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MLB Implements 60 Game Season


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1 hour ago, Philip said:

This comment is not intended to be political, but the problem that we have now, in the trailing days of June, is that in March, March 11, I think it was, when things started shutting down, we did not Close tightly enough. I confess that I was one of those who thought the reaction was over done, but At least I realized quickly that I was wrong.

However, we have opened up too much too soon, and everything is going to happen again, and again. I do not know what the Las Vegas odds are on Completing whatever season we start, but I doubt they are very good.

I think it works out to about 8-5.

Dated June 16th...


At BetOnline, they have listed odds at -165, which implies a 62.3 percent chance of a baseball season in 2020, with the “No” option coming back at +125.


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16 minutes ago, Frobby said:

I certainly agree that the negotiation has been tortuous.   

Only because there has been so little else going on to distract us. The negotiations really only lasted around a week, the league just spent several months  before that dithering about an issue that was already resolved and no longer up for negotiation.

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5 hours ago, oriolediehard said:

What about the fears of the players have of COVID 19?  The O's have been one of the smartest teams in the MLB because they closed all their facilities to not take any chances. 40 MLB people tested positive.  Best to be safe than risk playing MLB. I think MLB should not play this year 2020.

Are they going out to eat?  Or to grocery stores?  Or are they completely quarantined?

There are millions and millions of people that have been going to work throughout this whole thing, myself included.  And there are millions of people who are risking exposure much more than the players who will be tested routinely and are social distancing on the field by the very nature of the game.  

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5 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

Obviously players and players with loved ones that are high risk have some legitimate reason for concern but for the most part the actual risk for the players is very low even if they do contract the disease.  As I've said before you have had folks working retail through all of this and they are put at a lot more risk on a daily basis.  How many folks does a cashier at Walmart interact with in a day?

Thanks CoC.  You beat me to it.

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Why did this take so long? Simple. Greed. 

While this article in the OP looks like it was written by someone in the players association, let's not believe for one second that the players don't hold equal responsibility.

Say that, people have been flying all over on planes and have been fine, trust me, I live by an airport and watch the amount of Southwest flights that have begun to take off once again. They will be fine. As I said before, perhaps conduct temperature checks before each game, and if a player does have symptoms or a fever, he gets quarantined for 14 days. There have been many households where one or two people got it and the others did not, or they had no symptoms. Mine was one of them.

But to baseball, it will be interesting to see if any players decide to sit out. Could be a great opportunity for fringe players to get some major league time in and maybe the Orioles will find a Nate McLouth for a bit? Maybe they will just start the year with Mountcastle playing everyday instead of worrying about service time that may or may not matter if a long term agreement is ever reached by the two sides down the road.

Who knows? Either way, glad to see Manfred grow a set and just make a season. If the players want to file a grievance, let them. Honestly, with Manfred and Clark at the helms, we're on borrowed time until a major work stoppage occurs anyways.

The amount of greed and lust for power these two men have show they should consider running for political office one day where they would fit right in with that crowd.

I'm interested in watching baseball even if it's in the 60-game schedule, expanded playoff, and three division format. With 60 games, who knows what could happen. Might actually be fun to see games matter more.

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20 minutes ago, Dipper9 said:

Are they going out to eat?  Or to grocery stores?  Or are they completely quarantined?

There are millions and millions of people that have been going to work throughout this whole thing, myself included.  And there are millions of people who are risking exposure much more than the players who will be tested routinely and are social distancing on the field by the very nature of the game.  

Exactly. This uproar by some over the players getting back together is ridiculous in my mind. We have been doing this all over this country. 

At the end of the day, with all the precautions that I'm sure will be extensive, particularly with testing, I forsee little problems. 

The other thing people need to realize is that getting COVID is not a death sentence. I'm pretty sure my wife and I had it back in January-February when no one really knew what all of this was and testing was not available. Took me three weeks and her close to 5-6 weeks for our immune system to do what it was designed to do. Both our sons that live in our house never had any symptoms of sickness.

At the end of the day, let's get baseball going in some form. Now if they could work out some kind of Florida/Arizona league seasons similar to spring training for minor leaguers so they can get in 60-90 games that would be perfect (they can play easily through October).

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18 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

The other thing people need to realize is that getting COVID is not a death sentence. I'm pretty sure my wife and I had it back in January-February when no one really knew what all of this was and testing was not available. Took me three weeks and her close to 5-6 weeks for our immune system to do what it was designed to do. Both our sons that live in our house never had any symptoms of sickness.

Covid can be extremely light, ie, and in the majority of cases it is so, or even completely asymptomatic, but it is a dangerous illness in that it kills more than a usual flu and also can cause organ failure and long-term organ damage. It's not to be taken lightly by anyone, as people in their 20s have died from it or had permanent organ damage. 


That is an exception, I know, but, it seems, that if you get a big enough viral road it is a real monster of an illness, or if you have the right underlying symptoms. While it is not a death sentence it can be, given the right conditions. 


I am out there living my life, taking moderate risks like playing a team sport with over 20 other people I know the other day, despite being a smoker, so I do agree that life must go on with precautions, but I think it's important to note that while the majority of cases are like yours or your wife or even lighter, that does not mean that there aren't much greater risks or that this is the worst case scenario by any means. If you had been infected with a higher viral load maybe you would have ended up like the 20 somethings that have died of it, or like a friend of mine who despite being only 31 and not a smoker suffered permanent lung damage. 

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1 hour ago, Tony-OH said:

Why did this take so long? Simple. Greed. 

While this article in the OP looks like it was written by someone in the players association, let's not believe for one second that the players don't hold equal responsibility.

Say that, people have been flying all over on planes and have been fine, trust me, I live by an airport and watch the amount of Southwest flights that have begun to take off once again. They will be fine. As I said before, perhaps conduct temperature checks before each game, and if a player does have symptoms or a fever, he gets quarantined for 14 days. There have been many households where one or two people got it and the others did not, or they had no symptoms. Mine was one of them.

But to baseball, it will be interesting to see if any players decide to sit out. Could be a great opportunity for fringe players to get some major league time in and maybe the Orioles will find a Nate McLouth for a bit? Maybe they will just start the year with Mountcastle playing everyday instead of worrying about service time that may or may not matter if a long term agreement is ever reached by the two sides down the road.

Who knows? Either way, glad to see Manfred grow a set and just make a season. If the players want to file a grievance, let them. Honestly, with Manfred and Clark at the helms, we're on borrowed time until a major work stoppage occurs anyways.

The amount of greed and lust for power these two men have show they should consider running for political office one day where they would fit right in with that crowd.

I'm interested in watching baseball even if it's in the 60-game schedule, expanded playoff, and three division format. With 60 games, who knows what could happen. Might actually be fun to see games matter more.

(first bolded) Yes greed is at the root of it but almost as big a factor is both sides want to get as much from the other and give up as little as possible. Why? To set precedent or not set precedent for the upcoming CBA negotiation. Greed is at the heart and precedent is the vehicle.

(second bolded) Very sad and very true.

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1 hour ago, Flash- bd said:

Covid can be extremely light, ie, and in the majority of cases it is so, or even completely asymptomatic, but it is a dangerous illness in that it kills more than a usual flu and also can cause organ failure and long-term organ damage. It's not to be taken lightly by anyone, as people in their 20s have died from it or had permanent organ damage. 


That is an exception, I know, but, it seems, that if you get a big enough viral road it is a real monster of an illness, or if you have the right underlying symptoms. While it is not a death sentence it can be, given the right conditions. 


I am out there living my life, taking moderate risks like playing a team sport with over 20 other people I know the other day, despite being a smoker, so I do agree that life must go on with precautions, but I think it's important to note that while the majority of cases are like yours or your wife or even lighter, that does not mean that there aren't much greater risks or that this is the worst case scenario by any means. If you had been infected with a higher viral load maybe you would have ended up like the 20 somethings that have died of it, or like a friend of mine who despite being only 31 and not a smoker suffered permanent lung damage. 

If you are a smoker that is so much more likely to kill you than covid.  

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46 minutes ago, atomic said:

If you are a smoker that is so much more likely to kill you than covid.  

In the long term certainly. But then so are high cholesterol, being overweight, having a bad diet, not getting enough exercise, etc. etc. 


A smoker in this day and age knows very well the risks and smokes conscious of those risks as well as the other health risks any human being faces. 


Same should go with Covid. I go play a sport with 20 people I know knowing there's a small chance one could have a high viral load and transmit it to me outdoors through sweat or spit or whatever such that I catch the illness in a bad way, and even possibly die, but I know the risks when I make my decision to go out and play. 


I just think that different people are comfortable with different levels of risk and I certainly won't begrudge the people who are into sacrificing and minimizing risk as much as possible their decision, because the fact is the virus is out there and it will be a threat until the vaccine comes out or until medicine proves to be consistently effective (we already may be there, to some extent, in fairness, with dexamethasone). Anyways was just being a bit pedantic I guess because that portrayal of the virus struck me as a little laissez-faire, in the end I agree with Tony that the season absolutely should go on, that the players are not putting themselves at any special additional risk, that there shouldn't be an issue finishing out the season (though surely we'll continue to see localized breakouts in MLB cities throughout the season which could force tinkering with the schedule), only thing I would maybe add is that I wouldn't begrudge a certain player who is much more risk-adverse for sitting out the season and forfeiting his salary, even if it's not what I would personally do. 

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3 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

Why did this take so long? Simple. Greed. 

While this article in the OP looks like it was written by someone in the players association, let's not believe for one second that the players don't hold equal responsibility.

Say that, people have been flying all over on planes and have been fine, trust me, I live by an airport and watch the amount of Southwest flights that have begun to take off once again. They will be fine. As I said before, perhaps conduct temperature checks before each game, and if a player does have symptoms or a fever, he gets quarantined for 14 days. There have been many households where one or two people got it and the others did not, or they had no symptoms. Mine was one of them.

But to baseball, it will be interesting to see if any players decide to sit out. Could be a great opportunity for fringe players to get some major league time in and maybe the Orioles will find a Nate McLouth for a bit? Maybe they will just start the year with Mountcastle playing everyday instead of worrying about service time that may or may not matter if a long term agreement is ever reached by the two sides down the road.

Who knows? Either way, glad to see Manfred grow a set and just make a season. If the players want to file a grievance, let them. Honestly, with Manfred and Clark at the helms, we're on borrowed time until a major work stoppage occurs anyways.

The amount of greed and lust for power these two men have show they should consider running for political office one day where they would fit right in with that crowd.

I'm interested in watching baseball even if it's in the 60-game schedule, expanded playoff, and three division format. With 60 games, who knows what could happen. Might actually be fun to see games matter more.

This all is going to end. When Disney offered their online programming in competition with their own cable channel, they were telling everyone that cable is not the future. That being said, the media contracts that feed this greed will crash and reset. Players won't be making $30m a season to play sports again. I for one will be happy to see that day. 

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