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Meoli: Blood/Sig/Elias setting the culture prior to new coaching hires


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1 hour ago, Can_of_corn said:

Do we even know if he was extraordinarily skilled at his job?

You could use the backup catcher supposition: If you're in AAA with occasional callups to the majors despite a .577 OPS, someone thinks you're a hell of a catcher.  

If a guy is an obvious jerk with serious problems with social interactions and is in a position of fairly high authority someone probably thought he was awesome or they'd have fired him years ago.  

No, that doesn't always work.  Sometimes/often being a horrific jerk is mistaken for being a strong leader.  

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12 minutes ago, sportsfan8703 said:

Isn’t this thread about people we’ve hired from the Astros?  He’d just be another dude we hired from them. 

You can't be just another dude when your name was plastered all over the national media for being fired for antisocial behavior while the team you work for is in the World Series.

At the very least he's got to go away and spend a year meditating and begging forgiveness in a Himalayan guru's hut before anyone is going to touch his resume again.

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26 minutes ago, sportsfan8703 said:


Isn’t this thread about people we’ve hired from the Astros?  He’d just be another dude we hired from them. 

He’s a dude whose irresponsiblity is causing, at the very least, a black eye on his organization, and if they lose this World Series, he and whoever put out the lying response that could have ruined an innocent reporter’s reputation should shoulder some of the blame for causing a huge distraction. 

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44 minutes ago, Luke-OH said:

He’s a dude whose irresponsiblity is causing, at the very least, a black eye on his organization, and if they lose this World Series, he and whoever put out the lying response that could have ruined an innocent reporter’s reputation should shoulder some of the blame for causing a huge distraction. 

Yeah.  He is in a position of authority.  Assistant GM.  He isn't some scout or coach.  He went to a top university so he should have some smarts to know how to act in this position.  He is at a level where he is representing the club. 

He can go back to the business world.  They hired this guy because he was good at fantasy baseball. 

I think people who minimize this things don't realize that a lot of people upset at this have had either themselves or family members victims of domestic violence. 


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1 hour ago, Moose Milligan said:

I wouldn't, not necessarily.  Of course, he'd have to be REALLY good at what he does.  This is the first time I've ever heard of him, I'm not sure what he brings to the table.  

Luke's post was great.  Yes, you can't acquire a guy like Osuna without being prepared to deal with the fallout.  And if you don't know how to deal with the fallout, you find the proper PR people that can guide you through it and handle it.

I will also say that I'm assuming a guy like that gets his competitive juices flowing from seeing his team do well and a player that he acquired under questionable (at best, in the Osuna case) circumstances being a big part of that success.  Taubman looks like a guy that couldn't crack the varsity roster on his high school team but yet probably struts around like he's on the 25 man roster, if that makes sense.  And so when his team wins, he gets that rush and thinks he can act like a jerk and rub it in the face of anyone and everyone who doubted him along the way.  A pitcher might pump his fist and scream after a strikeout in the 9th inning, this guy finds the people who held his feet to the fire after a questionable move and has to let them know that they were wrong and he was right. 

IMO, the difference here is that the athletes understand that it's part of the game...the batter that just struck out knows that the pitcher got the best of him and he'll get another shot tomorrow and doesn't take it personally.  The nerdy guy who couldn't crack his high school roster gets way too big for his britches and thinks that the female sportswriter is the equivalent of the batter...when she's not.  Reporting on a baseball team acquiring a player with an off the field issue like domestic abuse isn't the equivalent of that batter coming back the next night to hit a walkoff homer to win it.  Taubman didn't understand that it wasn't a competition. 

This all said, I'm of the opinion that what he did wasn't that bad.  Classless?  Absolutely.  Jerk move?  Totally.   Offensive?  Sure.  At the end, he made someone uncomfortable.  Big.  Deal.  In a day and age where the battle for the moral high ground is never ending, is this the worst thing that he could have done?  Is it worse than what Osuna actually did?  Not by a long shot. 

The sliding scale of someone's actions that they can take and still be gainfully employed (domestic violence/95 mph heater) vs. someone's words in an idiotic moment and get fired (emotional outburst towards a reporter/front office dork) is fascinating to me.  At what point do we look the other way when someone's actions/words are terrible yet don't outweigh what they bring to the table?  How many Astros fans gave up their fan card when Osuna was acquired?  Would any of us stop being Orioles fans if we acquired a guy like Osuna in 2012 when we were really good and could have made the WS...or would we have been like "Damn, that guy is a douchebag for what he did, but man...he could put us over the top..."    How many players on the football teams we root for on Sundays have had off the field issues similar or worse to what Osuna did?  And we keep coming back for more.  Meanwhile, we should clutch our pearls when a front office dork like Taubman crosses a line with a stupid offensive verbal outburst without making any physical contact?

So would I be upset if Elias hired Taubman?  It'd raise an eyebrow, but it's not like I haven't shrugged my shoulders and looked the other way before.  Just like many of you have, too.  


They won't hire him. She had the domestic abuse ribbon on at the time as she always does. It's always the cover up anyway.

Here is a good direction for this thread.


The Orioles affiliates from the Rookie-level team through the Triple-A International League squad will each have five coaches, counting the manager, during the 2020 season. Each club last year had a manager, pitching coach, hitting coach and one field/development coach.



The Orioles affiliates from the Rookie-level team through the Triple-A International League squad will each have five coaches, counting the manager, during the 2020 season. Each club last year had a manager, pitching coach, hitting coach and one field/development coach.


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1 hour ago, Moose Milligan said:

I wouldn't, not necessarily.  Of course, he'd have to be REALLY good at what he does.  This is the first time I've ever heard of him, I'm not sure what he brings to the table.  

Luke's post was great.  Yes, you can't acquire a guy like Osuna without being prepared to deal with the fallout.  And if you don't know how to deal with the fallout, you find the proper PR people that can guide you through it and handle it.

I will also say that I'm assuming a guy like that gets his competitive juices flowing from seeing his team do well and a player that he acquired under questionable (at best, in the Osuna case) circumstances being a big part of that success.  Taubman looks like a guy that couldn't crack the varsity roster on his high school team but yet probably struts around like he's on the 25 man roster, if that makes sense.  And so when his team wins, he gets that rush and thinks he can act like a jerk and rub it in the face of anyone and everyone who doubted him along the way.  A pitcher might pump his fist and scream after a strikeout in the 9th inning, this guy finds the people who held his feet to the fire after a questionable move and has to let them know that they were wrong and he was right. 

IMO, the difference here is that the athletes understand that it's part of the game...the batter that just struck out knows that the pitcher got the best of him and he'll get another shot tomorrow and doesn't take it personally.  The nerdy guy who couldn't crack his high school roster gets way too big for his britches and thinks that the female sportswriter is the equivalent of the batter...when she's not.  Reporting on a baseball team acquiring a player with an off the field issue like domestic abuse isn't the equivalent of that batter coming back the next night to hit a walkoff homer to win it.  Taubman didn't understand that it wasn't a competition. 

This all said, I'm of the opinion that what he did wasn't that bad.  Classless?  Absolutely.  Jerk move?  Totally.   Offensive?  Sure.  At the end, he made someone uncomfortable.  Big.  Deal.  In a day and age where the battle for the moral high ground is never ending, is this the worst thing that he could have done?  Is it worse than what Osuna actually did?  Not by a long shot. 

The sliding scale of someone's actions that they can take and still be gainfully employed (domestic violence/95 mph heater) vs. someone's words in an idiotic moment and get fired (emotional outburst towards a reporter/front office dork) is fascinating to me.  At what point do we look the other way when someone's actions/words are terrible yet don't outweigh what they bring to the table?  How many Astros fans gave up their fan card when Osuna was acquired?  Would any of us stop being Orioles fans if we acquired a guy like Osuna in 2012 when we were really good and could have made the WS...or would we have been like "Damn, that guy is a douchebag for what he did, but man...he could put us over the top..."    How many players on the football teams we root for on Sundays have had off the field issues similar or worse to what Osuna did?  And we keep coming back for more.  Meanwhile, we should clutch our pearls when a front office dork like Taubman crosses a line with a stupid offensive verbal outburst without making any physical contact?

So would I be upset if Elias hired Taubman?  It'd raise an eyebrow, but it's not like I haven't shrugged my shoulders and looked the other way before.  Just like many of you have, too.  


He's not that good at his job.



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18 minutes ago, weams said:


Here is a good direction for this thread.



Thank you Weams for redirecting this thread to its intended topic.  I was a bit ticked off when I made my post about Taubman.  Some good discourse followed without anyone taking it into a ditch.

So, there you go we are reallocating revenue!  It’s not all going into the owners pockets!   An extra coach (full time employee) at each level would appear to be a significant investment.  

Edited by JimGinSP
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2 minutes ago, JimGinSP said:

Thank you Weams for redirecting this thread to its intended topic.  I was a bit ticked off when it I made my post.  Some good discourse followed without anyone taking it into a ditch.

So, there you go we are reallocating revenue!  It’s not all going into the owners pockets!   An extra coach (full time employee) at each level would appear to be a significant investment.  

You are welcome. I am sure the monies are not a huge investment, but I think it will help the future Orioles much more than making them sign autographs for 60 year olds. 

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22 minutes ago, weams said:

They won't hire him. She had the domestic abuse ribbon on at the time as she always does. It's always the cover up anyway.

Here is a good direction for this thread.



Well, I wouldn't know what a domestic abuse ribbon looks like.  I'm assuming he did and didn't care, given his history with her.  But I agree, always the coverup.  

6 minutes ago, weams said:

He's not that good at his job.



Well then, not interested in hiring him.  That was easy :) 

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1 hour ago, Moose Milligan said:

I wouldn't, not necessarily.  Of course, he'd have to be REALLY good at what he does.  This is the first time I've ever heard of him, I'm not sure what he brings to the table.  

Luke's post was great.  Yes, you can't acquire a guy like Osuna without being prepared to deal with the fallout.  And if you don't know how to deal with the fallout, you find the proper PR people that can guide you through it and handle it.

I will also say that I'm assuming a guy like that gets his competitive juices flowing from seeing his team do well and a player that he acquired under questionable (at best, in the Osuna case) circumstances being a big part of that success.  Taubman looks like a guy that couldn't crack the varsity roster on his high school team but yet probably struts around like he's on the 25 man roster, if that makes sense.  And so when his team wins, he gets that rush and thinks he can act like a jerk and rub it in the face of anyone and everyone who doubted him along the way.  A pitcher might pump his fist and scream after a strikeout in the 9th inning, this guy finds the people who held his feet to the fire after a questionable move and has to let them know that they were wrong and he was right. 

IMO, the difference here is that the athletes understand that it's part of the game...the batter that just struck out knows that the pitcher got the best of him and he'll get another shot tomorrow and doesn't take it personally.  The nerdy guy who couldn't crack his high school roster gets way too big for his britches and thinks that the female sportswriter is the equivalent of the batter...when she's not.  Reporting on a baseball team acquiring a player with an off the field issue like domestic abuse isn't the equivalent of that batter coming back the next night to hit a walkoff homer to win it.  Taubman didn't understand that it wasn't a competition. 

This all said, I'm of the opinion that what he did wasn't that bad.  Classless?  Absolutely.  Jerk move?  Totally.   Offensive?  Sure.  At the end, he made someone uncomfortable.  Big.  Deal.  In a day and age where the battle for the moral high ground is never ending, is this the worst thing that he could have done?  Is it worse than what Osuna actually did?  Not by a long shot. 

The sliding scale of someone's actions that they can take and still be gainfully employed (domestic violence/95 mph heater) vs. someone's words in an idiotic moment and get fired (emotional outburst towards a reporter/front office dork) is fascinating to me.  At what point do we look the other way when someone's actions/words are terrible yet don't outweigh what they bring to the table?  How many Astros fans gave up their fan card when Osuna was acquired?  Would any of us stop being Orioles fans if we acquired a guy like Osuna in 2012 when we were really good and could have made the WS...or would we have been like "Damn, that guy is a douchebag for what he did, but man...he could put us over the top..."    How many players on the football teams we root for on Sundays have had off the field issues similar or worse to what Osuna did?  And we keep coming back for more.  Meanwhile, we should clutch our pearls when a front office dork like Taubman crosses a line with a stupid offensive verbal outburst without making any physical contact?

So would I be upset if Elias hired Taubman?  It'd raise an eyebrow, but it's not like I haven't shrugged my shoulders and looked the other way before.  Just like many of you have, too.  


You are correct, what he said "wasn't that bad." However, to directly make that statement repeatedly to a group of females certainly shows his lack of judgement, character and any sensitivity to the issue. He should be gone.

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53 minutes ago, weams said:

They won't hire him. She had the domestic abuse ribbon on at the time as she always does. It's always the cover up anyway.

Here is a good direction for this thread.



I think people on here have discussed it maturely.  I read an article on Yahoo and all the comments were about how "women didn't belong in the locker room" type stuff.  I see MLB Trade Rumors has disabled comments on the articles.   Which I am guessing they had to do with similar comments.  

Anyway what were the number of coaches on the minor league teams last year?

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20 minutes ago, atomic said:


Anyway what were the number of coaches on the minor league teams last year?

"Each club last year had a manager, pitching coach, hitting coach and one field/development coach."



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