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Diffusing Red Sox Fans/Cheers at OPACY


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I have a better time at Fenway than I do at Camden Yards when we play the Red Sox.

My better half is from Plymouth and her entire side of the family is filled with Red Sox fans, it's how I get in to Fenway to see the O's play there. I took her to OPACY for a DCAB start and when we were walking away from the park, she turned to me and said "I see why people hate Red Sox fans".

What I'm trying to say is that I've had numerous enjoyable times talking with Red Sox fans up at Fenway. They know their baseball and are not the drunken idiots that invade OPACY.

Those drunken idiots are just that too, and the last one that I got into with was actually from Arizona, the biggest problem with "The Nation" is that it does include a nation of bandwagoners.

Once the Red Sox fall off again (Law of Averages, Statistics, History, ETC) we won't have this problem.

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I think the larger issue is attendance in general. We've all been making excuses about Angelos, the 10 losing years etc. but that doesn't explain why people aren't showing up THIS YEAR. Before yesterday's game we were 3 games under .500 and scoring the 3rd most runs in the American League. That's a competitive, fun team to watch at the ballpark. It's not like tickets are expensive relative to other stadiums, the most expensive seat in OPACY is like $80. I agree that the continued losing and annoying owner have contributed to the poor attendance, but we need to stop using that as a crutch. We have one of the most beautiful stadiums in MLB and some of the most affordable ticket prices IMO. The Cubs haven't been to a world series in 100 years and they have no problem getting fans to their games!

I don't know what the answer is, but I'm a little embarassed but our attendance issues. We Orioles fans like to call ourselves a diehard and prideful bunch, yet we routinely can't even fill half our ballpark.

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Ok, it's time for this Orioles fanbase to grow some balls and start becoming enthusiastic again.

All too often at Red Sox games OPACY is invaded and it turns into Fenway South, or some sh1t. Yeah, I know this team has endured 10 losing seasons and most people in the city hate Angelos, yada yada....

You know what? Grow a pair, go out, support the Orioles and CHEER HARD.

The Red Sox fans come down, are loud, start chants, and make the Red Sox feel like the home team, not the enemies.

Here is what we as Oriole fans, who attend the games can do to make their time quite unpleasant.

1. Chant louder: They start "Let's go Red Sox", why not start "Let's go O's". Why do we need to wait for the PA system to cue the cheering? When someone near you starts "Let's go O's, join in."

2. Cheer incredibly loud at successful routine plays.

I almost fought a Red Sox fan and his skanky girlfriend over this. She would shriek and yell whenever it looked like the ball might remotely be a homerun...only to have me GO INSANE when the ball was caught by Adam Jones.

A loud rumbling "YEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH"! (clap extra hard, for effect). Whatever it takes to piss them off!

3. At the end of the games, if it is an Orioles win, nothing says solidarity like singing along to "Orioles Magic". The lyrics can be found on the internet. It'll make your heart feel warmer than if you were singing "Auld Lang Syne" with George Bailey.

4. Finally: Buy freaking tickets, O's fans. Not an O's fan anymore? See paragraphs 2 and 3.

These, of course, are just preliminary suggestions. Anyone else who cares to make suggestions, or comment on their experiences with the locusts, respond!

I agree 100%. I despise Boston with a passion much moreso than I used to because of the Red Sox fans in our stadium. Any and all ideas to get rid of them or to at least make them not feel so welcome are good ideas. I'd be there every game rooting on the O's if I could, but I live in Virginia and it's near impossible for me to get up there during the week. (I will be at this Saturday's game against the Yanks though.) My suggestion has always been to not even sell the Red Sox and Yankee games aside from season ticket sales. (Keep in mind that this will never happen...) The only way that anyone would be able to get a ticket for these games well in advance is to buy either a full or half season plan. Then 24 hours before the game's supposed to start, tickets would go on sale on an individual basis. It would make for huge box office lines and certainly a few Boston/NY fans would still get in, but it would probably ensure home field advantage for our team/fans. Most of these people that come down from Boston/NY make their plans as soon as the tickets go on sale. If the O's used my idea, they wouldn't necessarily be able to do that unless they bought season tickets. Plus, it would stop charter bus companies from sponsoring bus trips from NY/Boston to Camden Yards to see the Yankees/Red Sox. Again, this will never happen, but it would probably protect our fanbase.

I'm not blaming anyone in particular, but part of the problem is that our STH's sell their seats. Over the years I've noticed that a lot of Boston/NY fans sit in area's of the stadium that are generally thought of as STH area's (between first and third). And I've heard people say that they don't want to deal with the Boston fans and since they're willing to pay a higher premium they sell them. I understand that money talks and ultimately I have no right to tell people what to do with their tickets, but...this has to stop. I'm not an advocate of people "getting the business" like the Philadelphia fans give, but the fact is that people think twice about going to see their team play the Eagles...

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I don't know what the answer is, but I'm a little embarassed but our attendance issues. We Orioles fans like to call ourselves a diehard and prideful bunch, yet we routinely can't even fill half our ballpark.

From out of nowhere a voice whispers:

"If you sign him, they will come..." ;)

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I think the larger issue is attendance in general. We've all been making excuses about Angelos, the 10 losing years etc. but that doesn't explain why people aren't showing up THIS YEAR. Before yesterday's game we were 3 games under .500 and scoring the 3rd most runs in the American League. That's a competitive, fun team to watch at the ballpark. It's not like tickets are expensive relative to other stadiums, the most expensive seat in OPACY is like $80. I agree that the continued losing and annoying owner have contributed to the poor attendance, but we need to stop using that as a crutch. We have one of the most beautiful stadiums in MLB and some of the most affordable ticket prices IMO. The Cubs haven't been to a world series in 100 years and they have no problem getting fans to their games!

I don't know what the answer is, but I'm a little embarassed but our attendance issues. We Orioles fans like to call ourselves a diehard and prideful bunch, yet we routinely can't even fill half our ballpark.

Attendance hasn't been as bad as people want to paint it as being. There were some games early in the season that were putridly attended. However, keep in mind that at the time we were being predicted as loosers of 100 games. Once this team proved that they were in it for the long haul, people started coming back to the ballpark. And I think that next season you'll see a rise in season ticket sales as well based on this season. Our last homestand when the Rangers were in town the attendance numbers were fairly solid, so that's a positive thing.

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I think the larger issue is attendance in general. We've all been making excuses about Angelos, the 10 losing years etc. but that doesn't explain why people aren't showing up THIS YEAR. Before yesterday's game we were 3 games under .500 and scoring the 3rd most runs in the American League. That's a competitive, fun team to watch at the ballpark. It's not like tickets are expensive relative to other stadiums, the most expensive seat in OPACY is like $80. I agree that the continued losing and annoying owner have contributed to the poor attendance, but we need to stop using that as a crutch. We have one of the most beautiful stadiums in MLB and some of the most affordable ticket prices IMO. The Cubs haven't been to a world series in 100 years and they have no problem getting fans to their games!

I don't know what the answer is, but I'm a little embarassed but our attendance issues. We Orioles fans like to call ourselves a diehard and prideful bunch, yet we routinely can't even fill half our ballpark.

The key is playing meaningful games late in the season. If the O's were in the wildcard race right now, people would be taking notice, and even if they came up short, it would help attendance next season.

The O's haven't played a meaningful game in August/September in a decade, and until they do, most casual fans wil just shrug their shoulders and say "same old O's".

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Attendance hasn't been as bad as people want to paint it as being. There were some games early in the season that were putridly attended. However, keep in mind that at the time we were being predicted as loosers of 100 games. Once this team proved that they were in it for the long haul, people started coming back to the ballpark. And I think that next season you'll see a rise in season ticket sales as well based on this season. Our last homestand when the Rangers were in town the attendance numbers were fairly solid, so that's a positive thing.

The Rangers series averaged roughly 30,000 per game which isn't terrible you're right. It isn't great either, but that's fairly solid as you said.

Although, it wasn't just the beginning of the year that mediocre attendance was goign on. Our last weekend series was against the MLB best Angels and it averaged 24,000 people.

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This is what makes the Redskins so attractive if you ask me - they are awful, however if another team's fan even decides to say as much as Go Whoever! They will be punched in the face - not that I condone fighting, but Id choose that over what happends at OPACY when the sox are in town. Baltimore has always been a bandwagon town...But I still love the O's.

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I think the larger issue is attendance in general. We've all been making excuses about Angelos, the 10 losing years etc. but that doesn't explain why people aren't showing up THIS YEAR. Before yesterday's game we were 3 games under .500 and scoring the 3rd most runs in the American League. That's a competitive, fun team to watch at the ballpark. It's not like tickets are expensive relative to other stadiums, the most expensive seat in OPACY is like $80. I agree that the continued losing and annoying owner have contributed to the poor attendance, but we need to stop using that as a crutch. We have one of the most beautiful stadiums in MLB and some of the most affordable ticket prices IMO. The Cubs haven't been to a world series in 100 years and they have no problem getting fans to their games!

I don't know what the answer is, but I'm a little embarassed but our attendance issues. We Orioles fans like to call ourselves a diehard and prideful bunch, yet we routinely can't even fill half our ballpark.

You can't call a team competitive after 10 losing seasons, and an 11th one in the bag for this year. The only fans that know what we are going through are the Pirates and Royals.

It's not going to take a near 500 team to bring fans back to the park. It's also not going to happen next year, no matter what type of team the Orioles put on the field. It's going to be the year after a sustained playoff run. Tickets are sold in the offseason. Oriole fans know they can get tickets to any game without any trouble, so there is no incentive to buy tickets early. When people don't buy tickets early, it makes them a lot harder to get out to the park. Walk up crowds hardly ever make a real impact on attendance.

Also, you can't compare the Orioles to the Cubs in attendance. The Cubs have been a competitve team for the last decade. It has nothing to do with winning World Series' and everything to do with fielding a team that competes late into the season.

Check out the Cubs attendance from the mid 70s to mid 80s. People weren't going to Cubs games back then. Why? Because of teams that were not competive year in and year out. They weren't even as bad as the Orioles are now, but the "diehard" cubs fans didn't go out to see those teams.

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This is what makes the Redskins so attractive if you ask me - they are awful, however if another team's fan even decides to say as much as Go Whoever! They will be punched in the face - not that I condone fighting, but Id choose that over what happends at OPACY when the sox are in town. Baltimore has always been a bandwagon town...But I still love the O's.

Apples and Oranges. If the Skins played 81 home games a year, and for ten years weren't even close to competing, then I'm sure you would see the same thing.

If Washington fans are so much better than Baltimore fans, then why don't the Nats sell out in their brand new stadium?

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This is what makes the Redskins so attractive if you ask me - they are awful, however if another team's fan even decides to say as much as Go Whoever! They will be punched in the face - not that I condone fighting, but Id choose that over what happends at OPACY when the sox are in town. Baltimore has always been a bandwagon town...But I still love the O's.

Redskins fans? You mean the wine and cheese crowd at Fed Ex? I've never been to a more lame NFL atmosphere than Fed Ex and I have been to quite a few games there since I live in DC. Opposing teams fans have a HUGE presence at Fed Ex, probably worse than anywhere in the NFL.

And weren't the Skins in the playoffs last year? They are awful?

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This is what makes the Redskins so attractive if you ask me - they are awful, however if another team's fan even decides to say as much as Go Whoever! They will be punched in the face - not that I condone fighting, but Id choose that over what happends at OPACY when the sox are in town. Baltimore has always been a bandwagon town...But I still love the O's.

As a die-hard Skins fan, and season ticket holder, I wouldn't say they're awful. The Redskins' problem has always been high expectations. It's only pre-season, but I'll take how the Redskins have looked and a 3-0 record as opposed to how the Patriots have looked and an 0-2 record anyday. But I digress...

I don't condone fighting either, but there has to be some sort of middle ground in terms of intimidating visiting fans and breaking the law. In Philadelphia the "security people" sit there and laugh while visiting fans are beaten up. I guess that while I don't want people to fear for their safety when they come to our stadium, I'd like for them to think twice about whether they want to be harrassed and taunted. Instead, it's our fanbase that thinks twice about going to "home games" against Boston, because they don't want to be harrassed and taunted. There's something intrinsically wrong there. Part of it is that we've had this "most well behaved fans in MLB" crap shoved down our throats for years, and we're starting to believe it.

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You can't call a team competitive after 10 losing seasons, and an 11th one in the bag for this year. The only fans that know what we are going through are the Pirates and Royals.

It's not going to take a near 500 team to bring fans back to the park. It's also not going to happen next year, no matter what type of team the Orioles put on the field. It's going to be the year after a sustained playoff run. Tickets are sold in the offseason. Oriole fans know they can get tickets to any game without any trouble, so there is no incentive to buy tickets early. When people don't buy tickets early, it makes them a lot harder to get out to the park. Walk up crowds hardly ever make a real impact on attendance.

Also, you can't compare the Orioles to the Cubs in attendance. The Cubs have been a competitve team for the last decade. It has nothing to do with winning World Series' and everything to do with fielding a team that competes late into the season.

Check out the Cubs attendance from the mid 70s to mid 80s. People weren't going to Cubs games back then. Why? Because of teams that were not competive year in and year out. They weren't even as bad as the Orioles are now, but the "diehard" cubs fans didn't go out to see those teams.

The O's only have a season ticket base of about 11-12K, so whenever you see a crowd of 20K plus I'd say that walk up sales do in fact make an impact.

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I'm not an advocate of people "getting the business" like the Philadelphia fans give, but the fact is that people think twice about going to see their team play the Eagles...

But not the Phillies - you know, their baseball team. Red Sox fans have taken over their stadium the last two years - playoff years no less.

Comparing football to baseball in this absurd.

People, this is not just happening in Baltimore, this happens EVERYWHERE.

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You can't call a team competitive after 10 losing seasons, and an 11th one in the bag for this year. The only fans that know what we are going through are the Pirates and Royals.

It's not going to take a near 500 team to bring fans back to the park. It's also not going to happen next year, no matter what type of team the Orioles put on the field. It's going to be the year after a sustained playoff run. Tickets are sold in the offseason. Oriole fans know they can get tickets to any game without any trouble, so there is no incentive to buy tickets early. When people don't buy tickets early, it makes them a lot harder to get out to the park. Walk up crowds hardly ever make a real impact on attendance.

Also, you can't compare the Orioles to the Cubs in attendance. The Cubs have been a competitve team for the last decade. It has nothing to do with winning World Series' and everything to do with fielding a team that competes late into the season.

Check out the Cubs attendance from the mid 70s to mid 80s. People weren't going to Cubs games back then. Why? Because of teams that were not competive year in and year out. They weren't even as bad as the Orioles are now, but the "diehard" cubs fans didn't go out to see those teams.

A couple of issues…

To say the current team is not competitive is ludicrous. Competitiveness has no historical component. RIGHT NOW, the O’s are competitive. I don’t know anyone who decides NOT to go to Orioles games because they lost a lot the past 10 years. What does that have to do with the current team? I agree that continued losing certainly drags on attendance, I don’t disagree. But I think if the Orioles get off to a good start next year and are 5 games over 2 months into the season, I expect a marked improvement in attendance.

Maybe my personal view on why I’d like to go to a game is different than the masses. If the O’s are in almost all their games (they are), have a good chance of winning (they do), that’s all I need.

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