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The Teixeira Watch: Part V - AM says the O's "have flexibility" on Tex


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This is very strange.

With all the info that has been made public and the stuff you, sonny, etc...have said, it just doesn't add up.

Why isn't this done? Why hasn't our new offer been put out there?

Why is AM saying we are still at 7/150?

What is that missing piece?

My guess is that the missing piece is that everyone's best and final offers haven't yet been solicited by Boras, and AM sees no point in presenting his until the appropriate time. The longer he waits, the more time he has to gauge how little it will take to get the job done.

I also suspect he thinks it's a mistake to believe you can force Boras' hand when it comes a talent like Teixeira. When NYY, Boston, and Anaheim are also involved, he's right.

The only one who can force Boras' hand is Mark Teixeira, and clearly he's content to let thing play out a little longer. I don't know how meaningful the phrase "hometown discount" truly is to him, but I'm confident it extends at least far enough to guarantee the Orioles will have an opportunity at the end to step up and do what it takes before he turns elsewhere.

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Ok, Ill bite... how would a salary cap have guaranteed Tex would end up in Baltimore? Who is to say the O's wouldnt have been buried in bad contracts they couldnt move when Tex came up for free agency?

Wouldnt that - in general - be conducive to less players playing at home? If a player really wants to play at home he can always take less money. If he goes for the money then we know what was more important to him than playing at home...

Baltimore is as good a baseball city and a big baseball market AND a big revenue team as any - its just been mismanaged for a loooong time.

The Orioles could have prepared for this by moving contracts, not taking on contracts, etc. As it stands now, they will always be outbid (significantly) by several large market teams, who by the nature of their excessive amount of income, consistently make the playoffs. This cycle is detrimental to the smaller market guys. Why not make it an even playing field? It is very difficult for a player to be offered 10,20,30+ million $ more and say not to that contract. The cap seems to work in the NFL where there appears to be a higher degree of parity.

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My guess is that the missing piece is that everyone's best and final offers haven't yet been solicited by Boras, and AM sees no point in presenting his until the appropriate time. The longer he waits, the more time he has to gauge how little it will take to get the job done.

I also suspect he thinks it's a mistake to believe you can force Boras' hand when it comes a talent like Teixeira. When NYY, Boston, and Anaheim are also involved, he's right.

The only one who can force Boras' hand is Mark Teixeira, and clearly he's content to let thing play out a little longer. I don't know how meaningful the phrase "hometown discount" truly is to him, but I'm confident it extends at least far enough to guarantee the Orioles will have an opportunity at the end to step up and do what it takes before he turns elsewhere.

I completely agree. I think at the end we will have the chance to up our offer if we want to. I think thats the "hometown discount". Tex wants to play here but for the right price. I think Boras is negotiating with the other teams and then will come to the Orioles at the end and say you want him pay this. That will be that. If Boras does his job (highest price tag), I don't think Tex is an Oriole. If the price falls in the Orioles "budget" then I think they give Tex what he needs and we have a brand new toy to show off.

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Ok, Ill bite... how would a salary cap have guaranteed Tex would end up in Baltimore? Who is to say the O's wouldnt have been buried in bad contracts they couldnt move when Tex came up for free agency?

I have to doubt you there. The way PA has been keeping 1st base open for when Tex became a free agent, and not hidden his affinity towards him- I have no doubt there would be cap space. Think Lebron James going to the Knicks...

I really am not picking on you I am just using your quote as an example. I want Tex to come to baltimore as much as the next guy believe me. I have followed his entire career and have friends who played with him in HS. But who are we as Oriole fans to get on Tex for taking more money to play in Boston or Washington? I would feel a little betrayed if he signed with Washington because what do they have to offer? But if he is offered 10 million more to play in Boston then in Baltimore, I find it hard to believe the majority of the OH community wouldn't take that.

Do you really think $10 million more, when you are already at $150 million- would be THAT persuasive. I mean, when is enough enough? You're talking about an apparent family man who has strong ties to his hometown. He's set for life regardless- and as I have said before- the money he'll make in endorsements and such locally would far surpass Boston and LA- who are already flooded with superstars in their respective cities.

Besides that- if he does truly want to play at home AND win, couldn't he help his cause by sacrificing that extra money. He is well aware the Orioles still need quite a few pieces and his taking a tad less would greatly benefit the team in doing so. Granted, I'm sure you'll say "Why would he take less? He has Boras to get the most money he can!" And while that may be true, I also think if his true desire is to play at home but also win- he'd be aiding his cause to get the best of both worlds- while still being one of the top paid athleets ofhis time. That $10 million isn't going to change one thing about his life. He and his family are still set for life, barring a serious mismanagement of his fortune.

It really comes down to what is most important to Tex. Hometown discount means more than the Orioles being too cheap to pay. It shows a signal they want him badly, but would love to also not anchor the franchise with such a weighty contract. It may be asking a lot, but hey, you can't always have your cake and eat it too.

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Earl if your job offers you a 20% increase to work in Boston wouldn't you take it? Especially if that increase=millions.

Boston is expensive, that 20% would be a lot less once other factors were added to the equation. I think people make a smaller salary would be more inclined to take a 20% offer. It would be easier to walk away from $40 Million over 8 years if I was guaranteed $150 playing somewhere where I could be happy.

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No one knows what is being served besides the people sitting at the table. No offense to the 'insiders' or the media - but none of you are at the table, you are underneath it. Sure, you'll get the scraps Boras decides to hide in his napkin and drop on the floor so he can get even more served to him - but that is about it.

Sorry, but it is pitiful signing on to what is usually a very intelligent baseball forum and seeing people riding this roller coaster built on essentially nothing.

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This is very strange.

With all the info that has been made public and the stuff you, sonny, etc...have said, it just doesn't add up.

Why isn't this done? Why hasn't our new offer been put out there?

Why is AM saying we are still at 7/150?

What is that missing piece?

My guess is that we're waiting for Boras to call 'last bid'. We will make our play when he declares that the others are finished. At this point I suspect he's not closing those options of going back out and shopping our offer, so we aren't making it (not wanting to be used).

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Everyone just listen to this and it will be a-ok!!

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FubnJBgd2wY&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FubnJBgd2wY&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Go O's!

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I want this guy, I think the impact on the organization and the players, specifically Markakis and Roberts, will show Angelos is willing to spend some money and help them out. I grow pessimistic when thinking about the future of the organization and what will keep players here, like Markakis and Roberts. If we keep our initial bid, and Teixeira chooses Boston over us because of the money, I think we will have a hard time keeping Roberts and maybe Markakis too, maybe that's why he stopped extension talks: to see what we were going to do this off-season. And from everything I've been reading and hearing on the radio, this whole hometown team thing maybe a little more a creation of the fans than him really not being a money player.

With that little rant of my chest, here's hoping we bag the elephant!:clap3:

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I get what everyone is saying about the 10 million dollars not changing your lifestyle. I believe I poster earlier in the day somewhere saying the 10 million less won't change your lifestyle or your kids lifestyle or your grandkids lifestyle but at the same time, rationalizing a bit so I am not so let down at the end of this situation, 10 million dollars is still 10 million dollars.

And boston being expensive, I doubt many players live in the city. The suburbs of Maryland are very expensive areas to live being that houses are worth more.

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I get what everyone is saying about the 10 million dollars not changing your lifestyle. I believe I poster earlier in the day somewhere saying the 10 million less won't change your lifestyle or your kids lifestyle or your grandkids lifestyle but at the same time, rationalizing a bit so I am not so let down at the end of this situation, 10 million dollars is still 10 million dollars.

And boston being expensive, I doubt many players live in the city. The suburbs of Maryland are very expensive areas to live being that houses are worth more.

The suburbs of Boston can be extremely expensive. The cost of living isn't just trapped within the city borders, in fact most anyone who has a high-paying Boston job commutes into the city from the sprawl around the city.

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Everyone just listen to this and it will be a-ok!!

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FubnJBgd2wY&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FubnJBgd2wY&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Go O's!

Sure puts a smile on my face. I have worn my wild bill shirt for three days now, figure it will give the Os some good luck in signing Tex. Hope it works...

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Everyone just listen to this and it will be a-ok!!

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FubnJBgd2wY&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FubnJBgd2wY&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Go O's!

God it will feel good to when we are good again!


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No one knows what is being served besides the people sitting at the table. No offense to the 'insiders' or the media - but none of you are at the table, you are underneath it. Sure, you'll get the scraps Boras decides to hide in his napkin and drop on the floor so he can get even more served to him - but that is about it.

Sorry, but it is pitiful signing on to what is usually a very intelligent baseball forum and seeing people riding this roller coaster built on essentially nothing.

Your point is well taken, but your metaphor makes no sense. Boras is interested in giving off rumors so he can get more rumors? Boras wants more money so he gives fans money in a napkin?

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