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Bring on the Terps

Sports Guy

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You have all the right to gloat, but Duke didn't do much tonight to show that they're a great team. MD played incredibly bad, any ACC team would have blown them out tonight.

That is the funny part...Duke with their B/C game still blew them out.

It was never really a game. They just coasted.

If i am the Terps, i am embarrased this morning...To be a top program and be down 30 at one point is a joke.

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Was at the game last night. Duke quickly took the life out of the Terps with their aggressive defense. First time that I have seen Terps give up, no fight in them and they show no emotion. Paulus is really playing strong with good D and even some strong drives to the basket. What about the triple double by Williams? Could you hear the chant of "Not our rivals"? Very spirited crowd.

If that was actually true they wouldn't have chanted that :D

While downing beers in sorrow late last night some friends and I were discussing how the Terps SR and JR classes that are playing now were recruited during the back to back Final 4 seasons. One would hope that the on-court success would have translated to recruits that could keep the program on top. Hopefully the next few classes live up to their billing.

Those were top recruiting classes at the time, they just haven't developed like was expected. It's a real shame.

Please. Every time that guy drives he arm-bars the guy defending him. He should get whistled for an offensive foul every time.

It's called "breaking the tackle" ;)

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I just cannot wait for this class to be done and off campus. I am sick of watching Hyphen turn the ball over, play no on-ball defense and take stupid ugly shot after shot. He stinks, and still has no clue how to play basketball. How you can be a 4 yr starter in the ACC and still have no concept of proper spacing and ball movement is beyond me. The only one who is worth a darn from the class is McCray.

I find it hilarious (and consistent) that when we cut the lead to 10 in the first half with MJ in and Hyphen on the bench that GW would go back to Hyphen and immediately the lead was back to 20. We did not see MJ again until the end of the game.

This team has no PG to speak of; I told all my friends after John G. left that if we are serious about DJ at PG then we may as well write off the season. It is a small problem if your "PG" cannot handle or pass. Oh well.

I await the deaprture of this group and the arrival of Hayes. It will be nice to have a PG on the team again. Too bad Dupree is not a SR because if he was we could be very solid next yr. with Hayes, MJ, Dupree, Gist and Ibekwe.

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If that was actually true they wouldn't have chanted that :D

Those were top recruiting classes at the time, they just haven't developed like was expected. It's a real shame.

Good point. It seems like Caner-Medley has been the same player for 4 years. He's great at putbacks and reverse/awkward layups but never developed a consistent jump shot and can't create his own space. I really like Chris McCray but it seems like this SR group (including Gilchrist) never gelled aside from the ACC tournament run.

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Good point. It seems like Caner-Medley has been the same player for 4 years. He's great at putbacks and reverse/awkward layups but never developed a consistent jump shot and can't create his own space. I really like Chris McCray but it seems like this SR group (including Gilchrist) never gelled aside from the ACC tournament run.

They didn't gel then, either.

McCray is the only one I would say has "developed". Gilchrist (last year), Garrison, and C-M have all been basically the same players: a shoot-first point guard who didn't develop leadership abilities, a big-bodied forward who never learned to use that body, and a guy who has all the talent in the world but can't harness it for whatever reason.

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If that was actually true they wouldn't have chanted that :D

I love how Twerps fans will do anything to convince themselves that they have a real rivalry.

Carolina and Dook fans and players have 2 dates circled on their calendars each year, and that's it. No one cares about Maryland. It really doesn't matter how often you beat Dook.

There have been years in which either Carolina or Dook just plain sucked, and the games between them were still emotional and close. It's the same in football.

Until Maryland has a Beat Dook Parade each year and Dook reciprocates, get it through your head that you guys are NOT their rival.

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I love how Twerps fans will do anything to convince themselves that they have a real rivalry.

Carolina and Dook fans and players have 2 dates circled on their calendars each year, and that's it. No one cares about Maryland. It really doesn't matter how often you beat Dook.

There have been years in which either Carolina or Dook just plain sucked, and the games between them were still emotional and close. It's the same in football.

Until Maryland has a Beat Dook Parade each year and Dook reciprocates, get it through your head that you guys are NOT their rival.

Apparently the country doesn't think so, as the last two years Duke-Maryland has been the highest-rated and second-highest rated games, respectively, on ESPN. Above UNC-Duke.

Wake me when those two play another meaningful game.

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Guest SUPER23

Not once during a Duke-Carolina game have I heard the chant - "go to hell Maryland. go to hell". I did hear this chant several times during last nights game in reference to Carolina. Duke-Maryland good emotions but for rivalry you can only say Duke-Carolina.

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I love how Twerps fans will do anything to convince themselves that they have a real rivalry.

Carolina and Dook fans and players have 2 dates circled on their calendars each year, and that's it. No one cares about Maryland. It really doesn't matter how often you beat Dook.

There have been years in which either Carolina or Dook just plain sucked, and the games between them were still emotional and close. It's the same in football.

Until Maryland has a Beat Dook Parade each year and Dook reciprocates, get it through your head that you guys are NOT their rival.

I think Duke players hate the Terps but the hate is different for UNC.

It is kind of like Dallas and Washington...The Redskins fans are more into the rivalry than Dallas are.

MD beat Duke twice last year....So, after MD's pathetic season last year, MD fans can at least say "we beat Duke twice"

Duke is without a doubt MD biggest rival and really, they have been able to play with Duke over the last 7 years, whereas UNC has not been much more than another team for Duke to play.

I get what you are saying, but the games with the Terps have been more meaningful and quite frankly,better games over the past few years.

But, because the schools are so close and whatnot, the Duke-UNC rivalry is on a different level.

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Not once during a Duke-Carolina game have I heard the chant - "go to hell Maryland. go to hell". I did hear this chant several times during last nights game in reference to Carolina. Duke-Maryland good emotions but for rivalry you can only say Duke-Carolina.

I am pissed...I had the chance to go last night but could not go.

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I guarantee you that it's a rivalry to the Duke players and coaches, just as it is to the Maryland players and coaches. That's all that really matters to me, not what the North Carolina fan faction of the ACC thinks. Also, I don't know of any Maryland fans that claim it's as historic a rivalry or as important a rivalry to Duke as UNC/Duke. But it is a rivalry. That happens when two teams play each other regularly in games that matter, as SG said, and each wins its share.

Now onto the game...I knew that we were in serious trouble maybe 2 and a half minutes into the game when JJ had an open 3-pointed, faked the shot, and dumped it down to Sheldon for a slam. Redick would not have done that in past years, and a big part of the reason why Maryland has been successful against Duke recently has been its ability to contain Redick from beyond the arc. Obviously the team didn't do a great job of that either last night, but when he starts making passes like that, that's showing some real growth. I hate to say it, but I was impressed.

I was disappointed in the seniors' play, just like everyone. But I've come to expect this crap out of Garrison and Nik. I was disappointed with the play of McCray, who has been that JJ stopper in recent games. I wonder if his ankle is still more hurt than he's letting on.

As Mackus said, what was most frustrating was that Duke really wasn't playing that great overall...we just played absolutely miserably. Vitale and Patrick were insufferable, but I guess that's to be expected with a game like that, when the team you've got on your network every other day is dominating. I honestly don't mind them much because I know that if Duke isn't involved, Vitale loves the ACC and would do the same for Maryland most games if they were playing that well. The "our house" stuff might have been a bit much...But to be honest, I didn't hear much, because we had a party for the game. So I'll ask here. Why exactly was Magic Johnson there, especially since Michigan State had a pretty big game of it's own last night, and why was he on screen more often than...oh, I dunno...either of the coaches in the game? Heck he even got more airtime than those signatures at center court, and that's saying something.

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I guarantee you that it's a rivalry to the Duke players and coaches, just as it is to the Maryland players and coaches. That's all that really matters to me, not what the North Carolina fan faction of the ACC thinks. Also, I don't know of any Maryland fans that claim it's as historic a rivalry or as important a rivalry to Duke as UNC/Duke. But it is a rivalry. That happens when two teams play each other regularly in games that matter, as SG said, and each wins its share.

Now onto the game...I knew that we were in serious trouble maybe 2 and a half minutes into the game when JJ had an open 3-pointed, faked the shot, and dumped it down to Sheldon for a slam. Redick would not have done that in past years, and a big part of the reason why Maryland has been successful against Duke recently has been its ability to contain Redick from beyond the arc. Obviously the team didn't do a great job of that either last night, but when he starts making passes like that, that's showing some real growth. I hate to say it, but I was impressed.

I was disappointed in the seniors' play, just like everyone. But I've come to expect this crap out of Garrison and Nik. I was disappointed with the play of McCray, who has been that JJ stopper in recent games. I wonder if his ankle is still more hurt than he's letting on.

As Mackus said, what was most frustrating was that Duke really wasn't playing that great overall...we just played absolutely miserably. Vitale and Patrick were insufferable, but I guess that's to be expected with a game like that, when the team you've got on your network every other day is dominating. I honestly don't mind them much because I know that if Duke isn't involved, Vitale loves the ACC and would do the same for Maryland most games if they were playing that well. The "our house" stuff might have been a bit much...But to be honest, I didn't hear much, because we had a party for the game. So I'll ask here. Why exactly was Magic Johnson there, especially since Michigan State had a pretty big game of it's own last night, and why was he on screen more often than...oh, I dunno...either of the coaches in the game? Heck he even got more airtime than those signatures at center court, and that's saying something.

I bet that was a fun party. Lots of drinking. :D

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Maryland has been successful against Duke recently has been its ability to contain Redick from beyond the arc. Obviously the team didn't do a great job of that either last night

I was disappointed with the play of McCray, who has been that JJ stopper in recent games. I wonder if his ankle is still more hurt than he's letting on.

9-22 from the field (many of which came in the final minutes) and 4-13 from beyond the arc. yeah, just a terrible job gaurding jj.

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