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Bring on the Terps

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He will??

Every arena in the ACC has classless fans, including Duke. MD fans have had the spotlight because we have beaten Duke the past few years before this year, but there is no doubt that the same things get said at Duke, NC, Wake, etc.

I have never heard of other schools throwing things at players parents, having a student wide cheer of F U to a player, etc....

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So you don't think students at Cameron say F U to any of the opposing players?

I agree that JJ chant was classless, but you have to remember he also made an "obscene gesture," IIRC. (not that I am saying that is OK) Also, I had not heard about throwing things at player's parents, and I agree that is also classless.

But again, MD beat Duke, and JJ was the one that they went to and he had that interview 2 years ago. And at that time, many of the TV guys said that no doubt was it only MD, that it was up and down the ACC.

First of all, not sure what MD beating Duke has anything to do with it.

Secondly, there is no doubt that students at every school say classless things. BUT, i have never heard a student wide chant of it at another school.

Individual is one thing but the whole student section? That's a bit much. (just as it would be at Duke or UNC or anywhere else)

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First of all, not sure what MD beating Duke has anything to do with it.

Secondly, there is no doubt that students at every school say classless things. BUT, i have never heard a student wide chant of it at another school.

Individual is one thing but the whole student section? That's a bit much. (just as it would be at Duke or UNC or anywhere else)

Just because it didn't get caught in the background on an ESPN broadcast doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Especially in a conference like the ACC, if you don't think it happenes you are crazy.

And speaking of "individual is one thing", I would hope that you aren't suggesting all Maryland fans throw stuff at all opposing parents, instead of one a** throwing a bottle that happened to hit Boozer's mother.

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Heck, you can put UNC in the discussion. I am not one to demean the accomplishment of a school, even if i dislike the school.

But some of UNC's accomplishments were done in the pre field of 64 era. But nonetheless UNC deserves to be considered somewhat of a dynasty as well. I think college bball can be measured in differently than other sports...I do not think you have to win a bunch of titles to be considered a dynasty.

But my point is that every great program will have stretches like this that are considered great runs. They do NOT necessarily compare to the greatest run of all, which was obviously UCLA's. Looking at Dook's 20-year run, it's really no better than UNC over a similar period, or even UNC from '69 to '82. And Kentucky has has stretches that are every bit as good, as has Indiana.

Dynasty? Hardly. There's really only been one dynasty, and maybe you could make a case for Dook's shorter 9-year run as a secondary one.

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He will??

Every arena in the ACC has classless fans, including Duke. MD fans have had the spotlight because we have beaten Duke the past few years before this year, but there is no doubt that the same things get said at Duke, NC, Wake, etc.

I take exception that comment. Just last week, Carolina fans started a chant of "You can't win here!" to Clemson (0-52 at Chapel Hill), and within seconds Roy Williams was yelling at them to show some class.

Would they do such things in a differnt environment? Sure, what students wouldn't? But at Carolina, such behavior is not acceptable. Carolina fans hold themselves to a higher standard.

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I have never heard of other schools throwing things at players parents, having a student wide cheer of F U to a player, etc....

What about the Duke band chanting "go to hell Carolina, go to hell" at the ACC tourney the other year? It's one thing if students at a game chant vulgar things, but the band is as if the team itself were chanting it.

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Well, UCLA had the luxury of JV basketball, no scholarship restrictions and a smaller tourney field.

Yes, those were the rules and they followed them and the reason everyone went there was because Wooden built something great but i am not sure winning like they did, in that time period, carries the same weight as to what some of the teams of today have been able to do.

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What about the Duke band chanting "go to hell Carolina, go to hell" at the ACC tourney the other year? It's one thing if students at a game chant vulgar things, but the band is as if the team itself were chanting it.

Yep, if that happened, that is classless...But i think we would all agree that saying go to hell is alot different than F U.

And i have not even mentioned the MD students calling JJ's cell phone(which is probably the worse thing of all and downright pathetic) or them talking about his 13 y/o sister in a sexual way.

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Yep, if that happened, that is classless...But i think we would all agree that saying go to hell is alot different than F U.

And i have not even mentioned the MD students calling JJ's cell phone(which is probably the worse thing of all and downright pathetic) or them talking about his 13 y/o sister in a sexual way.

First of all, I think if you are arguing over which is more vulgar, F*ck or H*ll, then you are grasping at straws. In fact, I hear/use f*ck alot more in daily conversation. So no, I dont think there is much of a difference. Really, I think that the usage of both terms has become common enough that it is stupid for us to care about them being chanted.

Second, some ppl from md drunk dialing jj is hardly evidence to condem an entire student body. same goes for the things about his sister (not only is it not representative, but people say things like this all the time, its like the "your mom's so fat.." jokes from elementary school.) I'm sure we could all come up with plenty of "offensive" things said by any school. to argue over who is more vulgar is pointless. The only difference between UMD and any other school is that their vulgarness happened to find its way onto ESPN (both through sheer volume, as well as the whining by some duke players)

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MD fans have been known to be pretty classless the last few years...Even Gary will acknowledge that.

As opposed to the loser Duke fans that have to hand out insult cheat sheets to the nerds as they enter the arena. Not to mention the insults to D J Strawberry about his dad.

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Carolina fans hold themselves to a higher standard.


Step down off the soap box, all the fans do the same stuff. Nobody is any better or worse than any others, and honestly, it really doesn't make a difference if they were. Anybody who gets so bent out of shape over fan chants and taunts is way too up tight.

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