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All the Orioles news that's fit to print


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Hey, thank you for the acknowledgment and thanks to all of you who have been hitting me up with the rep. I enjoy providing you all with Orioles news especially when you openly appreciate it. Thanks again, everybody.

Poor A-Roid may now have to miss the WBC with a hurting hip.

Why is he even on the Dominicans' team?

I don't get it. Didn't he grow up here in the States? And play for the USA team 3 years ago?

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"Baseball is the constant" or at least if you are in Orioles' camp it is "the universal language" which allows Koji Uehara and Brian Roberts to communicate.

The Sun's wrap on today's 6-1 victory over the Dominican. Nice to know that Miguel Tejada is not angry with the Orioles.

In other news, Manny Ramirez signed with the Dodgers of LA to play for former Yankee skipper Joe Torre. Oh yeah, I forgot, it's all about the money. What a sham.

Oh yeah, USA Today reports that Mark Hendrickson's back is sore. Where's my little violin?

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The story that carried the day would be the three-inning gem Brian Matusz threw today, courtesy of Roch.

The team is trying to find Radhammes Liz a spot this season. The story ran in The Sun:

"I don't think we're totally dismissing the fact that he is going to be a starter, but he's going to have to show that he's going to be a little more consistent and not be so predictable," pitching coach Rick Kranitz said. "He was so predictable last year with his fastball. I don't care, if you're throwing 95, 96 and 97, these guys get a chance to time you up, you're going to pay for it somewhere along the line. He's definitely going to have to make some adjustments."
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Well, I finally got home and clicked on the game. Tillman just struck out some Gnat to end the 7th.

The Sun wraps up recent baseball transactions. Roch gives us some comments Danny Cabrera made about facing the Orioles.

Biz Journal ran a story about a new partnership between Ripken Baseball and MLB that focuses on youth ball.

You should never, ever bet on baseball. That being said, here is an AL East preview from Doc's, a gambling site.

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Roch gets the Pauley on Pauley scoop:

"It's always nice to be able to go out and have some success, especially early in the spring. Sometimes, you get to the point where you're still trying to feel for stuff, even at the end of spring. I feel like right now, things are in the right place and everything's working pretty well, so I'm pretty happy."

The Baltimore Sun wraps today's 6-2 victory over the Gnats. And here is SLAM!'s wrap.

MLB.com reports that Flat Breezy turned down an offer to pitch in the WBC.

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Roch features Brad Bergensen on his Saturday morning blog.

On an AL East note, I'm having trouble getting my head around just how serious A-Roid's hip injury is. First he had a cyst and then a torn labrum. Now I am reading Buster Olney and he's bringing up that the Yankees have insurance on the contract? Could A-Roid be done playing?

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