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Brion McClanahan

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Years ago--and I mean YEARS ago (I've been following this board since around '03)--we had some people on this board that claimed to be insiders. They always made the off season fun. They were not always right, most of the time they weren't, but every now and then they had a good nugget of information. I have not followed the board a lot in the last several years, so if this has been asked somewhere else, I apologize, but are there any current "insiders" who post fun rumors?

It seems the Elias group is much more tight lipped than any previous administration. He is polished and says all the right things. So was the Duq regime, but it seemed like there was always some information swirling around.

The most fun was the Flanny and MacPhail period. It seemed there was always a leak.


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Jtrea was the only source I trusted. 😉

To be fair, my “source” led me to believe the Os were legitimate players for Victor Victor Mesa and Victor Mesa Jr(whom I scouted heavily and said over again he was the better player) but turns out they got neither. Victor Mesa Jr still is young enough to be a worth while prospect, but that whole debacle feels like a decade ago. 

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The insiders loved the attention.  They were all the same.  They'd hear  something and get one right and then they get all of the adulation from the board.  Then they'd come up with anything they could in order to get more of that adulation.  Posters used to wet themselves trying to get inside information. 

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5 hours ago, sevastras said:

Jtrea was the only source I trusted. 😉

To be fair, my “source” led me to believe the Os were legitimate players for Victor Victor Mesa and Victor Mesa Jr(whom I scouted heavily and said over again he was the better player) but turns out they got neither. Victor Mesa Jr still is young enough to be a worth while prospect, but that whole debacle feels like a decade ago. 

That does feel like a decade ago. Then again, every "down year" for this team has felt like three whole years. Being a Yankees fan for 20 years is NOT the same as being an O's fan for 20 years, it's like human-to-dog years (adjusted for deflation).

Victor Mesa Jr. is still only 21 but a .669 OPS in a full season of A+ ball doesn't really sound encouraging. VVM is now 26 and had a .591 OPS in half a season at AA last year, and a .485 OPS in 100 ABs at AAA. At least we didn't miss out there, although a number of posters here excoriated the club for not signing them at the time.


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