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The Teixeira Watch: Part V - AM says the O's "have flexibility" on Tex


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And my pessimism reaches an all time high.

I just don't see this getting done now guys. And I'm getting frustrated that this keeps dragging out. I wish it'd just be over.

What difference does it make? As soon as another report hits the airwaves that Tex has narrowed his choices down to 2 and Baltimore is back in it, everyone will be jumping for joy again. I'm actually beginning to love this situation. Despite telling myself every day that I'm going to just wait for him to sign whenever, I still find myself absorbed by every little report, quote, rumor or source. To me this is just another blip in the Tex hysteria crap-o-meter.

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At the end of the day, I believe we're in the exact same place where we were yesterday... not having a clue.

Longer this goes, without being done the harder it is to believe all of the info that says we are not in this is wrong. I wish we had some new reason to grasp......


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At the end of the day, I believe we're in the exact same place where we were yesterday... not having a clue.

At the end of yesterday, Bigbird was optimistic, Belkast said he may sign last night, and that other new insider said the same.

Tonight no one in the media is saying anything remotely positive, Bigbird isn't hearing anything good, and Belkast is being a little less clear and I think optimistic than usual.

I think the emotions of the board have really changed a lot since last night.

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What difference does it make? As soon as another report hits the airwaves that Tex has narrowed his choices down to 2 and Baltimore is back in it, everyone will be jumping for joy again. I'm actually beginning to love this situation. Despite telling myself every day that I'm going to just wait for him to sign whenever, I still find myself absorbed by every little report, quote, rumor or source. To me this is just another blip in the Tex hysteria crap-o-meter.

this is like a 24 hour soap opera

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What difference does it make? As soon as another report hits the airwaves that Tex has narrowed his choices down to 2 and Baltimore is back in it, everyone will be jumping for joy again. I'm actually beginning to love this situation. Despite telling myself every day that I'm going to just wait for him to sign whenever, I still find myself absorbed by every little report, quote, rumor or source. To me this is just another blip in the Tex hysteria crap-o-meter.

I'm just ready for it to end. I'm sick of hearing about it. It's draining me. And I don't want to spend my entire off day tomorrow on OH! I have errands to run!

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If AM was truly told we get last chance to match offer we shouldn't be upping the offer to Tex. Then everything makes sense. Let the Nats, Sox and Angels determine the market. When Tex is ready to sign, he will bring best offer and we can match it or not. And I think we will

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At the end of yesterday, Bigbird was optimistic, Belkast said he may sign last night, and that other new insider said the same.

Tonight no one in the media is saying anything remotely positive, Bigbird isn't hearing anything good, and Belkast is being a little less clear and I think optimistic than usual.

I think the emotions of the board have really changed a lot since last night.

Could last night be as close as we got to this thing just for it to end up not being that close?

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What happened with that rumor your buddy told you earlier? Was he just messing with you?

No they weren't. They said they were asked if they could be on standby if a major press conference was called for the Nats.

They are an honest person and distances themself from rumors and always waits for the press release. They actually would probably be a little PO'd if they found out I passed it along but I felt like everyone should know.

I for one are very glad it didn't happen, of course, and they are too.

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I'm still trying to figure out if it's the Gammons thing, the BB thing, or the fact that this has been dragging as to why everyone is completely pessimistic. Even JTrea had a downer post, and I haven't seen one from him.... ever?

I'm still highly optimistic, I'm just drained.

I can only keep this positive energy up for so long...

I think being out of the loop for a bit tomorrow will be a good thing...

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this is like a 24 hour soap opera

24-hours? 24-days, you mean?

Who remembers last winter, when another Boras client named A-Rod had everybody running in circles.

From 'If he opts out, the Yankees will not negotiate with him' to 'The Yankees have paid him every penny he asked for even though nobody else came close to outbidding them' when all was said and done.

Living in New York, the funniest part to me was that half the people who'd welcomed A-Rod's "return" had a some point cursed out both the player and his agent in their hearts and wished them all to H.E.double-hockey-sticks

Wherever Tex winds up, the same thing's going to happen. Rolling around with Boras leaves everybody involved feeling a little dirty with a nasty taste in their mouth.

Just remember folks, Belkast warned that these kind of reports would run rampant. Just par for the course.

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Or maybe it is actually tight lipped. And no one is telling the insiders anything now. I have faith in AM.:D

Peace, do you still have your contact? I'm not asking for info, but I just can't remember the last time you posted any insider info. It seems like you're one of us now :D

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