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Fans not wearing masks


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5 minutes ago, Frobby said:

Mostly, but not entirely true.   

What is terrifying is that we have been living through this hell the last year or more and still people don’t understand basic things about the virus, like how vaccines aren’t 100% or some are still at high risk WITH a vaccine and need to wear a mask at all times. Sometimes I wonder what year it is when we are debating the merits of vaccines & masks during an airborne virus. Endless nightmare. 

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6 hours ago, NelsonCruuuuuz said:

What is terrifying is that we have been living through this hell the last year or more and still people don’t understand basic things about the virus, like how vaccines aren’t 100% or some are still at high risk WITH a vaccine and need to wear a mask at all times. Sometimes I wonder what year it is when we are debating the merits of vaccines & masks during an airborne virus. Endless nightmare. 

"But mah freedumbs!!!!"

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8 hours ago, NelsonCruuuuuz said:

What is terrifying is that we have been living through this hell the last year or more and still people don’t understand basic things about the virus, like how vaccines aren’t 100% or some are still at high risk WITH a vaccine and need to wear a mask at all times. Sometimes I wonder what year it is when we are debating the merits of vaccines & masks during an airborne virus. Endless nightmare. 

Yea, we should have this argument about tuberculosis.  You know, that’s an airborne virus with many of the same characteristics that has killed more than 1M people in recent years, yet we don’t even talk about it.

Maybe if TB occurred during a certain 4 year cycle, people would care?

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17 hours ago, BRobinsonfan said:

This is actually not true.  School systems across the country routinely require vaccination records as a condition of enrollment.  HIPPA requirement are actually very narrowly defined :  https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/wellness/hipaa-vaccine-covid-privacy-violation/2021/05/22/f5f145ec-b9ad-11eb-a6b1-81296da0339b_story.html

Just like everything else with covid, there is a lot of misinformation, so I'm not even sure on this.  Our employer is not asking for vaccine cards, but if someone does provide it, it can cut down the amount of time that they are excluded from work due to showing symptoms or close contact.  

Maybe that's due to how narrowly we are trying to balance everyone's feelings on the matter, but that guidance is coming from the corporate level and we have close to 3,000 locations.  It is going to be very interesting to see how this moves. 

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On 5/21/2021 at 8:05 PM, Frobby said:

I don’t agree with this, for the simple reason that people who choose not to get vaccinated and not to wear a mask can infect other people.   They aren’t just risking their own health.   Honestly, I’m not too worried about baseball games, but other situations.   

I’m watching the numbers drop rapidly, thanks to those who chose to get vaccinated.   The more people are vaccinated, the harder it is for the virus to find a target.   So hopefully the numbers will continue dwindling despite those people who choose not to get vaccinated.   But it’s going to be hard to stomp it out entirely if vaccinations stagnate.   

I wasn't going to respond but can't pass up this quote from Sports Guy on another thread, so will leave it at that:


"You are wrong."


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On 5/23/2021 at 8:08 AM, Sports Guy said:

Yea, we should have this argument about tuberculosis.  You know, that’s an airborne virus with many of the same characteristics that has killed more than 1M people in recent years, yet we don’t even talk about it.

Maybe if TB occurred during a certain 4 year cycle, people would care?

Yes, and we should clear up that it's caused by bacteria rather than a virus.  


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On 5/23/2021 at 6:21 AM, Moose Milligan said:

"But mah freedumbs!!!!"

Comments like this are a joke. I guess we should just let the powers in control do whatever they want whenever they want. I guess real world evidence and science before 2020 should be ignored. I guess the mass harms caused by lockdowns should be ignored. I guess everyone is power is always correct, all have strong morals and are always willing to admit when they are wrong. 

Apparently people think masks were never studied before 2020.


I guess the science from those studies should just be ignored. I guess the real world evidence we see right here in the US should be ignored. All the stadiums wide open with no masks in states with decreasing cases. Just ignore it. Ignore the places where school has been open maskless like in Europe and here in America. Just ignore it. 

Ignore seasonality. Just ignore it. Blame people’s behaviors when cases rise and praise the NPI’s when they drop. 

Apparently people in the Midwest don’t celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas. They also must be indoors more in October than late November and beyond. I never knew that. We were told being inside more caused this. 

Vaccines are the reason right now in Maryland cases are down. Only that according to the experts. Just ignore how during the same vaxx campaign cases in MD rose for 7 weeks. Ignore that we had 494K fully vaxx on 2/26 and had 1.68 fully vaxx on April and we had more cases and higher case % in April than February. Ignore it. A 7 day positive of 3.47 on 2/27 and a 7 day positive of 5.72 on 4/16. I mean why use facts when narrative is what matters. I guess the fact the entire Northeast US rose in unison is yet another coincidence. Ignore the fact that coronavirus have always been known to be seasonal. Ignore it.  It doesn’t mean vaccines don’t work, it means there is more to it.  

Ignore the mental health damage caused by this, ignore the people who lost their business. Ignore the damage done to children. Ignore the states who kept school open and those that didn’t. Ignore it. Ignore it because “experts” who have been wrong over and over should never be questioned ever. 


Always listen to the CDC. Trust them. Let them publish evidence showing how states with mask mandates were beneficial . Let them cherry pick data then ignore the data when it doesn’t fit their narrative. Imagine if a sports writer did this with analytical data. They would be skewered  

Don’t get me stated on outdoor spread, asymptomatic spread, the high CT threshold. How the media fear mongered and then when the impending danger never happened once again ignored it.  

The lack of intellectual curiosity, common sense and critical thinking skills is just beyond me. 

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@eddie83, if you don’t think vaccinations are the primary reason that COVID cases are dropping like a rock, I don’t know what to tell you.   And notice I didn’t say the sole reason.    

This is a baseball board so I’m not going to respond in detail to your lengthy post.   

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2 minutes ago, Frobby said:

@eddie83, if you don’t think vaccinations are the primary reason that COVID cases are dropping like a rock, I don’t know what to tell you.   And notice I didn’t say the sole reason.    

This is a baseball board so I’m not going to respond in detail to your lengthy post.   

I never said you did. Once again when did cases around here drop last year? May. Another coincidence? 

We have had 2 major waves of the virus and a 3rd in the spring. A ton of people have natural immunity. That is always ignored. Right now the virus isn’t getting it’s seasonal trigger. Cases drop during those times just like last year.  Only this time a ton of people have natural immunity and others have vaccines. Once again over 1.2 M more people in MD were fully vaxxed on April 16 and yet cases had rose for 7 weeks and peaked in mid April. You credit vaccines now for the drop while ignoring all that vaccine increase at the same time while cases rose for 7 weeks. 

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2 minutes ago, camdencrush said:

what a bunch of absolute tripe

Look I’ve said my peace. When the responses are Haha emojis and this you have no desire for a conversation.  

I never said the virus isn’t real. Never said it didn’t cause harm. 

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2 minutes ago, camdencrush said:

I am glad you've said your peace.  This is an orioles board, not a spam everyone with twitter posts that support my beliefs board.  Take it to 4chan

What an ignorant statement. You think the data used is made up?  

I had a lengthy post because it’s kind of hard to avoid this topic and was trying to engage in a conversation. That’s it.  

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Well this has gone off the rails. 

Intent was to start a conversation. I get a little frustrated as many can tell with my lengthy post. I’ve studied this everyday for a year and have strong opinions. Nobody on this board knows me but I don’t make things up or try to start trouble. When I read things I disagree with going unchallenged I wanted to give another perspective. 

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