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MacPhail: Savior or not?

TJ Wrangler

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I don't find the OP really offensive. I just find it as one persons opinion, and nothing more. There is no evidence to support the fact that he has no baseball acumen. There is evidence to support that he does. Regardless of whether anyone thinks he's the right person for this job, or is qualified, this team is now heading in the right direction with a solid foundation on the farm and AM has done just about what could be expected.

Of course, the roto baseball wizards will not be happy because he hasn't traded Roberts, or Huff (despite reports at the deadline that it was odd that no team was interested in Huff). I'd really love to give the team to someone on this board who is smarter than AM, and let a camera follow them around for 3 years while they try to be a GM and find that its much more difficult to deal in real millions of dollars than it is to con Joe Shmoe out of Albert Pujols on Yahoo Fantasy Baseball.

I'd particularly love the episode of where our new GM was huddled in fetal position in the corner of his office crying once a week, because its much easier to read about Billy Beane, than be Billy Beane.

The central problem with the original post was the reference to AM as "the biggest #$@* he'd ever met."

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Fair enough... I'd like to believe that either AM will be fully on board with acquiring Teix because Angelos ups the budget to help absorb an inflated contract or that AM convinces Angelos that we're better off walking away. I really hope it doesn't come down to being screwed with or without Teix.

I know you believe that Teix's localness will have a huge impact outside of his performance on the field which I am not so sure of (other than a short term bum). I think it's a dangerous approach to become so tied up in any one player that you throw fiscal responsibility completely out the window.

His impact will be felt in year 1(in terms of just pure ticket sales)...it is up to AM to allow that impact to continue.

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All indications from AM's post trade interviews are that Bavasi thought it was a 3 for 1 deal for several months and didn't cave in to a 5 for 1 until shortly before it got done. I think this was a big sticking point between AM and Bavasi, and AM waited him out.

I'm not going to argue that MacPhail doesn't say the right things. Ultimately, we need to see if he'll do them.

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The central problem with the original post was the reference to AM as "the biggest #$@* he'd ever met."

Yeah, the wording was chosen poorly. It just sounds to me like sour apples. There is no evidence to support those claims, yet plenty that refutes them.

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Not quite what was said, but again, I apologize. That was something I should have used better judgment on. Forgive me, I'm new to this. :D

No worries - I'm not piling on, but the context of my initial reaction is buried under five pages of hot air about AM. ;)

I'm just covering MY ass.

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I'm not going to argue that MacPhail doesn't say the right things. Ultimately, we need to see if he'll do them.

The jury is still out on AM, that's clear. All we can judge him on is what he has done so far. Given that barometer, I'm happy, to date. Will the same be true next year, we'll have to see, only time will tell.

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His impact will be felt in year 1(in terms of just pure ticket sales)...it is up to AM to allow that impact to continue.

True but I hope he's working from a position where the Teix contract makes sense - him being fully on board because the budget was increased accordingly. If not, it makes it tough to put all that on AM while tying one arm and one leg behind his back with a lack of resources (or better said, a poor allocation of available resources not of his choosing).

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True but I hope he's working from a position where the Teix contract makes sense - him being fully on board because the budget was increased accordingly. If not, it makes it tough to put all that on AM while tying one arm and one leg behind his back with a lack of resources (or better said, a poor allocation of available resources not of his choosing).

I think both sides agree on this: even SG admitted that the escalating bidding was only a good idea if it was in the context of a new budget that took that extra cash outlay into account.

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The jury is still out on AM, that's clear. All we can judge him on is what he has done so far. Given that barometer, I'm happy, to date. Will the same be true next year, we'll have to see, only time will tell.

I completely agree. I'm happy so far despite what I've been told. Right now, I'm waiting to see before I make my ultimate decision.

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I think both sides agree on this: even SG admitted that the escalating bidding was only a good idea if it was in the context of a new budget that took that extra cash outlay into account.

It's hard for me to tell... Sometime I think so, but other times when I read that MacPhail should be fired if he doesn't add more money to the pot I don't think so.

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It's hard for me to tell... Sometime I think so, but other times when I read that MacPhail should be fired if he doesn't add more money to the pot I don't think so.

I'm guessing that sportsguy's point was that MacPhail shouldn't be the man for the job if he's unwilling to spend to improve the team IF the assets are available.

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I'm guessing that sportsguy's point was that MacPhail shouldn't be the man for the job if he's unwilling to spend to improve the team IF the assets are available.

I don't think you'll find a person on the board who would not agree with that sentiment. The real issue is, who are we to call for someone's firing when we have nothing but our own speculation as to what assets are available. None of us will ever know, but we'll speculate and demand his firing nonetheless.

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It's hard for me to tell... Sometime I think so, but other times when I read that MacPhail should be fired if he doesn't add more money to the pot I don't think so.

Actually, I said if he is going to allow a few million dollars to effect his ability to contend, then yes, he should be fired...2 million dollars is nothing.

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