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No Fanfest in 2020?


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9 hours ago, Dipper9 said:

I appreciate those who are disappointed and I won't disparage these folks.

As for me, I am a 13 game season ticket holder, get to about 20 games per year, and honestly am finding a hard time justifying renewing for 2020.  I am in favor of the rebuild and completely understand why they are doing it, but it makes for some really, really long nights at the Yard.  And the Orioles marketing department, knowing full well that the team is not competitive, still charges full prices for tickets, still charges up-charges for Prime games, etc.  I mean, c'mon, we lose to everyone.  Do you really need to charge the fans extra to see us lose to the Yankees?  Or lose on a weekend?  Gimme a break here.  Make it worthwhile for me to renew and want to go see guys play who I could see the same caliber (or better) within an hour drive at our Minor League stadiums.

So yeah, if the games are tough to watch, I certainly would not have attended FanFest this year.  

And before those who don't know me start calling me a fair weather or band wagon fan, I live and die by this team night after night, 162 games a year, for the past 45 years.  Win or lose I support this team.  I'm just looking for a reason to PAY to support them when I can watch at home in the comfort of my jammers and recliner?

I completely understand where you are coming from, and in no way, shape or form do I doubt your fanhood.  

I can not confirm 100%, but I believe I heard that we are a bottom five team as far as ticket pricing is concerned.  I went to Dallas for a week during the Rangers series this year, and every game I paid over $100 to sit behind the visitor dugout for the Orioles.  My equivalent tickets to section 56, which run from $48-$76 if memory serves, cost me $80 or more for weekend games.  Hell, I stayed for the Adrian Beltre number retirement ceremony, and it was nearly $100 for upper deck nosebleeds.  And that was from a team that is getting a new stadium next year.  And forget parking....$8-$10 is great for the Orioles lots, where it's nearly $40 to park in satellite lots and walk a quarter mile in Southeast DC to get to Nats.  

So while I agree that something needs to change in the value of the STH plan/package etc, the pricing is actually in a good place.   The perks are on their way up, but they need to step up the giveaways next year, and fix the fan interaction piece, because without Fanfest and STH appreciation day, they don't have any fan interaction at all (compounded by the nets now) 

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I agree with Dipper9 only I have been a fan for 64 years. My addition to his comments would be the crime in the city has made people look at the team differently. Small crowds make it more unsafe walking out of OP at night late when you may walk out of there alone or with someone.  I have complained to my season ticket reps for a few years about the lack of police visibility on the streets near OP and on the lots outside the park. Nobody armed and in sight.They need to get attendance up and sooner than later. Rebuild yes with spot additions from outside the team. I'm one of the few who thinks with a few key additions including some of our top prospects we can be an above.500 team again in a year or two. Start with the bullpen and get rid of Givens. How many games did they blow last season?

The Nationals success has changed things as well and it really bothers me how they have spent money and are now going to the Series starting tonight while it seems like yesterday we were beating Detroit and losing to the Royals in the playoffs. Games I attended. Sign a couple of younger free agents or trade for some help and people will come back more often as the wins pick up. I think people have enough issues in their life today without getting depressed at an Orioles game. I actually changed the type of vehicle I drive from a sedan style to a SUV because of the crime and squeegee boys who I have come close to blowups with. I almost swung my door into one of them last season but a friend talked me out of it. The Mayor is useless and there needs to be immediate action taken if the Orioles have to hire their own police force. Being more raised or elevated in a vehicle allows you to look down on them and give you a little bit of an edge.

Is there anything better than going to Dempsey's before a game or afterwards on a day game?  Especially if they are winning.!

FanFest? Not having it is a mistake in my opinion even though I never went and would give my passes away. It's a great warm up on a cold day for the coming start of Spring Training and the regular season. It looks like it's another cost saver and something the front office doesn't have to be bothered with as they bring their new fresh ideas into view. Problems with players not showing up for it should never be a problem. It should be written into their contracts they are to attend or be fined. Is the Convention Center booked in January? I doubt it and think they should change their minds about this and somehow spend some money and make it the best they have ever had. How about a free crab cake to everyone attending ? $120,000 ?  Okay ! Too much ? Slice of pizza and a coke? $50,000 ? Do it !!

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2 hours ago, section18 said:

I agree with Dipper9 only I have been a fan for 64 years. My addition to his comments would be the crime in the city has made people look at the team differently. Small crowds make it more unsafe walking out of OP at night late when you may walk out of there alone or with someone.  I have complained to my season ticket reps for a few years about the lack of police visibility on the streets near OP and on the lots outside the park. Nobody armed and in sight.They need to get attendance up and sooner than later. Rebuild yes with spot additions from outside the team. I'm one of the few who thinks with a few key additions including some of our top prospects we can be an above.500 team again in a year or two. Start with the bullpen and get rid of Givens. How many games did they blow last season?

The Nationals success has changed things as well and it really bothers me how they have spent money and are now going to the Series starting tonight while it seems like yesterday we were beating Detroit and losing to the Royals in the playoffs. Games I attended. Sign a couple of younger free agents or trade for some help and people will come back more often as the wins pick up. I think people have enough issues in their life today without getting depressed at an Orioles game. I actually changed the type of vehicle I drive from a sedan style to a SUV because of the crime and squeegee boys who I have come close to blowups with. I almost swung my door into one of them last season but a friend talked me out of it. The Mayor is useless and there needs to be immediate action taken if the Orioles have to hire their own police force. Being more raised or elevated in a vehicle allows you to look down on them and give you a little bit of an edge.

Is there anything better than going to Dempsey's before a game or afterwards on a day game?  Especially if they are winning.!

FanFest? Not having it is a mistake in my opinion even though I never went and would give my passes away. It's a great warm up on a cold day for the coming start of Spring Training and the regular season. It looks like it's another cost saver and something the front office doesn't have to be bothered with as they bring their new fresh ideas into view. Problems with players not showing up for it should never be a problem. It should be written into their contracts they are to attend or be fined. Is the Convention Center booked in January? I doubt it and think they should change their minds about this and somehow spend some money and make it the best they have ever had. How about a free crab cake to everyone attending ? $120,000 ?  Okay ! Too much ? Slice of pizza and a coke? $50,000 ? Do it !!

It is written in their contract that they have to attend Fanfest or whatever it is called in other cities.They have to have a legitimate excuse not to attend.But a small fine that Schoop got probably made no difference. 

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2 hours ago, section18 said:

I agree with Dipper9 only I have been a fan for 64 years. My addition to his comments would be the crime in the city has made people look at the team differently. Small crowds make it more unsafe walking out of OP at night late when you may walk out of there alone or with someone.  I have complained to my season ticket reps for a few years about the lack of police visibility on the streets near OP and on the lots outside the park. Nobody armed and in sight.They need to get attendance up and sooner than later. Rebuild yes with spot additions from outside the team. I'm one of the few who thinks with a few key additions including some of our top prospects we can be an above.500 team again in a year or two. Start with the bullpen and get rid of Givens. How many games did they blow last season?

The Nationals success has changed things as well and it really bothers me how they have spent money and are now going to the Series starting tonight while it seems like yesterday we were beating Detroit and losing to the Royals in the playoffs. Games I attended. Sign a couple of younger free agents or trade for some help and people will come back more often as the wins pick up. I think people have enough issues in their life today without getting depressed at an Orioles game. I actually changed the type of vehicle I drive from a sedan style to a SUV because of the crime and squeegee boys who I have come close to blowups with. I almost swung my door into one of them last season but a friend talked me out of it. The Mayor is useless and there needs to be immediate action taken if the Orioles have to hire their own police force. Being more raised or elevated in a vehicle allows you to look down on them and give you a little bit of an edge.

Is there anything better than going to Dempsey's before a game or afterwards on a day game?  Especially if they are winning.!

FanFest? Not having it is a mistake in my opinion even though I never went and would give my passes away. It's a great warm up on a cold day for the coming start of Spring Training and the regular season. It looks like it's another cost saver and something the front office doesn't have to be bothered with as they bring their new fresh ideas into view. Problems with players not showing up for it should never be a problem. It should be written into their contracts they are to attend or be fined. Is the Convention Center booked in January? I doubt it and think they should change their minds about this and somehow spend some money and make it the best they have ever had. How about a free crab cake to everyone attending ? $120,000 ?  Okay ! Too much ? Slice of pizza and a coke? $50,000 ? Do it !!

Rays do that for their season ticket holders. I remember a long time back that the Orioles had juice,coffee and bagels and danish before 10 AM for the season ticket holders .

Season Ticket Holders will also be able to access the Republic Bank Draft Room—a club area which will feature a photo station to have their pictures taken with Rays players, complimentary refreshments and hors d’oeuvres, alumni player appearances and more. Season Ticket Holders will also receive a 15 percent discount at select concession and merchandise stands.




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11 hours ago, theocean said:

John Angelos seems like a nice guy, but yep. Money is money. It's a business. I don't trust anything a rich person says.


11 hours ago, TheOtherRipken said:

Especially considering he said they aren’t moving in response to rumors he started when he started telling people he wanted to move the team.

Where did you hear that?   I’m not aware of any members of the Angelos family telling anyone they wanted to move the team.   Don’t spread unfounded rumors unless you can back it up.   

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3 minutes ago, Frobby said:


Where did you hear that?   I’m not aware of any members of the Angelos family telling anyone they wanted to move the team.   Don’t spread unfounded rumors unless you can back it up.   

I find it hard to believe that you missed that (unsubstantiated) story when it came out. 

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8 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

I find it hard to believe that you missed that (unsubstantiated) story when it came out. 

All I heard was (1) John Angelos and his wife bought a second home in Nashville and (2) therefore he must want to move the Orioles to Nashville.    I heard nothing about John Angelos saying anything of the kind to anyone.    But if that was reported, I’d love to read what was said.  

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1 minute ago, Frobby said:

All I heard was (1) John Angelos and his wife bought a second home in Nashville and (2) therefore he must want to move the Orioles to Nashville.    I heard nothing about John Angelos saying anything of the kind to anyone.    But if that was reported, I’d love to read what was said.  

I think even Tony-OH had heard about it through his sources, so he said, it had to be at least a bit more than just a wild rumor.

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5 minutes ago, Frobby said:

All I heard was (1) John Angelos and his wife bought a second home in Nashville and (2) therefore he must want to move the Orioles to Nashville.    I heard nothing about John Angelos saying anything of the kind to anyone.    But if that was reported, I’d love to read what was said.  

Aside from some stuff about his wife's singing that's the gist of it. 

I recall part of the (unsubstantiated) rumor being that he had talked to folks about it.  No one on record of course.

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Here’s what the Baltimore Post-Examiner said:

Reliable sources say we might be headed toward the end of the Angelos era.

These sources say principle owner Peter Angelos’ family has held extensive discussions about selling the team they’ve controlled for the past quarter-century. The same sources say Angelos’ sons, John and Lou, lean toward a sale.

* * *

One rumor has the family retaining ownership but the club moving to Nashville, where John Angelos and his wife have one of their homes. That rumor takes on legitimacy mainly because of sinking attendance at Oriole Park.

But knowledgeable sources say the family would much rather sell – and keep the club in Baltimore, if a local buyer can be found.


I’d forgotten that they reported there had been “substantial discussions” about selling the team.    But they did not report any discussions about moving the team.   


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2 minutes ago, RoarFrom85 said:

I contacted my Season Plan Account Rep. He confirmed that there will not be a FanFest event this year. But he admitted he was somewhat shocked to learn this, as last he had heard the event was being planned. Sounds like the new business team is shaking things up.

Well, they’d better make an announcement and explain what they’re doing instead, before they completely lose control of the narrative.    

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