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The Teixeira Watch: Part IV


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This is all very interesting....We are starting to see a pattern develop in a big way...all the members of the media are basically getting the same info and are all thinking the Orioles don't have a chance.

This means one of 2 things:

1) Belkast, Sonny and Baseball7117 are all incorrect and are being fed optimism over truth.

2) AM and the rest of the organization are spoon feeding the media everything they want to hear and are totally misleading them.

Hopefully it is #2.

I hope it is #2 as well, but do we really believe that AM can control all leaks, or can mislead the national media as he so desires?

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Let me check how this works....

National media guy hints there may be a chance Tex is considering the Orioles.....he speaks the truth, has good sources and we love him.

National media guy shoots down our chances......he's bogus, out of touch and/or lacking in intelligence, plus we never really liked him anyway.

Right....got it, I'm good to go!!


Well, Ravech hadn't said anything before yesterday, and it was more Tex's quote than anything a reporter said. the national media - including Olney - has had us barely in the race at all, let alone anywhere near the lead since day one.

Our insiders have been right more times than not this time around and everyone in the local media is going off of Olney's report and their own assumptions.

So we just need to sit tight and see what happens.

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Wasn't one of the insiders "outed" last year by being fed mis-information and when it showed up on OH he was reprimanded? Did that happen or am I "mis-remembering"?

I am not saying that is the case now(although it is conceivable) I'm just saying we have NO idea what is going on.

I will say this has been interesting to say the least.

Belkast versus the world!! Haha

Belkast checks with his guy what he can and can't post IIRC.

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What about the idea that yesterday's reports that the Orioles were close to a deal were leaked by Boras to get the Red Sox and Gnats to up their offers, both teams tried to get back into negotiations, Boras told the Orioles about this, and today's reports that the Orioles are done has been floated by the Warehouse to get the Red Sox and Gnats to stop upping their offers?

Sounds like good poker playing to me...

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Does anybody long for the days when the internet was not such a factor, and you simply picked up your morning paper to read the sports headline that read "the Orioles signed or traded for "---------"?

Don't mind saying that I kind of do. Showing my age a bit I guess.

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Honestly, until the "National" media says that the deal is done, they dont know better than us what is going on. I cannot count the number of times they have been wrong with their speculation!! Its rediculous. The only reason they get it right so often is because...hmmmm... if they guess Yankees, Mets, or Red Sox (all the teams that have the money) they hedge most of their bets. I would take our guys any day over ESPN because our guys dont care about ratings and actually do value their sources. I have watched ESPN turn to mush over my 25 years and its sad.

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This is going to be historic IMO. Sort of like Dewey defeats Truman but on a sports level...

And I think the Orioles are intending for it to be this way all along...

JTrea I find your unwavering optimism astounding. I mean that as a compliment.

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