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Mancini wants to be like Ryan Zimmerman


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Yes, Character, as in the best quality of a human being.  He is a throw back to the way most, not all, ball players were in the middle of the 20th century, when I first started to follow baseball.   I know his ways must seem very unusual to most of you folks,  with the ways of pro athletes of today and the last many years.  He is the kind of person that we parents and grandparents pray our families turn out into the world.  I find Trey a very easy person to root for.  


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12 hours ago, Oriole1940 said:

Yes, Character, as in the best quality of a human being.  He is a throw back to the way most, not all, ball players were in the middle of the 20th century, when I first started to follow baseball.   I know his ways must seem very unusual to most of you folks,  with the ways of pro athletes of today and the last many years.  He is the kind of person that we parents and grandparents pray our families turn out into the world.  I find Trey a very easy person to root for.  


Lol way to insult everyone on the board. Real classy! Such character on display!

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Mancini is a good boy, but I worry he's a little naive about being here when the O's get good. It would be amazing if it happened like that - and there's a chance - but it may take an extension. And that might not be a great idea for the O's considering it would be his age 30 season and beyond. 

Love watching him hit though, and I think he'll have another good season. 

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19 minutes ago, Frobby said:

I guess I’m missing whatever you and Can_of_corn found insulting about this post.    He’s paying a compliment to Mancini and contrasting him with most modern players.   I might not agree fully with that take, but what about it insults everyone on the board?    It’s not directed at other posters at all so far as I can tell, except to say that many posters either don’t remember or are too young to remember that in the past many players had the same attitude as Mancini.     That doesn’t seem to me to be insulting to other posters.

Anyway, back on topic:   I don’t hold it against any player if they don’t prioritize staying with the franchise that drafted and developed them.    After all, it’s not like they had a choice in their selection, and the teams certainly trade or release players without much sentiment all the time.    So, I don’t see it as a character flaw if a player doesn’t prioritize staying.   But nevertheless, it does make me happy to see a guy like Mancini who does.    

It's an insult to people's intelligence, and it assumes we have no idea of "how athletes used to be" back then. Which, if the guy got his head out of his nostalgia-clouded bubble and did any research, he'd realize a lot of athletes back then were just as problematic as they can be today, and that there's no evidence to suggest "today's athletes" are worse people. 

No one here is too young to know good character when they see it, or to understand the legacy/traditions of the sport, and to suggest folks wouldn't simply because they are younger is a lazy assumption at best, and insulting at worst. It's also of poor character, which makes his post staggeringly hypocritical. 

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37 minutes ago, Frobby said:

I guess I’m missing whatever you and Can_of_corn found insulting about this post.    He’s paying a compliment to Mancini and contrasting him with most modern players.   I might not agree fully with that take, but what about it insults everyone on the board?    It’s not directed at other posters at all so far as I can tell, except to say that many posters either don’t remember or are too young to remember that in the past many players had the same attitude as Mancini.     That doesn’t seem to me to be insulting to other posters.

Anyway, back on topic:   I don’t hold it against any player if they don’t prioritize staying with the franchise that drafted and developed them.    After all, it’s not like they had a choice in their selection, and the teams certainly trade or release players without much sentiment all the time.    So, I don’t see it as a character flaw if a player doesn’t prioritize staying.   But nevertheless, it does make me happy to see a guy like Mancini who does.    

Nowadays it’s a race to see who can be the most offended in the room at all times. 

Can’t complement Mancini. Can’t bean players anymore. What’s the the world coming to?  

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Well, I'm going to compliment Mancini and like Frobby it does make me happy to see a guy like Mancini who does want to stay with the team that drafted and developed him. Interloper also is right, it might not be the best use of resources to extend Mancini. But in my mind's eye, there is something different about Mancini. He seems to be maximizing his given skill set. Tony says he has a high baseball IQ. He has adjusted at the plate to be very productive. I think a player like him leads by example and maybe Hays and Mountcastle benefit from his example and approach their greater potential. I can dream and root for Trey in the meantime.

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Just now, AnythingO's said:

Well, I'm going to compliment Mancini and like Frobby it does make me happy to see a guy like Mancini who does want to stay with the team that drafted and developed him. Interloper also is right, it might not be the best use of resources to extend Mancini. But in my mind's eye, there is something different about Mancini. He seems to be maximizing his given skill set. Tony says he has a high baseball IQ. He has adjusted at the plate to be very productive. I think a player like him leads by example and maybe Hays and Mountcastle benefit from his example and approach their greater potential. I can dream and root for Trey in the meantime.

One thing I hate about baseball is having my heart go one way and my head go the other, when it comes to player retention.   I can see scenarios where it would make sense to keep Mancini, and others where it makes more sense to trade him (or just let him go when he becomes a free agent).    For now, I think the O’s are doing the right thing by just taking it year by year.    Let’s see how Mountcastle does, how the various young outfielders develop, and who we draft, in addition to watching how Mancini does.    

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1 hour ago, Frobby said:

One thing I hate about baseball is having my heart go one way and my head go the other, when it comes to player retention.   I can see scenarios where it would make sense to keep Mancini, and others where it makes more sense to trade him (or just let him go when he becomes a free agent).    For now, I think the O’s are doing the right thing by just taking it year by year.    Let’s see how Mountcastle does, how the various young outfielders develop, and who we draft, in addition to watching how Mancini does.    

That's why people get nostalgic about the pre-free agency days.  There was no discussion of player retention beyond "is he still a positive for the team?"  If yes, then keep him.

But I've long since made peace with the fact that the old setup is both awful for players and never, ever coming back.  While fans loved having Mike Cuellar for eight years on absurdly team-friendly terms, maybe Mike Cuellar would have liked some say in where he played and for how much.  And I don't blame him one bit.

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