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Big announcement on the future of Orioles Hangout


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11 minutes ago, DirtyBird said:

Do we also lead the world in black people killing one another? I'm not sure, because you didn't mention that.

Yeah. The open politics forum here is now closed. Lets tone the whole discussion down and wait for Tony to tell you what he intends to do. 

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10 hours ago, Frobby said:

Honestly, I think you are reading too much into what baseball is doing.  I have a Black Lives Matter related sign on my lawn.    It’s got nothing to do with hating the police, or wanting the country to turn socialist or anything of that nature.     It’s just a statement of belief that people of color should be treated equally.     I think that’s the simple proposition that baseball is supporting, not some dramatic political agenda.     

This.  Very much this. :gallden:

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This is pretty pathetic grandstanding. But cool, Tony. Thank you for everything you've done for this site. I've enjoyed it for a long time. But if somehow you took "Hates Police Officers" as the message of the Black Lives Matter movement, you couldn't have missed the point any more. 

So long. 

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2 minutes ago, MachoMachadoMan said:

This is pretty pathetic grandstanding. But cool, Tony. Thank you for everything you've done for this site. I've enjoyed it for a long time. But if somehow you took "Hates Police Officers" as the message of the Black Lives Matter movement, you couldn't have missed the point any more. 

So long. 

It has certainly become part of the message.  I don’t see how that’s even an arguable point.

I think the bigger issue is that you have the loud minority carrying the torch so to speak.  I think most people are just saying, treat us the same and all will be good.

But when you have the whack job radicals going to the level they are now, it takes away from the important things.

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24 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

At one point in my life, I was a pretty big part of this site.  During that time, things weren’t as politicized as they are now, so I feel it was easier for Tony to deal with that issue back then.  Nowadays, it’s far more difficult.

When politics and social issues start taking over the boards and posts, the site and discussions are no longer enjoyable.  That’s not to say that what is being said isn’t important, it’s just that there is a time and place for all of it and a sports website where people go to talk about sports, isn’t that place.  The Hangout has done a great job of keeping that separate imo.  

When you start to allow that stuff to take over the board, you lose posters and that obviously isn’t the business model Tony wants, which makes sense to me.

For me personally, I hate when Social and/or political issues get shoved down your throat, so I get why people don’t want it in sports..sports are their time to get away from all of that and to not think about those things for 3 hours and when you bring that into sports, it takes that aspect away for some.  For me, I can just ignore it and move on.  As someone said, it won’t take enjoyment of the game itself away from me but I totally get why it bothers people.  I mean, I won’t watch any of the awards shows because of how Hollywood likes to shove their beliefs down your throat (while not actually following up on the beliefs themselves).

I've been lurking/posting/paying for this board for 15 years now and I can never remember a time that this board has been "politicized." 99% of posts on this site are related to baseball, Baltimore sports, Baltimore culture, etc. There are probably more posts on this board about the best place in town to get a crab cake than posts about politics. And even the posts about politics are in context of sports. 

If a post comment or reference here or there to an issue related to politics is enough to ruin this board, it sounds like a need for personal evaluation. And for what it's worth, "politics" in most of these cases are issues that very dearly affect other people's lives. Cable news and social media may turn politics into team sports where we must pick a side and align with it 100%, but those who are involved in this every single day aren't in it to score points and achieve personal glory. They are fighting for something they believe will make a tangible improvement in people's lives. Sorry if that is a bit much. 

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4 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

It has certainly become part of the message.  I don’t see how that’s even an arguable point.

I think the bigger issue is that you have the loud minority carrying the torch so to speak.  I think most people are just saying, treat us the same and all will be good.

But when you have the whack job radicals going to the level they are now, it takes away from the important things.


I will always be the first person to support peaceful protesting but it's clear that these same forces have joined forces with groups like ANTIFA to bring their political ways to the fore front while using "social justice" as a mechanism to hide behind. MLB has now chosen a side. They have decided they will choose the anti-police, the anti law and order, and anti Capitalism side.

Whack job radicals say things such as "groups like ANTIFA" (there is no group. this is something right wing radio creates to scare people) and saying MLB is "anti law and order" is also a radical thing. I've long ignored the fact that Tony is happy to dabble in the further extremes of right wing conspiracy theories in his personal Facebook social media because he's kept it away from OH. Tony's Facebook from 2019 is a winning bingo card of Breitbart levels of right-wing paranoia and grievance. 

Wait, is it the impending recession, the fact that human kind is going to be destroyed in 12 years due to climate change, racial inequality, or that President Trump talked with the Ukrainian President that I should be fearful of?
I wish the mainstream media (Democratic propaganda arm) would settle on it's cause or are they just going to stick with the "throw shit at the walls and hope something sticks" routine?
The Democrats are scared because they know they only have the lemmings left and more and more people are waking up to the sham that they represent. They can't beat Trump at the ballot box and all of their resistance has become futile as the economy grows, jobs are coming back to the United States, and once again hard working people are prospering and able to feel proud to be an American again.
Better yet, movements across the world are starting to happen as people are realizing that it's ok once again to love their country and their way of life and that's it's not a bad thing to be a patriot.
The Democrats and the RINO Republicans that are part of the swamp of course can't stand that and are doing everything they can to try and bring the man down. The man that is responsible for this country, and really the world, opening their eyes to the corruption within our governments as well as the media establishment and corporations that support this new world government that keeps them rich and powerful.
Remember, these Democrat hypocrites running don't want you to fly on planes or eat meat, yet they do it all the time. They want to overtax your money even more and bring in a socialist system that has failed everywhere it's been tried. Why does it fail? Because without reward, people aren't motivate to work hard and innovate.
If you voted for these Democrats or you think the orange man is bad, try thinking for yourself for a second:
Why is being proud to be an American frowned upon by the Democrats?
Why have inner cities been ignored for years as drugs and lack of quality education and job opportunities have made the mostly black inner city infested with drugs, destroyed family units and made mostly black families reliant on the government?
Why do these Democrat politicians represent the poorest and most drug-ridden neighborhoods yet are millionaires themselves?
How do these politicians, both Democrat and Republican, become multi-millionaires on $180K/year salaries?
The system has been rigged for years and the losers continue to be the poor, but also the middle class who have to pay for all the poor's free stuff that the politicians promise them in order to get votes.
Why do you think most of the ultra rich are Democrats? They have the system rigged with tax loop holes and they realize they have to help keep the people under control before they realize how much they have been lied to.
Trump, as harsh and blunt that he can be, is the guy that was needed to open people's eyes. Do I like everything Trump says or does, nope, but we need a guy who is not afraid to go up against the system and show us the people behind the curtains pulling all the levers.
So the Democrats will now try and impeach Trump. It will be a charade and all it does is distract him from continuing to do what's best for the American people, which is exactly why they will do this even though there is no chance of the Senate not acquitting him after a "trial".
If you are still voting for Democrats because you always have or you think they are for the working man/woman, stop. They are not.
Trump is not a perfect man by any stretch, but I thank God every day that he's strong enough to fight the establishment at the highest levels and reveal the deep corruption throughout our government, media and corporations.
Hopefully you will get to read this before it's shadow banned by Facebook. Feel free to share if you so choose.


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Long time reader on this site and seldom poster. Just entered my ninth decade so I've seen a lot of baseball and other stuff too. My grandmother use to tell a young boy, "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face!" Just saying. And best wishes to all of you and all of us and of course The Orioles!

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To me sports has always been my respite from the stresses of everyday life.  Whether playing sports, watching sports, or talking about sports, I was happy and peaceful and nothing stressful could enter my mind.  That's why it's so upsetting to see politics (regardless of which side) being shoved down my throat wherever I go: TV, internet, radio, music, sports, etc.  If I want to read or hear about politics, I'll choose to watch the news or read a political website.  But politics is so stressful the past couple years, I want to get away from it and sports used to be the place for that.  Now, it seems I can't even do that.  Tony, I understand your frustration but I really hope you keep this website.  It's one of the few places I can go to actually read about sports without someone trying to force their political agenda on me.

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12 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

The Hangout will always be a politics free area. The question now is whether the Hangout will continue. It is something I've discussed with Michael and will sleep on as I consider all of the reasons why I want to take the time and energy to continue to support a sport that wants to be political. 

I support people of every race, sex, religion and sexual orientation. I have tried to make a place where none of that mattes, but now we exist in world that demonizes those of us who just want to celebrate what brings us together. I have a son who is a police officer now and I have to decide whether I can support a sport that glorifies an organization that hates police officers. An organization that has members/supporters who have shot and killed police officers for no other reason that they were doing their job.

I was going to make a decision but now have given pause. I will take some time to hear from trusted sources and then make the decision I can live with. At the end of the day, I have to look myself in the mirror and be able to like what I see and know I'm doing what's best.

I am trying my hardest to take my political opinion out of this decision but when baseball is forcing this upon us, I have to decide whether I can come to some kind of decision that takes many peoples best interest in mind.

I respect so many people on here, but in these times, as a leader of this community and site, I have to make the final decision. 

Do I continue to provide a politics free place where people can focus on baseball? Does that help? Or am I supporting a sport that hates my son and everything I stand for? 

Without getting more political, there is so much more to BLM than social justice, and the fact that major league baseball doesn't realize this has given me major pause. All my life I've been about being as fair as possible to everyone I've met. I've hired and led people of all races, religion and sexual orientations. I've prided myself that I've never treated anyone unfairly due to any of those reasons.

Now baseball wants to shove politics down our throats. In the past baseball has helped integrate this country by rightfully integrated baseball with Jackie Robinson and although it was just the first of many things they needed to do to be truly inclusive, it was a huge step in this country. Like MLK, Jackie Robinson was a true hero who fought against true racism within this country. Their fights and struggles for equality make them absolute American heroes. We are all better off because of their struggles to help this country get past true racist policies.

Now, we have people who have hijacked "social justice" for political causes and major league baseball has decide to support this and I'm struggling with this decision.

I will always be the first person to support peaceful protesting but it's clear that these same forces have joined forces with groups like ANTIFA to bring their political ways to the fore front while using "social justice" as a mechanism to hide behind. MLB has now chosen a side. They have decided they will choose the anti-police, the anti law and order, and anti Capitalism side.

As someone who has served under this flag in hostile countries, I can not idly stand by while MLB not only allows, but celebrates those who kneel during our national anthem, the song meant to bring us all together as Americans. Notice, I didn't put a color in front of that term. There should be no color to being an American. But we have forces in this country that hate that term and hate this country, and now MLB is celebrating this in the name of "social justice".

I realize I have strayed into politics in this post. But I wanted you to know all of the things I'm struggling with as I decide the future of this site. I want you to know that any decision that I make will not be in anger or because it was emotional, but because I ultimately had to do what I feel is right.

I will realize that no matter what I decide to do their will be a group of people who will not approve. I hope at least you will at least understand where I'm coming from and understand why I decided to make the decision.

Regardless, thank you for all of you support over the years. 


You are assuming an awful lot of ignorance by an awful lot of people.  Perhaps this is far from as simple as you are making it out to be and there are very real frustrations on the part of people of color who are tired of being discriminated against.  The idea that everyone in BLM hates police officers and is either looking to kill them or agnostic to their deaths is simplistic.  The vast majority of people associated with BLM and who support it are simply looking to bring voice to the valid complaints that people of color are treated differently by the police.  Of course the vast majority of police officers are good people, but watching two officers do nothing as one of their brethren kept his knee on the throat of a man that couldn't breathe should give you pause and worry that maybe there is more of a systemic issue.

And kneeling during the National Anthem is more consistent with the beliefs of the Founding Fathers than blindly standing in honor of a piece of cloth regardless of whether you believe we are living up to the promises that form the foundation of this country.  That cloth is just symbolic of the ideals that formed this country.  To the extent that some find that we aren't living up to those ideals, it seems an appropriate response.

 I don't blame you for being scared for the life of your son.  I would be too.  It is honorable that he has chosen to server his community and he should be respected for it.  But I also think of those that are afraid for the lives of their sons when they do something as simple as get a little frustrated because they have been pulled over for the tenth time for driving while black. And I think of all of the innocent men in Baltimore City that went to jail because drugs or guns were planted on them, in many cases in front of multiple other officers who did nothing  

I have been a member of this forum for a long time and have no issue with you having a different political view than I do on any of this. I hope that the forum persists and hope that you don't succumb to the cancel culture that many of us believe has become problematic.

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12 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

As an aside, what counts as Baltimore culture?

Crabs, Under Armour, FELLS POINT!!, Old Bay, Ravens, Orioles, inferiority complex and chips on shoulders, hon...what else?


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15 minutes ago, BRobinsonfan said:

Because who doesn't love gray pork chops!  xD


I love my chops, thin and shake & baked. I know, blaspheme.

And back to Old Bay, if you havent tried it yet, you got to try the Old Bay liquid sauce, nectar of the gods. :)


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