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Szymborski on Andrew Vaughn's 2021

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Vaughn did a respectable job picking up the outfield on the fly and even briefly cosplayed as a second baseman and a third baseman. But while he showed a solid eye at the plate, as in A-ball, not a lot of power came out of it; he struggled to a .613 OPS in the second half, and righties dominated him with breaking stuff all season. In the end, Vaughn would have been better served at Triple-A, which already would have been a big leap; the White Sox didn’t get anything from him they couldn’t have gotten from any other random fourth outfielder on a one-year deal. 


It was a little bit surprising to discover during playoffs he had basically lost most of a job to Gavin Sheets.   Cots already has its Major League Service as of Opening Day 2022 column populated, with Vaughn at the rarely seen 1.000 for players of his pedigree.   I will be curious to see next spring if his struggles translate to some AAA time.

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