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The Teixeira Watch: Part V - AM says the O's "have flexibility" on Tex


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Your point is well taken, but your metaphor makes no sense. Boras is interested in giving off rumors so he can get more rumors? Boras wants more money so he gives fans money in a napkin?

Why, how dare you, sir.

I meant it to mean Boras leaking offers so he could get more offers. Besides, I just watched Top Chef... food was on the brain.

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Everyone just listen to this and it will be a-ok!!

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FubnJBgd2wY&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FubnJBgd2wY&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Go O's!

The thought of Teixeira in that video brought tears to my eyes.

I think my favorite part of that video is AJ on drums :wedge: I'm pretty sure he touches the drums once in the entire video. The rest of the time hes just waving his drumsticks up in the air :laughlol:

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Speculation to the contrary, the Yankees are not "all in" on Manny Ramirez or Mark Teixeira.

The Yankees have not ruled out adding Ramirez or Teixeira, but they have yet to make an offer to either slugger. In fact, one person familiar with the Yankees' thinking said the baseball operations people have not even discussed Ramirez at any length. They have talked about Teixeira, but he might be too costly after adding CC Sabathia and A.J. Burnett.

"We're monitoring the situation, but we have not made an offer," a team source said. "We may not make an offer. If the money gets too rich, then we won't."


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People must look at this from a distance, Tex is interested in the O's, and vise versa. If Boras needed a team to drive up the price for the Sox, then he could use the Nat's. Everyone in the media has stated on several occasions that the Nat's will offer huge money at Tex. That plays right into Bora's hands. Therefore, if Tex really wanted to go to the Sox, I think he would be there already. He is at least offering the O's a legitimate shot at signing him. Being that the media just picked up on his interest in us yesterday, I take Olney's earlier article with a grain of salt. I have a hard time believing the O's would be the lowest offer, only give an initial offer, and would not add a couple more years/dollars. If they are being presented with some kind of "hometown discount", even if its modest or extremely slight, I still say we can match the best offer and get Tex.

Think about it though, if your Boras, and you know Tex has a large attraction to the Orioles, and that he may want to sign there, what do you do? You throw out stories in the media and contact some of your sources to make it seem like the hated Sox are still in it and the favorites for that matter. You know the Orioles have some money to play with, you know PA wants a local guy, you know the O's have a hole at 1st., you know Baltimore fans want another Ripken and another good team, and you use all this to your advantage. You make the Sox the favorite and ride the Orioles and AM and PA for as much as possible to get as much as possible. The more teams included in the mix by Boras media puppets, the better. Just think though, could there be two worse teams to hear are negotiating with Tex, than Boston and the Nat's. Bora's has to know that these two teams will get under the skin of PA and have him even more committed to signing Tex than before.

I'm not going to state that Tex definitely signs with us, but I just think there's too much smoke to not be any fire. I mean, why would the front page of ESPN have a headline that states the Orioles are out of negotiations with a major free agent; who cares about the Orioles anyway? According to them, we've only been in it since yesterday anyway. When is this a story, it happens every year? There has to be a reason for this...Look, anything can happen, maybe Boston gets spooked and makes a huge contract offer tommorrow and he signs. But, anything under 200, and maybe slightly above, and I think the Orioles take it. I don't see the advantage for Boras to dangle the Orioles, when he can just dangle the Nationals instead.

One last thing, contrary to what everyone believes, I think Boras only impacts Tex slightly about his decision where to go. I'm sure he might want him to go to a huge market team, but he has to know that Tex will me a marketing God here in Baltimore. He seen how it happened to Ripken, and while I won't compare the two players skill-wise, their situations are unique in that they both could become face's of the franchise, and that must pay pretty well in itself. Also, an improved Oriole team, along with an up and coming Tampa team would make the Yankees and Sox pay up even more money to marginal/star players to compete. Could you imagine both empires not making the playoffs for a year or so? ESPN wouldn't have anything to talk about come playoff time...

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Everyone just listen to this and it will be a-ok!!

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FubnJBgd2wY&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FubnJBgd2wY&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Go O's!

I'm gonna miss Millar *sniff* :(

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People must look at this from a distance, Tex is interested in the O's, and vise versa. If Boras needed a team to drive up the price for the Sox, then he could use the Nat's. Everyone in the media has stated on several occasions that the Nat's will offer huge money at Tex. That plays right into Bora's hands. Therefore, if Tex really wanted to go to the Sox, I think he would be there already. He is at least offering the O's a legitimate shot at signing him. Being that the media just picked up on his interest in us yesterday, I take Olney's earlier article with a grain of salt. I have a hard time believing the O's would be the lowest offer, only give an initial offer, and would not add a couple more years/dollars. If they are being presented with some kind of "hometown discount", even if its modest or extremely slight, I still say we can match the best offer and get Tex.

Think about it though, if your Boras, and you know Tex has a large attraction to the Orioles, and that he may want to sign there, what do you do? You throw out stories in the media and contact some of your sources to make it seem like the hated Sox are still in it and the favorites for that matter. You know the Orioles have some money to play with, you know PA wants a local guy, you know the O's have a hole at 1st., you know Baltimore fans want another Ripken and another good team, and you use all this to your advantage. You make the Sox the favorite and ride the Orioles and AM and PA for as much as possible to get as much as possible. The more teams included in the mix by Boras media puppets, the better. Just think though, could there be two worse teams to hear are negotiating with Tex, than Boston and the Nat's. Bora's has to know that these two teams will get under the skin of PA and have him even more committed to signing Tex than before.

I'm not going to state that Tex definitely signs with us, but I just think there's too much smoke to not be any fire. I mean, why would the front page of ESPN have a headline that states the Orioles are out of negotiations with a major free agent; who cares about the Orioles anyway? According to them, we've only been in it since yesterday anyway. When is this a story, it happens every year? There has to be a reason for this...Look, anything can happen, maybe Boston gets spooked and makes a huge contract offer tommorrow and he signs. But, anything under 200, and maybe slightly above, and I think the Orioles take it. I don't see the advantage for Boras to dangle the Orioles, when he can just dangle the Nationals instead.

One last thing, contrary to what everyone believes, I think Boras only impacts Tex slightly about his decision where to go. I'm sure he might want him to go to a huge market team, but he has to know that Tex will me a marketing God here in Baltimore. He seen how it happened to Ripken, and while I won't compare the two players skill-wise, their situations are unique in that they both could become face's of the franchise, and that must pay pretty well in itself. Also, an improved Oriole team, along with an up and coming Tampa team would make the Yankees and Sox pay up even more money to marginal/star players to compete. Could you imagine both empires not making the playoffs for a year or so? ESPN wouldn't have anything to talk about come playoff time...

Boras media puppets....:scratchchinhmm:

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You know the quick test to see if you actually think this makes baseball sense or are just gushing over Tex?

Ask youself this: If Tex was from Billings, Montana and had no Maryland ties would you want the team to go after him this hard? Would you still be devastated if he didnt sign?

If Tex was a 29 year old 1B who would require us to outbid three or four other teams and needed a 200 million dollar, 8-10 year offer - would he still be worth all this trouble and money if he wasnt a Maryland native?

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You know the quick test to see if you actually think this makes baseball sense or are just gushing over Tex?

Ask youself this: If Tex was from Billings, Montana and had no Maryland ties would you want the team to go after him this hard? Would you still be devastated if he didnt sign?

If Tex was a 29 year old 1B who would require us to outbid three or four other teams and needed a 200 million dollar, 8-10 year offer - would he still be worth all this trouble and money if he wasnt a Maryland native?

Ask yourself the following questions:

1.) If Teixeira was not from Maryland would you think he was deserving of the potential $200 Million he may receive?

2.) If another young impact bat was on the market would Teixeira receive a $200 Million payday?

3.) Is Gold Glove defense worth the likely $9 Million a year differance between Teixeira and Dunn?

4.) Would a better value be the signing of Teixeira or the signings of Dunn and Sheets?

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I think some people are getting a little out of hand with this.

Let's look at the facts:

First off, Tex and Boras obviously want more money. None of the teams have offered what they're looking for, so they're holding out for more. So this "well if he wanted to go to X city, why wouldn't he have signed already?" theory doesn't work. No team has offered what he/they think he's worth, so he hasn't signed yet.

Second, we're not out of the running. The only way for a team to be "out" of the running would be for the GM to declare they will not go any higher. MacPhail made a strong statement to the contrary just yesterday. Teixeira wants more money, and we're willing to go higher. Even if the Red Sox/Nats/Angels are "in the lead," all it takes is a higher offer, and all the sudden we're just as much "in the lead." MacPhail has made it clear that we're not done yet, and until we hit the point where we will not offer any more, Boras will continue to take each offer and play them against each other. That's what he does, and that's why he's the best agent in sports.

Third, we're not getting played any more than anyone else. This is not a shameful time to be an Oriole fan, and it's not time to give up on the 2009 season. Yes, Boras is playing us, just like he's playing the Red Sox, Angels and everyone else. This is what Boras is brilliant at. We've heard so many conflicting media reports that everybody is paranoid. That's great for Scott and Mark, because paranoid teams are more likely to bump up their offers. From an agent's perspective, you want as many teams involved, because it means more offers, and more offers means more money. We're all getting played. MacPhail's silence and deliberation has actually, quite brilliantly, allowed us to get played, IMO, significantly less than each of the other teams involved.

Last, let's be honest here: we know nothing. No disrespect to Belkast, bigbird, Buster Olney or anyone else, but we've heard so many contradictory statements that it's safe to say we know nothing. One thing contradicts the other. So either you believe what you like to believe, or you acknowledge that we really don't know where negotiations are at. But we can follow the few basic principles of any negotiation that I outlined above. Boras wants money. We're willing to increase our offer. It would be dumb for Boras to rule us "out of the negotiations." We're still in it just as much as anyone else. Scott and Mark obviously both want a better deal, and whether they're looking at a certain team or whether they just want the most money, they will take that deal when they see it, and they haven't seen in yet. Until they do, we're just as likely as anyone else to make the deal.

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I think some people are getting a little out of hand with this.

Let's look at the facts:

First off, Tex and Boras obviously want more money. None of the teams have offered what they're looking for, so they're holding out for more. So this "well if he wanted to go to X city, why wouldn't he have signed already?" theory doesn't work. No team has offered what he/they think he's worth, so he hasn't signed yet.

Doesn't every agent want more money? If he really thought they could get more Boras would hold out even if they got to the number he had in mind. The "if he wanted to sign in city X" argument goes out the window for every city ashe has not signed with any team.

Second, we're not out of the running. The only way for a team to be "out" of the running would be for the GM to declare they will not go any higher. MacPhail made a strong statement to the contrary just yesterday. Teixeira wants more money, and we're willing to go higher. Even if the Red Sox/Nats/Angels are "in the lead," all it takes is a higher offer, and all the sudden we're just as much "in the lead." MacPhail has made it clear that we're not done yet, and until we hit the point where we will not offer any more, Boras will continue to take each offer and play them against each other. That's what he does, and that's why he's the best agent in sports.

Only the Orioles FO and Boras know if the Orioles are or are not in the running. I would assume that every team that submits a bid is in the running until the player signs. It does not however make them a logical or likely destinations. AM did not say they would go higher, he said that they are flexible with their offer. This could mean that they could increase the total value of the deal. The situation tied to us being flexible is unknown.

Third, we're not getting played any more than anyone else. This is not a shameful time to be an Oriole fan, and it's not time to give up on the 2009 season. Yes, Boras is playing us, just like he's playing the Red Sox, Angels and everyone else. This is what Boras is brilliant at. We've heard so many conflicting media reports that everybody is paranoid. That's great for Scott and Mark, because paranoid teams are more likely to bump up their offers. From an agent's perspective, you want as many teams involved, because it means more offers, and more offers means more money. We're all getting played. MacPhail's silence and deliberation has actually, quite brilliantly, allowed us to get played, IMO, significantly less than each of the other teams involved.


Last, let's be honest here: we know nothing. No disrespect to Belkast, bigbird, Buster Olney or anyone else, but we've heard so many contradictory statements that it's safe to say we know nothing. One thing contradicts the other. So either you believe what you like to believe, or you acknowledge that we really don't know where negotiations are at. But we can follow the few basic principles of any negotiation that I outlined above. Boras wants money. We're willing to increase our offer. It would be dumb for Boras to rule us "out of the negotiations." We're still in it just as much as anyone else. Scott and Mark obviously both want a better deal, and whether they're looking at a certain team or whether they just want the most money, they will take that deal when they see it, and they haven't seen in yet. Until they do, we're just as likely as anyone else to make the deal.

Boras wouldn't rule us out, in fact I think the ESPN report was the first sign of life for us. IF Teixeira had his heart set on Baltimore, a report to ESPN could be leaked to get the Orioles nervous thus causing them to increase their offer. On the flip side, the Orioles could have leaked the information as a means of letting our fans know we are no longer in the race. Our frustration comes from a Orioles FO that has leaked very little if any information.

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Ask youself this: If Tex was from Billings, Montana and had no Maryland ties would you want the team to go after him this hard? Would you still be devastated if he didnt sign?

If Tex was a 29 year old 1B who would require us to outbid three or four other teams and needed a 200 million dollar, 8-10 year offer - would he still be worth all this trouble and money if he wasnt a Maryland native?

The fact that Tex is from Maryland makes him a more attractive target for the Orioles. That's a legitimate factor. So I'm not sure what your point is. That said, we happen to be talking about a great, young ballplayer who, if you are going to overpay, would be exactly the kind of player you'd do that for.

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$21Million+ every year over 7 of them is a "WOW" offer....especially coming from the Orioles. Wonder how it would rank in baseball history? I'd say atleast top 10 total/annual in contract terms....any lawyers out there working pro bono?

You're still missing the point. Who cares what they offered, if it had no chance to get him. You and I could have offered ARod $25 mil a year, and that wouldn't have had a chance. You can call that a whoopdedamdo offer.

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Teixeira is about to make the biggest decision of his life. I think if I was in his shoes, I'd want to sit back and digest the whole situation as well.

The good news is, IMO, that there are only 2 teams legitimately in this and they are Boston and Baltimore. Boston is fairly obvious... and I only say Baltimore because of Ravech's quote the other day which he obviously got from an opposing GM.

That's the ONLY reason I believe Teixeira legitimately wants to play here. You can infer whatever you like from that quote, i.e. we're his childhood team, he grew up here, blah, blah, blah...

"...they keep going back to Baltimore."

Those six words tell me that we'll have the last say in this. Hopefully Angelos' lust for Teixeira is as strong as has been reported in the past, and outweighs his disdain for Boras. Now, AM's quotes yesterday would sort of counter that statement. It doesn't sounds like they've come back to us at all yet.

Ergo : we haven't the faintest idea of what's going on, here... and neither do Olney, Gammons, Ravech, Roch, Schmuck, Drew Forrester, etc...

Wait and see.

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Everyone just listen to this and it will be a-ok!!

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FubnJBgd2wY&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FubnJBgd2wY&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Go O's!

Are you trying to say we have resigned Big Kev? :eektf:

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Teixeira is about to make the biggest decision of his life. I think if I was in his shoes, I'd want to sit back and digest the whole situation as well.

The good news is, IMO, that there are only 2 teams legitimately in this and they are Boston and Baltimore. Boston is fairly obvious... and I only say Baltimore because of Ravech's quote the other day which he obviously got from an opposing GM.

That's the ONLY reason I believe Teixeira legitimately wants to play here. You can infer whatever you like from that quote, i.e. we're his childhood team, he grew up here, blah, blah, blah...

"...they keep going back to Baltimore."

Those six words tell me that we'll have the last say in this. Hopefully Angelos' lust for Teixeira is as strong as has been reported in the past, and outweighs his disdain for Boras. Now, AM's quotes yesterday would sort of counter that statement. It doesn't sounds like they've come back to us at all yet.

Ergo : we haven't the faintest idea of what's going on, here... and neither do Olney, Gammons, Ravech, Roch, Schmuck, Drew Forrester, etc...

Wait and see.

I am starting to get really bummed out about this whole thing. I want him as an Orioles so bad, but, to quote many Star Wars characters, "I've got a baaaaaad feeling about this."

I have just one thing left to say. "Mr. Teixeira sir, please take 30 seconds to watch this video."

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