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Dodgers Actively Looking for CF to Replace Bellinger…..Would you trade Mullins?

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4 minutes ago, Aristotelian said:

Some other facts:

1) Bauer's retaliatory lawsuit for defamation of character was dismissed. His defamation lawsuit and her countersuit for defamation are both still active. 

Not sure how this changes anything?


2) MLB did its own investigation and found enough evidence to suspend him for two years. 

MLB is a corporation trying to choose the path of least resistance. Surely you're not suggesting they're necessarily objective here?


3) He has additional accusations. They have not been proven to a legal standard.

Yes... as we've discussed... disreputable people have been known to be dishonest in attempting to capitalize on situations for personal gain. What is generally most telling, is whether they ever had an issue with (and filed a complaint against) a person's behavior before it became a potential opportunity to cash in. In this case of course, they did not. Some I'm inclined to view their accusations with a jaundiced eye.


Whether he pitches again or not, his life is far from ruined. He has $100M+ in career earnings, he's going to be just fine. If you want to focus on facts, then no need for hyperbole. 

He has been accused (rightly or wrongly) with being a rapist and and a woman-beater.

As a result, his name has been dragged through the mud, he has been suspended from his job for two years, his future earnings have been decimated, and he has been stigmatized without ANY evidence that he actually did the things he denies doing.

You can suggest that this is "just fine". But I'd beg to differ.

He may have actually done these things. If so, then show that he did them and hold him accountable.

In this country, we have something called the presumption of innocence that is supposed to protect people against the tragic consequences of accusation alone. Because as we know, sometimes accusers are motivated by something other than justice.

I would venture a guess that if someone from your past surfaced and leveled these accusations against YOU, that you would be a sudden fan of objectivity and the presumption of innocence. And this is what we call hypocrisy.

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9 hours ago, wildcard said:

I question Cowser's speed.   I see him as a corner outfielder possibly replacing  Hays in left at some point.  Just not in Mullins CF class.  ST will be revealing.

There’s little question that Mullins is faster than Cowser.   Speed is not the only factor in who is a good CF.   And, defense is not the only factor in deciding who you want to start in CF.  And, we’re talking about a trade scenario here, not in a vacuum.  A modest defensive downgrade could be acceptable if (1) there is a compensating offensive upgrade and/or (2) if the players acquired provide an upgrade in other areas.   

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It must be horrible to be accused of something you didn’t do. 

With that said, Their are people into some pretty kinky stuff. I’ve heard of woman who were into being choked during sex to the point that they pass out.

None of that stuff interests me but I wouldn’t judge someone who is. You know different strokes and all. Sounds like Bauer must be into it and seeks woman who are as well.

As I mentioned, the police report seems to dispel the accusations about punching her in the face and genital area. What a mess!


That said, I’d like to pass on a deal involving him.

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4 minutes ago, owknows said:

And oftentimes accusers are opportunist parasites seizing an opportunity to cash in on a situation they can manipulate to their advantage.

Which was true in this case?

Do you know?

I don't think you do.

But you seem very willing to ruin a man's life without knowing.

The District Attorney's office reviewed ALL of the evidence presented by ALL of the relevant parties, and decided that there was no evidence to warrant charges.


Again, this is where I am with this. None of us, not even the courts truly know what transpired however the evidence presented and analyzed was determined to be insufficient to proceed with criminal charges. 


If you trade for a guy like this and he demonstrates model citizen behavior, his teammates embrace him and they win a bunch of games that he pitches.. do any of us really believe that the fanbase at large would picket against him or the team? If we look back at the storylines of his time in LA, how much of it (before the alleged incidents) paints him as a bad teammate? Sure, they might not like that he pitches with an eye closed or some of the other antics but prior to the incidents that lead to his suspension, what had been reported to indicate that he is a bad clubhouse guy as some have suggested?




"You don’t have to like Trevor Bauer and his antics, but his teammates seem to like him and even laugh at his antics. He pitches with one eye closed at times and loves to banter back and forth especially with ex-teammates. The fact that they still tolerate and even enjoy it speaks volumes about how they feel about Trevor. "


I realize that for every one article that is positive, there's probably at least one that is negative. I get that. But I do not know what actually transpired between Bauer and those women. None of us know. What I do know is that the evidence against him in those accusations was proven to be, at the very least, inconsistent with the claims, which lead to the dismissal of charges. 


He is going to be reinstated and possibly will recoup a portion of salary that was wrongfully withheld from him. Someone is going to employ him, quite possibly within the division. Did he use a sticky substance to increase spin rate? Did anyone and everyone else also use said substance? It's not fair to single out one person for doing something just because we don't like him (without even personally knowing him). 


May and Bauer for Mullins, move Mateo to center or bring up Cowser or put Hays in center. Moving Mullins does weaken your defense up the middle but if you could get May and Bauer, two TOP of the rotation pieces, it'd be silly to not make that trade in my eyes. 

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I have to stop hitting "Next unread topic".  It keeps bringing me back to this discussion of a player that is never coming here.  It also has little to do with Bellinger or Mullins - until Frobby tried to bring it back on track.

Edited by NCRaven
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1 hour ago, owknows said:

And oftentimes accusers are opportunist parasites seizing an opportunity to cash in on a situation they can manipulate to their advantage.

Which was true in this case?

Do you know?

I don't think you do.

But you seem very willing to ruin a man's life without knowing.

The District Attorney's office reviewed ALL of the evidence presented by ALL of the relevant parties, and decided that there was no evidence to warrant charges.


To quote myself in the post you responded to "we don't know either way in this case."  My objection to you is how you accused the others coming forward of being opportunistic "after the lights and cameras were rolling."  That does not read to me like someone who is remaining open to the truth either way.

Again, there is a very broad gap between "not deserving to go to prison" and "not someone I want to employ."  We can let the courts decide whether or not Bauer should be punished.  However, as an employer, I am well within my rights to decide not to hire a man who has admitted to punching an unconscious woman even though he believes it was consensual.  That is not me ruining his life, that is me making what I believe to be the best decision for my organization.

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9 hours ago, wildcard said:

I am happy with Kremer, Bradish, Gibson, Grayson, Wells, and Voth with Means and Hall joining sometime during the season.   Watkins who had a 4.17 ERA as a major league starter begins the season at AAA.    I think that is a lot for Holt to work with.

While none for these guys are Verlander they do have a lot of upside.

I know that we've gotten a bit sidetracked with the back and forth on the Bauer thing (my fault, apologies) but Kremer and Bradish were serviceable if not downright good for extended amounts of time this year. If GrayRod becomes that guy, that true Ace-level TOR starter then filling out the rotation with the Gibsons, Means, Kremers, Wells and Bradishes (not to mention Voth who was also pretty damn good for the O's this year) .. I don't know that you NEED-need that number 1 type guy. Even in a trade for May straight up.. I think you have to surrender Mullins in that deal and figure out how else to make up for the production lost on the offensive and more importantly, defensive side. 


I am a Mullins fan but if you can get a guy like May (excluding the Bauer idea for a moment) in exchange for him, I think you have to make that deal. 25 year old, true Ace quality pitchers don't grow on trees. In my eyes, the risk/reward is too good to pass up if given the chance. You find a way to make the other parts work if you can make that deal. GrayRod and May leading your rotation for the next three to five years? Bananas

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16 minutes ago, NCRaven said:

I have to stop hitting "Next unread topic".  It keeps bringing me back to this discussion of a player that is never coming here.  It also has little to do with Bellinger or Mullins - until Frobby tried to bring it back on track.

It does have to do with Mullins. The idea that was floated was Mullins for May and Bauer with LA eating Bauer's money. 

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14 minutes ago, StottyByNature said:

To quote myself in the post you responded to "we don't know either way in this case."  My objection to you is how you accused the others coming forward of being opportunistic "after the lights and cameras were rolling."  That does not read to me like someone who is remaining open to the truth either way.

Again, there is a very broad gap between "not deserving to go to prison" and "not someone I want to employ."  We can let the courts decide whether or not Bauer should be punished.  However, as an employer, I am well within my rights to decide not to hire a man who has admitted to punching an unconscious woman even though he believes it was consensual.  That is not me ruining his life, that is me making what I believe to be the best decision for my organization.

This is a fair point. It's extremely unlikely that Bauer ends up here for many reasons. It could be for this very reason. None of us on this board have the responsibility of navigating that vetting/decision process. 


I mentioned Harvey in a previous post to remind us that Elias has previously demonstrated a willingness to sign a controversial player. The situation was obviously different but Harvey was issued a suspension and Elias signed him anyway. Let's not overlook the fact that he will do what he believes is in the best interest of the team...and within his power to execute. Harvey's re-signing wasn't a sexy move. He didn't throw one pitch for the big club this year. There were folks on this board who didn't like it.. but Elias did it because he could. 

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1 hour ago, owknows said:

Thanks for that. From a locker room standpoint, sound like he's a great teammate. 

Since charges were not filed and he was not found guilty of sexual assault, I would personally not have a problem with him pitching for the Orioles. I've read through the reports and although I'm not condoning anything he reportedly did, I'm not interested in the sex lives of our players.

Let me add this though, I don't see the Elias signing him because someone will give him a boat load of money. 

Now, if the Dodgers would eat a boat load of money, I'd consider trading Mullins for him even though I'd hate to lose our only real CFer.

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31 minutes ago, StottyByNature said:

To quote myself in the post you responded to "we don't know either way in this case."  My objection to you is how you accused the others coming forward of being opportunistic "after the lights and cameras were rolling."  That does not read to me like someone who is remaining open to the truth either way.


Actually, if you read carefully, you'll concede that I did not.

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4 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

Thanks for that. From a locker room standpoint, sound like he's a great teammate. 

Since charges were not filed and he was not found guilty of sexual assault, I would personally not have a problem with him pitching for the Orioles. I've read through the reports and although I'm not condoning anything he reportedly did, I'm not interested in the sex lives of our players.

Let me add this though, I don't see the Elias signing him because someone will give him a boat load of money. 

Now, if the Dodgers would eat a boat load of money, I'd consider trading Mullins for him even though I'd hate to lose our only real CFer.



I fully respect anyone who has a different view on this situation but this is where I am on it. 


Someone is going to make a deal for him, whether it be in free agency if/when the Dodgers cut him loose or through a trade. The rumors that I have read are that both Toronto and Tampa are potential landing spots for Bauer. If the Orioles could package Mullins (a player at a position that LA is openly recruiting) then I think the organization has to make that deal. 


However unlikely the scenario may be, Bauer would improve the club's most glaring weakness, starting pitching. 


If you could somehow get May (or another piece) and Bauer for Mullins, it would be downright silly to not do it. 

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4 minutes ago, banks703 said:

However unlikely the scenario may be, Bauer would improve the club's most glaring weakness, starting pitching. 

If you could somehow get May (or another piece) and Bauer for Mullins, it would be downright silly to not do it. 

From a winning baseball games perspective, I don't know how anyone can argue this point.

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8 minutes ago, owknows said:

Actually, if you read carefully, you'll concede that I did not.

Here is the entirety of your post responding to someone who pointed out that Bauer has two other accusers:

"None of whom saw fit to level accusations until after the lights were on and cameras were rolling." 

I'd suggest that if you intended to leave open the possibility that the accusers may have merit, then it is on you to communicate as such.  This, coupled with you missing my clearly stated position that "we don't know either way", leads me to believe this is not a conversation being had in good faith.

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