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The Teixeira Watch: Part IV


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MacPhail's MO has been to be completely silent on all signings/trades/etc. until they are FINAL....He denies everything until all the paperwork is done. Why would this time be any different? No one in the FO is going to tell the media anything that would even hint at us being in the running until the ink is dry on the contract...

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Nobody knows the reality of what's going on here. Let's get the facts before pissing on the front office again. I understand the tendency to do that given our history, but this is the first big FA race McPhail has been in, and I'll give him the benefit of the doubt until the real story is told.

Also, I'm not going to cry if he doesn't sign here. Offense is not the O's biggest problem, starting pitching is.

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This is all very interesting....We are starting to see a pattern develop in a big way...all the members of the media are basically getting the same info and are all thinking the Orioles don't have a chance.

This means one of 2 things:

1) Belkast, Sonny and Baseball7117 are all incorrect and are being fed optimism over truth.

2) AM and the rest of the organization are spoon feeding the media everything they want to hear and are totally misleading them.

Hopefully it is #2.

Yes. The fallout should be interesting when we determine which it is.

As far as inside information goes, this has been a study in internet hysteria. Almost as if we grab onto the insider stuff because - even IF it's inaccurate (and I'm not necessarily saying it is - we prefer the illusion to the truth (that we're not competitive even in bidding.)

That said, so much bandwidth has been occupied by these rumors. The fact is, all sides (media and non-professional) are obviously pawns in a strategic signing process.

There's really no truth here until the contract is signed. And then, the only truth is the contract itself.

In a strange way, I'll be glad if I hear the O's begged off at 8/160 or so: I said all along that Teix only makes sense up to a point. Celebrating PA's obsessive and irrational pursuit of a Teix is a little scary to me. It's no way to run a club.

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Belkast did say that things could change quickly and everything looked good last night. Could something have happened between now and then?

I have no doubt. There is just too much information to the contrary going on in the media.

Roch's take has really got me worried.

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Belkast did say that things could change quickly and everything looked good last night. Could something have happened between now and then?

Like the reality of the Os never really being the frontrunner setting in? Maybe.

I'd love to be wrong. But I don't see why there is any reason to have faith in this organization successfully signing the most coveted free agent of any given offseason. AM has been great with the trades and development and emphasized that all along, and I think he has the organization headed in the right direction, but this ain't happening.

I'd love to be wrong.

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