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The play that ended the game


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1 hour ago, Hallas said:

The way the rule has been applied, contact in any shape or form constitutes "hindered" and you can interfere even if the runner doesn't make contact; merely forcing the fielder to go around you is runner's interference.

The language in rule 6.01(a)(10) seems to indicate that contact = interference.



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There’s already an exception for infield fly rule when a runner is unintentionally hit by batted ball when in contact with a base. 

The rule would be for an infield fly, if there is interference and contact was unintentional and the interference did not impede the fielder’s ability to make a play (e.g., there was no reasonable chance to double up runner(s) before they retouched, the fielder wasn’t disadvantaged on a tag up) then the batter is out, the ball is dead, and the runners return to their original bases.

Should this be limited to infield fly rule? How would people feel if the same play and call happened yesterday without a runner on first?

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"And a facemask call is not comparable, since that rule exists due to player safety."


The runner's and fielder's "right of way" rules, both exist, respectively, for player safety.

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After the game, crew chief Adrian Johnson said there is no discretion when a baserunner appears to make incidental contact with a fielder -- even if the play results in a defensive out.


But a source told ESPN's Jesse Rogers that MLB reached out to the White Sox after the game to say the umpires do have discretion on that play and that interference didn't have to be called.


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3 hours ago, Sports Guy said:

Based on the rules, it’s probably the correct call.

But it was bs.

Makes you wonder if other defenders try to “unintentionally” cause this issue.

That's pretty much how I see it. By the rule book based on that video @Moose Milligan posted, the runner was rightfully called out. 

Now, in that situation where the runner clearly was not attempting to impede the fielder and the batter was already out whether Henderson makes the catch or not, no way I think that call should have been made. Seems that they need to tighten up the rule book on interference. 

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2 hours ago, Moose Milligan said:

I was surprised to see this. Would like to know why MLB thinks the umps were wrong but I'm not seeing any info about their reasoning. I'm not sure I believe the source until I see more specifics or an actual statement from MLB

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5 hours ago, Moose Milligan said:

I also think this is a really important point/post that got overlooked here.

@UMDTerrapinsbrings up an excellent thought...it's an infield fly call, so the batter's out no matter what.  Gunnar doesn't have to catch that ball.  So who really cares if Vaughn was in the way?

So...where's the interference if Gunnar doesn't have to make that catch?  It's a bit...I dunno the right word/phrase....redundant?  

It's still a live ball. 

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5 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

I got pulled over for doing seven in a five.

Hahaha, I got pulled over for doing 26 in a 25 on a Sunday morning when reporting for my basic course.  Literally no other cars in sight and me driving around not being able to find where I am supposed to be.  Good times.

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8 minutes ago, jdwilde1 said:

Hahaha, I got pulled over for doing 26 in a 25 on a Sunday morning when reporting for my basic course.  Literally no other cars in sight and me driving around not being able to find where I am supposed to be.  Good times.

That's wild. In Virginia I don't even think you can get a ticket for that - only a warning.

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I finally saw the play and don’t  understand why it’s been the talk off the league all day.  It was a clear and obvious interference call.  Doesn’t matter if there is contact and doesn’t matter if it’s intentional and doesn’t matter how easy the play is or if it was made.  Maybe the rule needs to be changed but the umpire shouldn’t be getting any flack for making a correct call.  

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There should be some discretion there as that was as unintentional interference as you can get. Gunnar ran up behind him and brushed his back. Im not upset the O's won though.

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