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After Two Weeks of Pie...


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Are you taking both sides of the argument here? You are either schizo or funny.

It is too early. No, I was trying to be sarcastic. I don't see why the mods can't jsut merge all the Pie posts into one. It is jsut so frustrating for me. I want Pie to be successful. And I beleive it may take the season to prove one way or the other.

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A few of us have taken some strong stands in regards to Pie, either positively or negatively. One thing is for sure...at some time in the future, many of us are gonna have Pie in our face! :laughlol:

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It is too early. No, I was trying to be sarcastic. I don't see why the mods can't jsut merge all the Pie posts into one. It is jsut so frustrating for me. I want Pie to be successful. And I beleive it may take the season to prove one way or the other.

I'm with you, Tex. Pie can be like the

in the middle of the road, stinkin' to high heaven! Same with Jones (still), same with Bergesen, same with Hill (eventually), same with ANY pitcher who gets called up, same with Montanez, or God forbid Reimold.... we have a whole lot of unproven talent in the organization. It's time to give them ALL a REAL chance. This year and next. PATIENCE young grasshoppers... patience. ;)
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This is getting old...Give Pie a real shot. Season isn't even 10% over, he's adjusting to a new team and new pitcher. No idea if he will amount to squat, but we have nothing to lose by giving him a seasons worth of at bats.

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How does Pie look in CF?

I am of vacation and can't watch the games.

I am interested in how Pie looks in CF. Does he get a good jump? Does he good back on balls well? Does he look more comfortable there?

He still gets himself all twisted around the wrong way. He made a play against the well last night where he twisted the wrong way, and was able to right himself and catch the ball at exactly the moment his back hit the wall. Everything turned out ok and he made the play, but had he hit the wall a split second earlier he likely would have missed the ball and it would have went for a double or triple.

I can see where everyone says he has the raw skills, but man does he need some seasoning on that meat!

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Pie has no options left. You send him down he is exposed to waivers.

Anyone who claims him has to have him on their 25 man roster. I honestly see none of the other 29 teams claiming him.

I was all for letting him play out through the All Star break and see what happens and then decide what to do. But that was with the belief that he could play defense. He can not read the ball off the bat. Whether it is LF or CF. His throws have not been horrible. This team can afford to give away outs and he seems to let catchable balls drop in front of him quite a few times this season. Yes I do know it is only 14 games into the season. But he played the same way in Spring Training.

Send Him Down, Exposes him and take that risk.

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Guest rbrhett

Can someone recap this thread, because I don't want to read all 753,000,492 posts about Pie.

Did bigbird say he had news when the page reached 58, because that is the only reason I can see people still posting on this topic.

Pie is hitting a buck and some change. Big deal. Tex is hitting .211 and making about $25,000,000 more than Pie. If he was on the team, would people be saying the "Tex experiment is over?" Nope. Give the guy some time. New league, new pitchers, new team, new park, etc. The Os aren't going to win anything this year, so let him play.

And that's all I have to say about that. Now, please recap.

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I think a Reimold/Pie swap is all but inevitable, but the O's have to give Pie his fair shake.

Pie is clearly struggling, but I think exposing him to waivers now would be a little myopic. If he doesn't show signs of improvement by June, then it will be time to make a move.

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It's been said a million times on here... if we send Pie down we lose Pie. Period.

That's just not smart management.

Yes. I have never given neg rep on this site, but this thread made me want to give it for the first time. It is redundant, weakly argued, and nearly impossible to coherently support from a management perspective. A clear "waste of time" thread.

*Written before the "new" thread was absorbed into another

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Another Pie thread....:rolleyes:

Reimold is a streaky hitter who is also unproven. Not saying I'm against the idea, but what if he comes up in his cold streak. I guarantee you all the Pie haters will go down the depth chart and want the next outfielder up and Reimold traded or sent down.

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