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The Teixeira Watch: Part V - AM says the O's "have flexibility" on Tex


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Cant forget my version.

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I have been going over all the information that I have received from my guy,

as well as media reports, as well as pm's with other insiders, as well as past information especially from last year. I think that I am going to change my stance. I am less optimistic in the whole Tex sweepstakes.

Don't get me wrong I want the guy. I think our organization needs the guy. I am constantly being told that we will get the guy. But after reviewing everything something is telling me that maybe this isn't a sure thing. Maybe I am being fed some wrong information. I don't know.

I have been extremely excited and optimistic about Tex. This is based on what I have heard but the more I think about it, I am getting excited because I am a fan that wants to see this happen.

The reality check is hitting me while I was reviewing everything. This is reality: I was burned before. I have sometimes not taking my own advice of taking things with a grain of salt when hearing things from my guy. Things change really fast in baseball. I think things get said privattely as well as to the media that is in fact a game in itself. I have strong suspision from the past that some of the information I was receiving was false. I do not know that to be the case with the information I have received about Tex. I do know based on my beliefs it could be.

So, with that said, I want to make perfectly clear to you all that I don't know how I am feeling about Tex right now. I want to be very optimistic still but there has also been lessons learned in the past. So lets just say I have guarded optimism now.

Sorry about the long post. I just felt that I neeeded to share what I was thinking and why I was thinking it. Nothing was said for me to change my stance. Previous lessons are just playing a factor. Hopefully my guy is right and Tex will be an Oriole but I will take his information with a grain of salt.

Don't worry Belkast, we all want the guy, but there is only so much a team in our position can give up. Just a few months ago this board was saying that the errors made by the Orioles in the past was their inability to fix holes through expensive long term alternatives. We are just starting to put a good farm system together and I expect by next year we will have a top 5 system. There is a right way to rebuild this team and maybe a $23 Million per year free agent is not the way. Maybe we should trade Roberts, Sherrill, and Scott for above average parts. Sign Nick to a reasonable 8/85 extention and make him the face of this team. Wait for the young pitchers to get in the mix and then strike a deal for the missing parts.

Either way, I appreciate what you do. Do not be so hard on yourself. OH members have heard you say you were optimistic for some time now. They have also heard the media belittle our chances while other insiders said our chances were not good. If we followed the bread crumbs it was because we wanted to as fans. I think deep down most of us will admit that Teixeira was bound for Boston from jump street.

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Ahhh, Belkast. All is not lost and everyone has enjoyed this ride. Perhaps this is what we needed. I still think this looks so much like the Bedard trade that it is eerie. Remember, surprise often adds to the elation of the moment and maybe this is the calm before the storm. One can only hope. Keep your head up and lets see what happens.

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Dedicated to Belkast

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Things have gone very quiet and many are assuming the worst. I think it just means things are finally coming to a head.

Boras is going to keep going back until each party says adamantly "we have made our final offer." The way the O's will win this will be if they have understanding AND willingness to match or better the final offer...the problem is Boras may have that understanding with more than one team...probably both the O's and the Red Sox. Perhaps the Nationals probably keep calling to 'up their offer' and have relayed to the media that they won't be beat..seems Kasten/Lerners have some ins with Gammons and will keep feeding him. There is no connection with the O's and Gammons or with Olney or Rosenthal which is why you see very little from them.

In terms of local media - Roch, Schmuck, Zrebic it seems their best contacts and relationships are with MacPhail and his approved lines of communication - they will not go outside of that. No one seems to have a clue what Angelos is doing except for the insiders and the 'connections' seem to come from different camps within the inner circle, with different responses coming from each side. It is also incredibly frustrating that they local media in particular seems to be so pessimistic which they say is based on what they are told which is also feeding the national media pessimism as these guys all talk. So FWIW the sourcing on 90% of this is circular and coming from the same contact pool. But that is how the O's front office likes to play things and we can never expect nor would want our local reporters to become cheerleaders for the team as they are in other markets.

It seems that most of the info coming out now is limited to two approved messages -

1) "We will be flexible" (MacPhail - official media line) Translation - If you want to play here Mark, we will make it worth your while but we don't want to be used to drive up a competitor's offer...it seems that there is a real concern that is what Boras is doing.

2) "Doesn't look good" (unsourced MacPhail colleagues picked up by national press and some insiders). Manage fan's expectations in case this doesn't work out and don't give Boras too much license to push our offer higher if everyone else has stopped bidding. If Tex really wants to come here, let's sit down exclusively and work this out but stop going back to other teams to up our offer.

IMO it's O's vs Sox. 2 offers, 1 from an established winner in win now and contend every year mode, the other...well we know the story here. I think Belkast's confidence stems from the 'understanding' that in the end the O's will have the highest bid but the Sox are putting on a full court press and MT is 'struggling' a bit with the decision weighing his past experience with teams not contending, family concerns, money and how and where he wants to spend the next 5-10 years. Ironically MT will have big impact on the continued succes of Red Sox nation or a rebirth of the "Oriole Way" based on his decision.

This will come down to what type of person Mark is ...he is not Arod which is a good thing and he means more to the O's than any other team. My worry is the Angels, Sox, Yankees all have plan B's and C's. The Nationals are just saying - Why not, let's go for it! So much of our hopes and the team's seem to rest on this signing which is not fair to the player, team or fans.

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I agree with what you are saying.

I think the problem is Boston refuses to drop out and Boras keeps playing the Red Sox card to try to get what he wants from the Orioles, the only problem is MacPhail and Angelos ain't buying what Boras is selling.

So you have a stalemate. And that's where I think we are at this point...

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As Moose Milligan always says, "dagger." :(

That being said, we always enjoy what you bring to the board and we appreciate every kernel of information you throw us. :)

Hopefully, this is all resolved soon.

Not really...the key to everything Belkast said in his post was "nothing was said for me to change my stance".

That means that the info Belkast has gotten is still positive info but that Belkast is getting antsy and not able to figure out what the hold up is, so now he is getting a little more pessimistic...worried that things may be happening that he doesn't know about, so he wants to "tone down" his enthusiasm.

It makes perfect sense. I don't think it means we should be any more worried than we were...It is just something Belkast had to say to make himself feel better and no one should be upset by him wanting to do that.

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That's not the way Boras works.

True, but even the Sux have said they are not going to go to 10 years. Once the Nats offer was out, if Tex wanted to be a member of the Sux, he would say match that offer and im yours.

I really think Tex wants to be an Orioles, but the thought of winning in Boston is making this really hard for him. With that said, make your decision already TEX!

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Then why hasn't he signed with them yet?

If Boston really wanted him and he wanted to go to Boston he'd be signed by now...

Same could be said for why he is not an Oriole by now.

I also do not believe the Orioles best offer is 7/150. They could go to 8/160 like everyone else. In the end the Orioles need to be close enough plus or minus to make Teixeira decide to play for the home town team or the winning team. All I need is for the offers to be similar and he walk away from us. Uf that happens we did what we could, we should not have to overpay for a guy who grew up watching this team.

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Belkast knows what's up.

We are nearly done with a deal, and now, Boras is attempting to ratchet it upwards..

Crap! The BoSox or Yankees came in with a new deal!

...I still believe that we have the last dibs on Teix.

...ha jeez....

Good...let them ratchet it up.

It's funny the Red Sox would have to overpay and outbid losing franchises to get their guy. Especially with Lars waiting in the wings.

I've been kinda torn on this whole Tex idea.

He's great in the now and a couple of years down the line.

But I could see a lot of resentment if you're paying him $20million a year when he's 36....especially for a franchise face.

As I have said earlier, this whole process has given me renewed optimism in the Orioles. We wouldn't be at this stage if were willing to open the checkbook.

Good luck Mark wherever you go.

Let's hope we can now turn our attention to more appropriate acquisitions.

This whole Tex thing to me was starting to smell like we were buying a Mercedes while our home was in foreclosure.

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