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The official "Do not call up Matt Wieters" thread


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So your response to my absolute comment is stating you definitively think I am wrong...? lol... I guess I am missing the difference?

It is fine for you to have that opinion... and I will allow, maybe you are right... I would like to know what exactly he is learning, and has learned at this point though...

Tony talks to Trip Norton, and David Stockstill all the time... and I know they regularly read this board...

I would like to hear what they think Wieters is working on right now, and what instruction he is receiving, and has received that has made him a better player.

Again, I'm not the one who said anything about absolute comments, but it's pretty hard to imagine that he's not learning anything at all. My issue is acting like this and some of the other things you want done are of monumental importance. Maybe it's just because there's not a ton to talk about at the moment, I'll give you that.

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Only the names change ... Thrift, Flanagan, Beattie, Duquette, MacPhail.

They have all operated under this approach... all scared to death to see if the existing organizational youth they have can make the adjustment... when they have a perfectly fine older last-place team already set to go in the Majors.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."

~ Albert Einstein

Asking a last-place team, that says they are rebuilding, to get younger and more talented from existing internal options should not be that much to ask of the organization.

Totally disagree. Your talking about GMs that consistently brought guys up with minimal minor league experience b/c there was absolutely nothing at higher minor league levels. That is why D-Cab came up w/ only a few weeks at AA, Screech was brought up from class A, Matt Riley was rushed, Penn was brought up too quickly, and Loewen was given a major league contract (not just to save a couple of bucks, but b/c the O's consistently rushed guys to the bigs).

Allowing guys to actually get some seasoning is something entirely new to this organization.

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Totally disagree. Your talking about GMs that consistently brought guys up with minimal minor league experience b/c there was absolutely nothing at higher minor league levels. That is why D-Cab came up w/ only a few weeks at AA, Screech was brought up from class A, Matt Riley was rushed, Penn was brought up too quickly, and Loewen was given a major league contract (not just to save a couple of bucks, but b/c the O's consistently rushed guys to the bigs).

Allowing guys to actually get some seasoning is something entirely new to this organization.

Finally someone that is telling the actual recent history of the O's. In the past wieters would be here, which would not be all bad. however so would Tillman, hernandez and Bergeson. Which would not be nearly as good a thing.

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"I think his defensive ability is going to allow him to move quickly," Jordan said of Wieters, whose plus arm allowed him to also serve as closer at Georgia Tech. "We think the bat is just a bat that needs Minor League at-bats. He needs to swing the wooden bat for a while, but everything together, this guy should be on an accelerated pace."

Wieters, listed at 6-foot-5 and 230 pounds, is hardly an ideal size for a catcher, but Jordan and Flanagan both stressed his defensive skill as the main reason he was an attractive candidate. From Jordan's perspective, any concerns about the backstop's size dissolve the moment you watch him handle a pitching staff.

"It's not prototypical, but there are some and there have been some," he said. "This guy's done it for three years in college without any problems. ...He's not a vocal throwback type ... but this guy is a leader."

Jordan's reference is about Wieter's ability "to handle a pitching staff" despite his size is about his catching ability, not his ability to call a game. Calling a game....as in learning to spot the strengths and weaknesses of batters, which pitch to throw, and in what location, in any given game situation. Since he didn't have to do this in college, he is learning to do it in the minors. I'm sure the O's want Wieter's fully ready when he assumes the catching duties next spring.

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Jordan's reference is about Wieter's ability "to handle a pitching staff" despite his size is about his catching ability, not his ability to call a game. Calling a game....as in learning to spot the strengths and weaknesses of batters, which pitch to throw, and in what location, in any given game situation. Since he didn't have to do this in college, he is learning to do it in the minors. I'm sure the O's want Wieter's fully ready when he assumes the catching duties next spring.

Judging by the results of Bowie's pitching staff, I'd say Wieters calls a pretty good game.

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Jordan's reference is about Wieter's ability "to handle a pitching staff" despite his size is about his catching ability, not his ability to call a game. Calling a game....as in learning to spot the strengths and weaknesses of batters, which pitch to throw, and in what location, in any given game situation. Since he didn't have to do this in college, he is learning to do it in the minors. I'm sure the O's want Wieter's fully ready when he assumes the catching duties next spring.

Everyone has said he does a good job calling games.

Since he is already doing a good job, i don't see why he can't really learn this in the majors and since Dempsey is up here and is always around the team, he would be a good guy to teach Wieters and answer questions.

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You keep Wieters down to give Ramon every chance to put up some numbers so you can trade him in the offseason. From the looks of it, it's going to take Wieters about a week to adjust to the majors so there's really no need to get him up here to get his feet wet this year.

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Jordan's reference is about Wieter's ability "to handle a pitching staff" despite his size is about his catching ability, not his ability to call a game. Calling a game....as in learning to spot the strengths and weaknesses of batters, which pitch to throw, and in what location, in any given game situation. Since he didn't have to do this in college, he is learning to do it in the minors. I'm sure the O's want Wieter's fully ready when he assumes the catching duties next spring.

All he's going to learn with more time in the minors is better calling a game against minor leaguers - which may or may not help him in the majors. I would think his learning curve should speed up once he gets to the majors - and is pretty much staying flat as long as he's in the minors.

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