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The official "Do not call up Matt Wieters" thread


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Since Dave Trembley has no use for anyone coming from the minor leagues, it is imperative that Matt Wieters finishes his season at Bowie!! It would be terrible to see him called up at any point this year to see him be the 3rd string catcher behind the two nobodies we have now.

Please Andy, if you read this. Leave Matt Wieters at Bowie for the rest of the year so he is not "Montanez'ed" once he is called up. At least at Bowie he is getting playing time and in a playoff race. To call him up no would be useless, as he would never get to play and could be hurt in his long-term development.

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Jeeez. Doesn't anybody think that Wieters needs a little rest after his first year as a pro? He is a catcher which is the most physical demanding position and needs some rest after the season. Do you guys really want to risk damaging him only for the Orioles to win 2 games more in 2008.

Shut him down after the season in Bowie has ended and let him rest. In 2009 take him to spring training and let him be the starting catcher!

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I do not feel strongly one way or the other. Stays dowm through the Bowie playoffs, or goes to Norfolk, or makes the show. You can argue all day which is better and who has what to prove, but I dont know. Well if he were to be called up then he should definately be playing regularly. In fact I have no doubt that if and when he gets the call he will be inserted immediately and start at least 60% of the games. I think our frustrated OP is being a bit sarcastic to suggest that Wieters would be treated the same as Montenez, who was brought up to fill Paytons role as the 4th OF.

The thing that I do not like is the O's must have some idea if and when Wieters will be called up this year and they wont give anything but scraps and hints. I guess AM doesnt want to commit to any timetable that he might have to adjust later. But still it is frustrating and smells all too much like the lack of information I have been getting used to from them for many years.

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Since Dave Trembley has no use for anyone coming from the minor leagues, it is imperative that Matt Wieters finishes his season at Bowie!! It would be terrible to see him called up at any point this year to see him be the 3rd string catcher behind the two nobodies we have now.

Please Andy, if you read this. Leave Matt Wieters at Bowie for the rest of the year so he is not "Montanez'ed" once he is called up. At least at Bowie he is getting playing time and in a playoff race. To call him up no would be useless, as he would never get to play and could be hurt in his long-term development.

Good topic.

The problem I have with this is, Montanez is not being "Montanez'ed". Give Trembley some slack on this. The dude has played in 2 out of 3 games. That equals to a whole game and he pinch hit yetsterday. He is getting his chance to get his licks in, and if he belongs, he will stick. Maybe the first game he had jet-lag? Everyone griped about Millar being in the lineup and the dude hit 2 homeruns yesterday. Yeah yeah, I know about the youth movement, which I support BTW. We are not big league managers for a reason. :D

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Two months now, when the season is all but lost, or the entire 2014 season, when the O's might actually have a chance at competing? For me, it's a no-brainer. It really doesn't matter if he's got nothing left to prove, the O's will hopefully need his bat more in 2014.

As a sort of sentimental kicker, when was the last time an Oriole won RoY? Olson in 1989. If we call up Wieters now, he won't be eligible for the 2009 RoY, whereas if we use the Longoria strategy, he can, and will have a good chance to, win the RoY. Not that that's important, the important thing is the service clock, but it's something to be aware of.

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Patience, patience....

If Bradford is any indication, you can bet MacPhail is passing as many vets through waivers as possible with the hopes that someone will bite. I'm just not sure Ramon will get any takers.

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Guest Sailor Jerry

First, it seems safe to assume Ramon made it through waivers. I have a hard time thinking they wouldn't just let him go if someone claimed him.

Second, the guy is getting his first taste of pro-ball, and this is his longest season ever in terms of catching on an everyday basis, and at his highest level too. Some people can't rest easy knowing he'll be the guy next year? You can't just let him get into a groove so he'll be ready next year?

Your logic in this case is tortured.

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Jeeez. Doesn't anybody think that Wieters needs a little rest after his first year as a pro? He is a catcher which is the most physical demanding position and needs some rest after the season. Do you guys really want to risk damaging him only for the Orioles to win 2 games more in 2008.

Shut him down after the season in Bowie has ended and let him rest. In 2009 take him to spring training and let him be the starting catcher!

I'm J.D., and I completely approve this message. :D

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Lets discuss further whose logic is tortured...

1) Is Wieters going to get the rest of August in Bowie? Clearly yes... are you stating there is a higher physical risk of injury with him catching in Bowie vs Baltimore?

2) If Wieters has 200 Major League at-bats to end 2008.... is he, or is he not better prepared to produce quicker in 2009?

3) Who is going to be your 2009 starting catcher... Wieters or Ramon? Obviously Wieters.... so why give at-bats and playing time to a guy that won't even be here instead of your presumptive starter?

Guess who's forgetting that September exists again. :D

Cute paraphrase of me in your signature, by the way. Not at all accurate with what I was trying to say, but nice try. ;)

Stay classy, crstoner. Stay classy.

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First, it seems safe to assume Ramon made it through waivers. I have a hard time thinking they wouldn't just let him go if someone claimed him.

Second, the guy is getting his first taste of pro-ball, and this is his longest season ever in terms of catching on an everyday basis, and at his highest level too. Some people can't rest easy knowing he'll be the guy next year? You can't just let him get into a groove so he'll be ready next year?

Your logic in this case is tortured.

Great points, Jerry. While not coming out and proclaiming himself tired, I believe Wieters has commented on several different occassions on just how brutal his first full professional season has been.

As far as Montanez is concerned...sheesh, the guy has been up for just a handful of games. I want to see Montanez, Wieters, Reimold, Mickolio, Tillman, Arrieta, David Hernandez, and Chorye Spoone in big league uniforms and playing regularly in a big way as much as anyone else. I have a lot of faith in Andy MacPhail and his staff along with Dave Trembley. I believe there is a clear plan in place, one that it may not behoove the organization to share publicly.


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So next year, when he has an even longer season in a much more stressful environment, are we going to shut down Wieters in early to mid Sept?

When is he allowed to get through a full season? 2011?

He can come up here, catch 3 times a week an DH the rest of the time...or even play first some.

He can get to know the pitchers up here...See some pitching that may actually challenge him and get his feet wet.

If there is any thought at all about sending him to the AFL, then just let him finish the season in Baltimore and then let him rest until ST.

If he is getting tired, it sure isn't showing through his performance.

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Guest Sailor Jerry
Great points, Jerry. While not coming out and proclaiming himself tired, I believe Wieters has commented on several different occassions on just how brutal his first full professional season has been.

That's my premise. His adjustment is going just fine.

The tortured logic is to think that because a guy who is becoming a minor league journeyman of sorts doesn't play every single day now, this phenom catcher who the big league manager has time and again said is the real deal would come up and then collect splinters out of his pants. It's just an asinine, whiney statement.

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