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Roch Article-Wieters


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But, there is zero evidence to prove that is the case. Baseball draft is a crapshoot. Boras clients aren't sure things anymore than any other agents players.

So it is a hypothetical.

Part of the value equation is the probability of signing the player that you drafted. No one wants to left high and dry without a top prospect to show for all their scouts hard work.

You are talking in massive generalizations and have no evidence to support your conclusion - neither do I. But I assume teams would stop paying Boras his $ if his players were not worth it. Wouldn't you?

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I would not be so sure, G. I don't know the answer, but I doubt the return on Boras clients is that out of line with comparable picks.

As much animosity as there is towards Mr. Boras, I imagine any writer who researched the payoff of his picks relative to similar talents would be extremely quick to publish a result that indicated a real lack of return. It would be an interesting study, no?

Unfortunately you get to deal with Scott B. when dealing with his clients. But if teh O's really feel that signing Wieters is important (which it is), they need to bite the bullet & deal with Boras. The game is all about $$. Until the Commish's office does something with the salaries, the agents will try & get that big money.

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The whole slotting system and sticking too it, to me, is just unreasonable. McPhail sticking to his principles and not going above the slot price, is nothing more than cutting off your nose to spite your face. I have to think that in the end he will pony up the dough.

Way too many teams violate the slotting philosophy, case in point the Tigers already with Porcello. If you have the money to go above the slot price for top level talent, and voluntarily chose not to do it, is just ridiculous.

I tend not to buy into conspiracy theories very often. But if we lose out on Wieters because MacPhail choses to tow the "company line", then it has to be for personal reasons (setting himself up for a commish role?). I hope that isn't the case, but I can see no other reason to sacrifice talent, when you have the financial means to sign them, while your main rivals make out like bandits in the draft by overpaying for elite talent.

I tend to agree with guys like Mackus, that we will sign Wieters because, to not do so would just be incredibly stupid. It's not like Wieters is demanding an Albert Bellesque contract that could sink the franchise. Replacing Payton & Huff's contracts with House & Knott would probably be the equivilant of the signing bonus it'll take to sign Wieters. The contracts we gave out to Baez, Payton, etc prove that we have the ability to overpay for guys if we chose to. There is just no excuse not to sign him.

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The whole slotting system and sticking too it, to me, is just unreasonable. McPhail sticking to his principles and not going above the slot price, is nothing more than cutting off your nose to spite your face. I have to think that in the end he will pony up the dough.

Way too many teams violate the slotting philosophy, case in point the Tigers already with Porcello. If you have the money to go above the slot price for top level talent, and voluntarily chose not to do it, is just ridiculous.

I tend not to buy into conspiracy theories very often. But if we lose out on Wieters because MacPhail choses to tow the "company line", then it has to be for personal reasons (setting himself up for a commish role?). I hope that isn't the case, but I can see no other reason to sacrifice talent, when you have the financial means to sign them, while your main rivals make out like bandits in the draft by overpaying for elite talent.

I tend to agree with guys like Mackus, that we will sign Wieters because, to not do so would just be incredibly stupid. It's not like Wieters is demanding an Albert Bellesque contract that could sink the franchise. Replacing Payton & Huff's contracts with House & Knott would probably be the equivilant of the signing bonus it'll take to sign Wieters. The contracts we gave out to Baez, Payton, etc prove that we have the ability to overpay for guys if we chose to. There is just no excuse not to sign him.

I agree. I believe that McPhail was still with the Cubs when they signed Prior to his record signing bonus. There is a precedent where he is willing to go way above slot. His position with the Cubs is supposedly the same as here so he had to have at least approved the Prior deal if he was with them at the time.

I'm trying to be optimistic and hoping that both sides are just putting this info about not close to make the other side budge a little. So long as we are offering a $5mill+ bonus with a major league contract, I believe Boras will likely lower his demands and get Wieters signed before the deadline.

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