning to adjust?    ERA by month: 





In his final game, he allowed 1 run in 7 innings.    

I think it’s entirely possible he would have fallen to earth later that year, but the league certainly hadn’t adjusted to him.   If anything, it was the other way around.  

Yes, they were adjusting, as they always do. He had mediocre stuff. No swing and miss pitches. He was a contact guy. We got about the best we could have from him. It was only a matter of time. Guys like him are a dime a dozen. Hype...see what I mean. lol

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8 minutes ago, Jammer7 said:

Yes, they were adjusting, as they always do. He had mediocre stuff. No swing and miss pitches. He was a contact guy. We got about the best we could have from him. It was only a matter of time. Guys like him are a dime a dozen. Hype...see what I mean. lol

Thanks for the evidence....NOT!!!

And to be crystal clear, whether the league would have adjusted is a separate issue from whether the league had adjusted. There’s no evidence whatsoever that they had, at the time he got hurt.

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7 hours ago, LA2 said:

Did Davies, Hader, Harvey, Bridwell, and someone else comprise another wave of cavalry that galloped off to other battlefields (or limped back to camp)?

There really wasn’t a second cavalry there because the Orioles were a playoff team and didn’t need saving.

Personally I think there something to be said about whether or not it matters if a player has success away from Baltimore, because surely Baltimore has mismanaged the talent out of several ball players. I look at the careers of guys like Arrieta, Uehara, and even Albers and Bridwell and wonder if we stunt our talent before they can be anything. Our track record with homegrown players is, frankly, atrocious, and there’s a pattern (albeit with some noise) that other teams fix our players when they leave.

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10 hours ago, LA2 said:

Did Davies, Hader, Harvey, Bridwell, and someone else comprise another wave of cavalry that galloped off to other battlefields (or limped back to camp)?

I don't think they ever did enough for us in the minors to be considered an onrushing wave.

Not the way the original cavalry, or the new cavalry, are.

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3 hours ago, Frobby said:

Thanks for the evidence....NOT!!!

And to be crystal clear, whether the league would have adjusted is a separate issue from whether the league had adjusted. There’s no evidence whatsoever that they had, at the time he got hurt.

True dat!

On the other hand, sans injuries, if Bergesen were to lose his mojo roughly coincident with Matusz's and Arrieta's collapses--and Tillman's need for a long recall--that would have made the O's suck-at-development thesis even stronger.

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2 hours ago, O's84 said:

How messed up would it be if one of the new cavalry's name was Custer.

Or had a great narrative poem and two fine, though very different, feature films made about it.

Hint: Lite Becomes 0.

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