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What, if anything - would it take for your to forgive Peter Angelos


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If Peter Angelos really cared about winning don't you think he would have invested the time and energy to stop this losing streak before it hit 11 seasons?

Those people you named would actually care more about winning, than the profit they were making...

Umm....I think Angelos' time and energy were being used during the 11 season skid. Unfortunatly for Mr. Angelos, he isn't a good baseball operations man. Blame him for not realizing this, but don't blame him for not caring or trying to turn the team around. Thankfully he has realized his faults and hired MacPhail.

I personally hold no grudge against Angelos, who is a great Marylander.

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If Peter Angelos really cared about winning don't you think he would have invested the time and energy to stop this losing streak before it hit 11 seasons?

Those people you named would actually care more about winning, than the profit they were making...

Ultimately, I do think he is a competitive guy who isn't simply counting on investment dollars. Actually, I think he tried too hard to begin with and did not spend wisely, and then lost his patience with any efforts to build or rebuild. That loss of patience buried us even further.

All of that said, none of the yesterdays matter. He can't build on the '83 World Series now anymore than last September's collapse. It is literally a new day, and he has a GM that is building a scouting department, drafting better than before and signing home grown players like Markakis and Roberts.

One positive step at a time is all I ask, and I'm seeing several of them in a row over the last two years.


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If Peter Angelos really cared about winning don't you think he would have invested the time and energy to stop this losing streak before it hit 11 seasons?

Those people you named would actually care more about winning, than the profit they were making...

Steinbrenner went through a similar stage, to a point where he was banned from the league. When he changed his ways, the Yankees returned their Championship status.

Peter has finally changed his ways, but his age will not allow him to see the success of this team over the long haul. Continually bashing someone for past mistakes will solve nothing, but looking at who I am discussing this with, beating a dead horse is nothing new. :deadhorse:

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Steinbrenner went through a similar stage, to a point where he was banned from the league. When he changed his ways, the Yankees returned their Championship status.

For George, his getting banned was his best move. It allowed the Yankees time to develop and utilize some of their home grown talent, before they were all traded away. When he got back in the ring, his new best move was to understand his front office had done some very good things in his absence, and he let them do their thing.

While not being banned, it certainly appears Mr. Angelos is at a similar stage where he is allowing his baseball people make most of the baseball decisions. He isn't totally checked out (and obviously, neither was Steinbrenner), which is a good thing. The owner is still the one signing the checks and can be a power to help close key deals. My heart of hearts tells me PA pushed for the B-Rob and Markakis deals.

A little bit of balance and patience goes a long way. I do believe he understands this, but I do wish it was a lesson learned sooner.


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If Peter Angelos really cared about winning don't you think he would have invested the time and energy to stop this losing streak before it hit 11 seasons?

Those people you named would actually care more about winning, than the profit they were making...

You are stoned if you think Angelos is cheap. Also does it make any sense for a company to run in the red year after year just so the employees and their familes enjoy a job. That is like Amtrac or the US Postal Service. Nope, dude you got to make a profit or you are doomed.

The Atlanta Braves and the Oakland A's used to run this way for a while. They just couldnt do it forever.

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The greatest of Angelos' sins is wrecking the team when it was in the best position to compete. He was willing to spend when he could hang with Boston and NYY, but he thought he knew more than his baseball people and ended up with teams filled with overpaid has-beens. That is the problem.

Angelos has changed, but it's too late. We're in a powerhouse division with two of the richest franchises in the game and a third that is the deepest in organizational talent. It'll pretty much take a miracle for the Orioles to make the playoffs in the near future.

I don't think I can ever "forgive" Angelos for what he did to the team when he did it. Yeah sure we could win a WS within the next year or two but that still wouldn't change the fact that Angelos made the team a miserable heap of garbage for 12 years of my life... from when I was 18-29. The prime of my life. I don't remember 1983. All I have to go off of are '96 and '97.

So regardless of what happens in the future, I will always be upset with Angelos for what he did to destroy my team.

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To those who say Angelos has nothing to apologize for, I submit:

1) John Miller

2) Davey Johnson

3) Ray Miller

4) Syd Thrift

5) Mike Mussina

6) Mike Flanagan

He is directly responsible running out the good and keeping the bad in that list. It falls on him.

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Never had a problem with PA. He was a bad owner because his past GMs made awful decisions. If AM really turns this team around then I think we will see PA being a great asset...because it is obvious he cares so much about winning. It isn't like he kept the same awful GM. Once it wasn't working he switched. The O's future looks amazing compared to the past 10 years of my life watching them.

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To those who say Angelos has nothing to apologize for, I submit:

1) John Miller

2) Davey Johnson

3) Ray Miller

4) Syd Thrift

5) Mike Mussina

6) Mike Flanagan

He is directly responsible running out the good and keeping the bad in that list. It falls on him.

I can get past numbers 2,3,4, and 6 on that list. But, not Numbers 1 and 5.

Especially, number five. :angryfire:

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I can get past numbers 2,3,4, and 6 on that list. But, not Numbers 1 and 5.

Especially, number five. :angryfire:

The Mussina thing is the ONLY thing on that list that bothers me. I love Moose, even as a Yankee. I was disspointed to see Jon Miller go, but I like our current announcers just fine. The other guys I could care less about.

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To those who say Angelos has nothing to apologize for, I submit:

1) John Miller

2) Davey Johnson

3) Ray Miller

4) Syd Thrift

5) Mike Mussina

6) Mike Flanagan

He is directly responsible running out the good and keeping the bad in that list. It falls on him.

As I mentioned earlier:

7) Frank Robinson

8) Brooks Robinson

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I have nothing to forgive him for. Many of you hate the man because of what he "supposedly single handedly has done to the Orioles." Whatever. To each his own. I look at my Baltimore Orioles as a team that has not been to the World Series since 1983...a full 10 years before Peter Angelos was around. I also look at a man in Peter Angelos who gives back to the city in the form of millions of dollars in donations to charities, and I look at a man who was the lawyer for my Grandfather when he got asbestosis from Bethlehem Steel, and while many of you will say he did that so that he could line his own pockets with money, I say what lawyer doesn't? So you all can sit around and discuss what he can do to earn your forgiveness, but I will have no part of it. For all we know, the Baltimore Orioles may have left town without Peter Angelos.

At least he did not take the home town team away from its fans inthe middle of the night. Maybe Angelos is not the best owner of a sports team, but he is far from the worst.

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