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Cade Povich 2024


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20 hours ago, HowAboutThat said:

Isn’t the decision for third starter still undecided between Kremer and Suarez? It not I stand corrected, but the argument that Kremer is not really a #3 remains valid.

Unless you look at facts but I know people dislike those things.

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2 minutes ago, HowAboutThat said:

You are very contentious very needlessly, and I think the people around you would like you better if you were less so.


It’s frustrating to have the same arguments over and over again and for people to ignore all the facts because of some pre conceived bias about the player.

And this is coming from someone who isn’t a big Kremer guy but there is no question he has been a number 3 starter for the last few seasons and while the numbers this year don’t stand out, he also had some injury issues early on and has been pretty good since coming back.

Hes a #3 but basically any measure. You may not want him to be your third starter in the playoffs and you may wish you had a better #3 starter overall but that is what he is and the numbers bare it out.

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