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The Teixeira Watch: Part V - AM says the O's "have flexibility" on Tex


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Ask yourself the following questions:

1.) If Teixeira was not from Maryland would you think he was deserving of the potential $200 Million he may receive?

2.) If another young impact bat was on the market would Teixeira receive a $200 Million payday?

3.) Is Gold Glove defense worth the likely $9 Million a year differance between Teixeira and Dunn?

4.) Would a better value be the signing of Teixeira or the signings of Dunn and Sheets?

Why do people assume that if we sign Tex, we can't sign Sheets?

Guess what, Tex isn't from LA or Boston but those 2 teams think very highly of him. No matter what big name free agent we go after, we will have to overpay a little until we become contenders. Heck even contenders have to overpay now a days.

I would still want Tex even if he wasn't from Maryland, but because he is, that makes it all the better.

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I have to doubt you there. The way PA has been keeping 1st base open for when Tex became a free agent, and not hidden his affinity towards him- I have no doubt there would be cap space. Think Lebron James going to the Knicks...

Do you really think $10 million more, when you are already at $150 million- would be THAT persuasive. I mean, when is enough enough? You're talking about an apparent family man who has strong ties to his hometown. He's set for life regardless- and as I have said before- the money he'll make in endorsements and such locally would far surpass Boston and LA- who are already flooded with superstars in their respective cities.

Besides that- if he does truly want to play at home AND win, couldn't he help his cause by sacrificing that extra money. He is well aware the Orioles still need quite a few pieces and his taking a tad less would greatly benefit the team in doing so. Granted, I'm sure you'll say "Why would he take less? He has Boras to get the most money he can!" And while that may be true, I also think if his true desire is to play at home but also win- he'd be aiding his cause to get the best of both worlds- while still being one of the top paid athleets ofhis time. That $10 million isn't going to change one thing about his life. He and his family are still set for life, barring a serious mismanagement of his fortune.

It really comes down to what is most important to Tex. Hometown discount means more than the Orioles being too cheap to pay. It shows a signal they want him badly, but would love to also not anchor the franchise with such a weighty contract. It may be asking a lot, but hey, you can't always have your cake and eat it too.

Let me get this straight Rex. Are you suggesting that Tex should consider, and perhaps even take a quote home town discount unquote of $ten million? Is that it?

Are you OUT of your MIND?? Do you and others truly, really believe he would do that? I mean I don't think there is a chance in he-- he would. And more importantly, he SHOULD NOT HAVE to either! He should get paid by us more than any other team. That's how free agency works for the most part with the premier FA's, whether you like it or not. We should in fact pay him the most or we don't deserve him if you ask me.

This expectation that he should come here as a favor to us, out of some home town loyalty, is way overblown and belongs more in a fairy tale.

That said, if we don't overpay to get him, and we will have to do that, then so be it. I am ready to accept that and move on. As I've said though, don't sell me one thing and then do something else. We are either going to jump in the water all the way with the Red Sox on occasion with a FA, or we aren't, in which case we need to start calling things for what they are in terms of where we stand. And if we aren't, then don't go down this road again. Go down the road of the Marlins or the Rays and hope that every once in a blue moon all the kids will come together for a year and win it all before they start to go their seperate ways via free agency.

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I am starting to get really bummed out about this whole thing. I want him as an Orioles so bad, but, to quote many Star Wars characters, "I've got a baaaaaad feeling about this."

I have just one thing left to say. "Mr. Teixeira sir, please take 30 seconds to watch this video."

Dip my friend, we still have to pay the man (more) if we expect him to come here. :o

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How can you say that is not a wow offer? Thta is over 21 million a year. And that is a start to you? Wow is what i say to you if you want the O's to add more to that. Tex is a great player but he is not worth more than that. This team just can't spend so much on o ne guy is straps them down and keeps them from adding the pitchng they need. IMO

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I have a feeling he gets signed this afternoon. But James, you herculean exemplar, why would you say such a thing?

Easy, I have to take my SGA to a city-wide meeting today. I will be nowhere NEAR a computer all day.

I too will be out of touch today until about noon. Should be interesting to see what happens today...

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This has become one attorney against another. There will be a settlement. Who will win? Does anybody? If we land Teixeira at Boras's price he will win. Will Angelos feel a victory over the Red Sox and Angels? Yes.

The problem is Teixeira said he would like to know before Christmas. Is that important. As far as Boras is concerned I would say no unless Boras is hurting for cash and wants his cut for Mark and Manny before the first of the year. I think he does and even though most front offices close the week between Christmas and New Years Boras may not care.

Boras and Angelos are a good match and Scott can probably learn a few things from him as he did in the Wieters negotiations.

Does Boras make 5%. 6% or 7% on his deals. i think he wants to net Tex $20 million which means he has to go to $21+ million a year which we appear to have done. Now if we are 7 years and everyone else is at 8 years the extra year at $21 + million is worth a million dollars to Boras. How do you think this will end?

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I was just thinking about last offseason. Everyone thought the Bedard-M's trade was dead with the exception of you.

That's not really true. Most media outlets still reported that the deal was likely to happen, and I think most people thought it was just a matter of time. The ones who thought it was off were the ones who take every bit of information that comes out as the gospel.

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Let's be realistic here. If there was no Belkast in this world, we would have 0% knowledge that the Orioles are even involved with Tex. Everyone and their brother says we are out of it. I love Belkast and believe he is passing on what he's told, but I just cannot believe that NO word would leak to any source that something is going on between the O's and Tex. I have set my expectations that we are not getting him, and like Roy said, if I am wrong, I will gladly admit as much to everyone.

JTrea...keep the candle burning Baby...you are one of the last true believers left.

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I was just thinking....After all we've heard about Tex both here on the boards & from the Orioles front office,the Orioles see Tex as a major building block. They are getting consideration from him because he's from Severna Park. If the Orioles dont get this deal done it would have to be considered a BIG FAILURE. They will stand in front of Roch & tell him we put our best foot forward. I on the other hand working in a competative sales enviroment would simply call this lip service. And look down on the Orioles for failure to close the deal. Winners close the deal & the Orioles can afford to overpay for Tex. With the penny pinching that we've done for years. The failed attempts on several other big names (Konerko, Vlad etc). For a change our money simply isnt monoply money. The Orioles will also benefit from all the other intangibles that have already been throw out there at nauseum. They need to get this done hopefully sooner (today) than later. Before Tex gives up on them & looks elsewhere.

As a fan that once had season tickets I have pledged to help support the cause by purchasing a 13 game plan again if the Orioles ink Tex. If not I will probably make opening day & go to a game or 2 when I get free tickets. I dont mind investing in the Orioles if they dont mind investing in the product they put out there for me.

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Let's be realistic here. If there was no Belkast in this world, we would have 0% knowledge that the Orioles are even involved with Tex. Everyone and their brother says we are out of it. I love Belkast and believe he is passing on what he's told, but I just cannot believe that NO word would leak to any source that something is going on between the O's and Tex. I have set my expectations that we are not getting him, and like Roy said, if I am wrong, I will gladly admit as much to everyone.

JTrea...keep the candle burning Baby...you are one of the last true believers left.

Good post man...Rep to you (I owe you as it wont let me again so soon :))... I agree with your feeling ...but as my last post states, The Orioles can get this done if they really want to.

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My issue is if they were only going to sign if they were given a "hometown discount."

We have been dealing with confederate money for awhile now, and even if we had the best offer on the table players would sign elsewhere.

With Tex we had an inside track on signing one of the best players in the game and a player who could help turn around the franchise. To think that the only way we should sign him is with a discount is an incredible failure and mistake. Match the best offer on the table and see if he signs here, if he doesnt than we have truly made an effort. If not than this was all to fool the fans into thinking we were really going after him and trying to turn this around.

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