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Garceau vs Newman

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Completely agree. Newman is a robot. Garceau is just bad. They both need to be fired. Thankfully I can usually avoid them with mlb.tv and switch over to whatever audio they are not occupying. I really enjoy Geoff Arnold and Brett Hollander. Kevin Brown is great as well. Tell you what, Jim Palmer needs to go as well. 

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Garceau for sure on TV.  On the radio though, he's pretty rough to be honest.  Just doesn't give a lot of detail on what's going on that is needed on the radio.  They both struggle with that, but I think I'd take Newman on the radio.

If you can find it listen to his call of Odor's walk-off grounder that got past Choi last weekend.  He gets the point across, that the Orioles won the game, but listen to his call and you really have no idea what happened other than Odor hit a grounder to 1st and the Orioles scored.

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Newman is better.

Garceau has a smooth voice but he just isn't good at cogently expressing what is happening on the field. Less of a big deal on TV than radio, but he shouldn't be out there at all. Whether it is age or just lack of regular (recent) experience he doesn't meet the standards of being a play-by-play guy at this point in his career. Good voice though.

Melanie can stumble occasionally when describing complex plays but she is getting better and she isn't 70 years-old so she should be able to improve. 

Would prefer someone who has actual done this job day in and day out for several years in a row, even if only at the minor league level. It is a tough gig and it takes a lot of reps to get good at it. Melanie has minor league experience but hasn't done it every day since 2019 and it is a skill that atrophies.

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5 minutes ago, glenn__davis said:

Garceau for sure on TV.  On the radio though, he's pretty rough to be honest.  Just doesn't give a lot of detail on what's going on that is needed on the radio.  They both struggle with that, but I think I'd take Newman on the radio.

If you can find it listen to his call of Odor's walk-off grounder that got past Choi last weekend.  He gets the point across, that the Orioles won the game, but listen to his call and you really have no idea what happened other than Odor hit a grounder to 1st and the Orioles scored.

I think Newman does a good job on MASN with the pregame and postgame hosting duties, but yeah she isn't the best at describing the in-game action during the telecast. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd rather have Jim Hunter back on play-by-play over Newman and Garceau. 


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4 minutes ago, glenn__davis said:

Garceau for sure on TV.  On the radio though, he's pretty rough to be honest.  Just doesn't give a lot of detail on what's going on that is needed on the radio.  They both struggle with that, but I think I'd take Newman on the radio.

If you can find it listen to his call of Odor's walk-off grounder that got past Choi last weekend.  He gets the point across, that the Orioles won the game, but listen to his call and you really have no idea what happened other than Odor hit a grounder to 1st and the Orioles scored.

Funny, because I was going to say Garceau on the radio because Newman is just SO awful at describing the play as it's happening, and doesn't even go back after the fact to fill in the blanks for you on what happened.   But yes, Garceau can be bad at that too, I haven't heard the call on the Odor/Choi play, sounds like that was an example where he was bad at that.   But based on what I have heard, I don't think Melanie would have done well there either.

I'll say that neither of them is a competent radio play by play announcer, but I think Garceau is a bit better.   On TV, it is more a matter of taste, because you can see what is happening with your own eyes.  I thought Newman was absolutely horrible on last Friday's Apple TV broadcast of the O's game.   She talked constantly, on and on, about stuff that didn't have anything to do with what was happening on the field, and when something did happen of importance on the field her narrative didn't give you any sense of the importance.   However, I have to say the last two nights with Palmer she has been much better.   Much more restrained, hasn't gone on and on endlessly, she has set up Palmer very well and then let him talk, and he of course has a great sense of knowing what and how much he has to say, saying it, and stopping when he is done.   So Newman the past two nights has been much better than that Friday Apple Newman.  I don't know if it is because she is trying to make some sort of impression or is nervous because of the national TV audience, or if she doesn't have any rapport/respect with Cliff Floyd, who was the analyst on Friday, and she does with Palmer.

Garceau on TV... just kind of bland, but certainly not as annoying as Newman can be.

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I believe Kevin Brown is working for the NCAA Women's College Softball World Series, which I think concludes the weekend of the  11th/12th, and Ben McDonald is working the NCAA Baseball Tournament, which will last all month, so we are getting more of Melanie and Scott right now.   And Palmer is doing color on TV nearly every night, but at his age it wouldn't surprise me if he has some time off scheduled this month... I wonder who will do the color commentary on TV if he does have some time off when Ben is otherwise occupied?   Will they bring in Dave Johnson?   Or just not have an ex player in the booth and go with two announcers such as two of Newman/Arnold/Hollander?

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