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The Teixeira Watch: Part V - AM says the O's "have flexibility" on Tex


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Didn't you hear, we might get Paul Bako back. How much excitement can you stand in one day? :D

And to continue with the positive vibes, Bako will come in just south of the 10/200 range leaving just enough to sign a stud pitcher like Tim Redding.

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Like I said, we don't know the true story of the Orioles' economics. They spent $93 mm on payroll in 2007, $67 mm in 2008. Did they spend an additional $26 mm on the farm system, international scouting, etc.? Who knows, but I doubt it. According to Forbes, in 2007 the Orioles had revenue of $166 mm and player expenses of $103 mm (inclusive of benefits). Operating profit was $7.7 mm. From that, I deduce that the team spent ~$55 mm on non-payroll expenses. The year before, the O's had $158 mm in revenue, $86 mm in player expenses, and operating income of $17 mm. That suggests ~$55 mm in non-payroll expenses. That seems to suggest that the drop in payroll made no difference in the amount spent elsewhere. But in any event we don't have the true picture on either the revenue or the expense side, I suspect.

I don't think we're necesarily 5 years away from the "prime" of Wieters et al. Johnny Bench was league MVP at ages 22 and 24. Joe Mauer put up MVP-caliber years at ages 23 and 25. Mike Piazza was cranking from age 24 onwards. Zito, Mulder and Hudson were 23, 23 and 25 when they won 56 games in 2001. Prior, Zambrano and Woods were 22, 22 and 26 when they won 45 games for the Cubs in 2003. Tampa's rotation last year had 3 24-year olds, a 25-year old and a 26-year old. I think it is pretty realistic that our rotation can be good by 2011, if it is ever going to be good.

How I feel about an opt-out depends on the degree to which the contract is frontloaded/backloaded. If it's fairly backloaded, I don't have a problem with it, even after 4 years.

Age doesn't necessarily play as large of a roll as experience. I don't have the time to look up all the stats but I am sure none of those pitchers were in their first or second years pitching. A pitcher needs 1 or 2 years before they can get used to the adjustments and high quality hitters in the majors. You cannot expect Tillman and Matuz to be instantly good. Expect a year of 4+ ERA before anything starts to take shape.

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I agree. I hear him everyday on the way home from work. I take all he says with a grain of salt, or less. It's just nice to hear mention of the O's occassionally on a radio station in enemy territory. Any other O's fan in the Albany area??

I listen to him on occasion, not a fan but good to hear the O's mentioned locally.

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Sounds about right, as it seems every day the next day will be the end and it never comes.

It must be tough to want to come home but know you could go to the playoffs, maybe get a ring in 2009 if you go elsewhere. And if you come home you probably won't see the playoffs until at least 2011 and maybe never get a ring...

If Boras isn't putting out chatter, he has his offers in and his client is making the decision. Or... Boras is holding out because he thinks he can get more.

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