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Garceau vs Newman

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8 minutes ago, OriolesMagic83 said:

If Newman was just an unattractive woman with much better broadcast skills would she get the same gig?

The truth is, it’s very tough for an unattractive woman to get a job in front of a camera in any field, especially in sports.   However, there are plenty of women who are attractive enough to get through that gate, and I’d be very surprised if you couldn’t find a bunch who can handle play by play better than Newman.   By the way, I don’t find her too talkative or chatty, as some here have said.  I’m fine with the amount she talks.  Her voice is perfectly fine.  I just want her to describe the play in a timely, detailed and accurate way, especially when she’s doing radio.   She has a lot of trouble doing that.  Fred Manfra had trouble doing it too at times, but she’s a more extreme case, to the point where they really should find someone better.  

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4 minutes ago, Frobby said:

The truth is, it’s very tough for an unattractive woman to get a job in front of a camera in any field, especially in sports.   However, there are plenty of women who are attractive enough to get through that gate, and I’d be very surprised if you couldn’t find a bunch who can handle play by play better than Newman.   By the way, I don’t find her too talkative or chatty, as some here have said.  I’m fine with the amount she talks.  Her voice is perfectly fine.  I just want her to describe the play in a timely, detailed and accurate way, especially when she’s doing radio.   She has a lot of trouble doing that.  Fred Manfra had trouble doing it too at times, but she’s a more extreme case, to the point where they really should find someone better.  

I think most of the talkative/chatty comments were based on her calling our nationally televised game at Boston on AppleTV.   She was just way over the top in terms of talkative and chatty in that.   I agree that overall on the radio she isn't too bad there, although sometimes she will get interested in the story she is telling about the player to the detriment of the game call.   And I think she may have done one or two MASN games on TV, I'm not sure, so I can't say if she was as bad doing the TV PBP then as she was on Apple.

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2 hours ago, survivedc said:

One thing about the radio production as a whole: it’s so in your face the whole time. The commercials are loud, the announcer mics seem maxed out. I switched to the Toronto broadcast which was way more aesthetically pleasing
Have listened to broadcasts of SFG, LAD, NYY, BOS, WAS and the orioles are the only I can think of that are blasting the obnoxious Harley ad 2 times in one commercial break.

Was Caleb Joseph on the Toronto radio broadcast? Brett Hollander interviewed him yesterday on O's Extra Pre-Game and Caleb said was doing Blue Jays on the radio.

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19 minutes ago, rm5678 said:

Was Caleb Joseph on the Toronto radio broadcast? Brett Hollander interviewed him yesterday on O's Extra Pre-Game and Caleb said was doing Blue Jays on the radio.

He was, he was pretty good but not a huge upgrade over anyone we have. He is funny though.

They did briefly talk about the 2016 WC game which Caleb described as—a strategic decision that didn’t pay off…and I shouldn’t go anymore into it than that—or something along those lines.

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2 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

I think you know EXACTLY what I mean. As for Joe Buck, nepotism and the good old boys network certainly exists in this world as well. He was also a natural talent with golden pipes.


Lol at listing everything in Brown's entire resume including speaking to civic clubs and assisting with website maintenance while ignoring half of Newman's to gloss it over in a couple sentences. So here I'll help you out: Brown and Newman called games in college, after graduating from college Brown and Newman called play by play for minor league teams for about 7 years before landing a MLB gig. Brown's were at a higher minor league level. But I like how you think that an individual who has been doing play by play their entire career should just go be a host, of course that is the traditional role assigned to women in sports broadcasting. 

But you're right, I did know exactly what you meant; nowadays women and people of color are sometimes considered for jobs in part based on their gender/race, whereas in the good old days, it was based on both being white and male. How dare we. (of course Black women are still totally overlooked)

Of course it's still FAR easier to get a job as a white male, which is why White sounding names are 50% more likely to get a call back on the same resume then Black sounding names, and male names are 40% more likely to get a call back then female names. Or to put it another everyone of the Orioles/masn broadcasters/bloggers is white and all but one are male, and nobody questions if  Garceau, who can't be bothered to get names right, only got the job because he is a white male 

(Newman btw isn't some great broadcaster, there are actually female broadcasters out there I like better then her, but my guess is she'll also be better next year then she is this year...because she is young. Brown is better now then when he started as well)

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39 minutes ago, seak05 said:

Lol at listing everything in Brown's entire resume including speaking to civic clubs and assisting with website maintenance while ignoring half of Newman's to gloss it over in a couple sentences. So here I'll help you out: Brown and Newman called games in college, after graduating from college Brown and Newman called play by play for minor league teams for about 7 years before landing a MLB gig. Brown's were at a higher minor league level. But I like how you think that an individual who has been doing play by play their entire career should just go be a host, of course that is the traditional role assigned to women in sports broadcasting. 

But you're right, I did know exactly what you meant; nowadays women and people of color are sometimes considered for jobs in part based on their gender/race, whereas in the good old days, it was based on both being white and male. How dare we. (of course Black women are still totally overlooked)

Of course it's still FAR easier to get a job as a white male, which is why White sounding names are 50% more likely to get a call back on the same resume then Black sounding names, and male names are 40% more likely to get a call back then female names. Or to put it another everyone of the Orioles/masn broadcasters/bloggers is white and all but one are male, and nobody questions if  Garceau, who can't be bothered to get names right, only got the job because he is a white male 

(Newman btw isn't some great broadcaster, there are actually female broadcasters out there I like better then her, but my guess is she'll also be better next year then she is this year...because she is young. Brown is better now then when he started as well)

If you think Melanie got the job solely based on merit, you’re delusional. There could be an element of taking a flyer and hoping she progresses, but at this point it’s been 3 years. 

The Garceau comparison is a bad one. Most here are pretty annoyed with him but he has been covering Baltimore sports for 40 years and has extensive history doing both football and baseball pbp. His role was reduced this year and I expect it will be reduced further next year.

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6 minutes ago, survivedc said:

If you think Melanie got the job solely based on merit, you’re delusional. There could be an element of taking a flyer and hoping she progresses, but at this point it’s been 3 years. 

The Garceau comparison is a bad one. Most here are pretty annoyed with him but he has been covering Baltimore sports for 40 years and has extensive history doing both football and baseball pbp. His role was reduced this year and I expect it will be reduced further next year.

To be clear, I don't think anyone gets a MLB play by play job based solely "on merit" they're not doing blind hiring (and if they were the Orioles team would probably be a lot more diverse). We gloss over it when the benefit comes from "network" (aka tends to benefit white males) and instead only label it as an unqualified "diversity hire" when it's a woman/PoC. Don't like her? That's fine. But don't make it out like she was "unqualified" when men with the same (or lesser) qualifications have been hired

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25 minutes ago, seak05 said:

To be clear, I don't think anyone gets a MLB play by play job based solely "on merit" they're not doing blind hiring (and if they were the Orioles team would probably be a lot more diverse). We gloss over it when the benefit comes from "network" (aka tends to benefit white males) and instead only label it as an unqualified "diversity hire" when it's a woman/PoC. Don't like her? That's fine. But don't make it out like she was "unqualified" when men with the same (or lesser) qualifications have been hired

Qualifications or not, it’s in the tape.

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This isn’t the place for discussing the merits of hiring practices.   But it is the place for discussing the merits of Orioles broadcasters.   I strongly supported Melanie’s hiring, and was among her top defenders when she got criticism practically one Day One (or even before).   You do need to let people grow into the job.  But saying that, she, Kevin Brown and Geoff Arnold were all hired in the same offseason.  Brown has grown by leaps and bounds IMO.   Geoff calls a solid game.  But Melanie just fumbles around too much on PBP.   She’s solid on color.  She’s solid on pre- and post-game stuff.   She’s very well prepared with useful info about the players and teams. Shes like-able enough.  Her voice is fine.  But her descriptions of live play simply aren’t good.   They should be better after two years of major league broadcasting and several more years doing minor league games.  I still hope she’ll get better, but at this point I have my doubts.  I really don’t mind her on TV PBP, where the job is more to have  a conversation with the color person and draw stuff out.   But on radio it’s very tough when you can’t understand what’s happening.  

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