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"Really proud of the guys"


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Those were the words that Trembley used last night after our 4th straight loss and a 3 game series where we were outscored 27-9. If Joe Girardi or Terry Francona would have said that under similar circumstances they would probably be in the unemployment line today. I understand that the Orioles are rebuilding, but should you really be proud to have your rear end handed to you every night? Here is a major part of the Orioles problem they have learned to expect to lose. I have always said you have to learn to accept losing, but never expect to lose. I think a statement of something like "I appreciated the effort" would have sounded much better. I think it's time they lay down some challenges also instead of continuing to use kiddie gloves with these adult men. Go to Pie and say if you don't get on base at least 5 times in the next 3 games you are out of here. And do the same with other players that are struggling, tell them if they don't start performing they are gone. Don't worry about hurting their feelings all of the time tell them they are playing terrible and that if they don't improve bye bye. Instead of always saying, "we really battled" or "that's just baseball". Maybe last night if Jones hadn't "battled" instead of 3 line drive outs he would have blooped a couple of hits over the 2nd baseman's head. Don't get me wrong, he hit the ball hard but between hitting it hard and getting out and a check-swing infield hit I take the hit every time. When I played in college our pitching coach would run from the dugout to the mound look you straight in the eye and say, "you are really pitching like crap today, if you don't get the next two guys out you are coming out." Of course many times it wasn't quite that nicely stated, but that always gave me the fire and I really think that is what this Orioles team needs. Fire and hustle can make up for a lack of talent in most cases.

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I'm really proud of any group of players who can look at Adam Eaton's name on the lineup card and not shoot themselves before the first pitch.

Oh, and the original post was basically nonsense. Challenging guys to break out of slumps with threats? Expecting Adam Jones to hit bloopers instead of smashing line drives? Winning through yelling? Am I missing some kind of sarcasm or irony here?

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Oh, and the original post was basically nonsense. Challenging guys to break out of slumps with threats? Expecting Adam Jones to hit bloopers instead of smashing line drives? Winning through yelling? Am I missing some kind of sarcasm or irony here?

Come on. Wouldn't you want to see Jones learn how to bloop hits into the Bermuda Triangle instead of hitting ropes all over the park?

I know I would!

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There's a part of me that agrees with you, and a part that doesn't. On the one hand, I sometimes feel like the Orioles set their sights too low. The objective isn't to go into NY and battle, the objective is to go into NY and win. The O's didn't get it done offensively, defensively or on the mound in that series, and so we can take little solace in the fact that the hitters "battled."

At the same time, what DT is saying is that the O's didn't pack it in after they got down 6-0, which they easily could have done. That is worth noting. You want the team to show some fight, and they did do that, despite what had happened the previous 2 nights and early in Game 3.

Overall, I think Trembley is just trying to keep the team in a positive frame of mind after a tough trip to NY. The team needs to put that behind them and start playing better baseball. If Trembley thinks the best way to get them to do that is to stay positive, that's fine with me.

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Oh, and the original post was basically nonsense. Challenging guys to break out of slumps with threats? Expecting Adam Jones to hit bloopers instead of smashing line drives? Winning through yelling? Am I missing some kind of sarcasm or irony here?

What's so bad about that?? Thanks to that style of managing Peavy literally WON'T play for Ozzie.... :P

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There's a part of me that agrees with you, and a part that doesn't. On the one hand, I sometimes feel like the Orioles set their sights too low. The objective isn't to go into NY and battle, the objective is to go into NY and win. The O's didn't get it done offensively, defensively or on the mound in that series, and so we can take little solace in the fact that the hitters "battled."

At the same time, what DT is saying is that the O's didn't pack it in after they got down 6-0, which they easily could have done. That is worth noting. You want the team to show some fight, and they did do that, despite what had happened the previous 2 nights and early in Game 3.

Overall, I think Trembley is just trying to keep the team in a positive frame of mind after a tough trip to NY. The team needs to put that behind them and start playing better baseball. If Trembley thinks the best way to get them to do that is to stay positive, that's fine with me.

I think Trembley is just saying that the team played well enough to win had the front office not given him an indy league starter to work with.

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I think Trembley is just saying that the team played well enough to win had the front office not given him an indy league starter to work with.

Don't forget Trembley's quote that "the energy level really picked up once Eaton left the game." Yikes! Cold, but true.

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Don't forget Trembley's quote that "the energy level really picked up once Eaton left the game." Yikes! Cold, but true.

I think that many of the Trembley critics here would do a quick 180 if they could sit down with him over a few beers and talk about how he really feels about Eaton, Walker, Hendrickson, etc.

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I think that many of the Trembley critics here would do a quick 180 if they could sit down with him over a few beers and talk about how he really feels about Eaton, Walker, Hendrickson, etc.

Absolutely agree. He's definitely got some thoughts about these players that he can't say publicly. But these are the guys MacPhail gave him, so he has to do what he can with what he's given.

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Maybe last night if Jones hadn't "battled" instead of 3 line drive outs he would have blooped a couple of hits over the 2nd baseman's head. Don't get me wrong, he hit the ball hard but between hitting it hard and getting out and a check-swing infield hit I take the hit every time. When I played in college....QUOTE]

Thats probably the dumbest quote I have read on this site in a long time. And to follow that up by saying you played in college, I find it even harder to rationalize. What exactly did you play, the tuba?

Next time he will go up there and try for a swinging bunt for you since he has obviously been making the mistake of hitting the ball hard all year, to the tune of .360ish.

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I think Trembley is just saying that the team played well enough to win had the front office not given him an indy league starter to work with.

I agree with this... in fact, I can't think the players feel very good about going out to compete and being down 3-0 in a blink of an eye... and then down 6-0 in the blink of the other eye... these guys have to be talking to themselves about this crappy situation they're being put into... DT has to say something to acknowledge their effort to mostly say, he undertsands where the primary problem is... which goes without saying that Eaton will not be starting another game. If he does, these players can take a nap for all I care. Money or no money, if the Management doesn't care, you can't expect the players to care.

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I'm really proud of any group of players who can look at Adam Eaton's name on the lineup card and not shoot themselves before the first pitch.

Oh, and the original post was basically nonsense. Challenging guys to break out of slumps with threats? Expecting Adam Jones to hit bloopers instead of smashing line drives? Winning through yelling? Am I missing some kind of sarcasm or irony here?

No sarcasm or irony, what they have been doing isn't working might as well try something different. I will take 3 infield hits a game over 4 line drive outs every day of the week. Say what you want about Ozzie in Chicago, but he has a World Series ring. I really don't care for the guy, but the ring speaks for itself. IMO, battling only matters if you WIN. A 7-0 loss last night is the exact same as a 7-4 loss at the end of the night.

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Say what you want about Ozzie in Chicago, but he has a World Series ring. I really don't care for the guy, but the ring speaks for itself. IMO, battling only matters if you WIN.

He could lose his job any day now. A really bad day for a manager is losing 20-1, trading for and ace and basically finding out YOU are the reason you aren't getting him...

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    • Wait, are you saying that it's the combined H2H? I guess that does make sense. So, in that circumstance, in a 3 way tie...the Tigers get the #4 seed, the O's #5, and Royals #6?
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    • Your conclusions are 100% correct, but it has nothing to do with division records in that 3 way tie It is head to head results among the tied teams: 1) Det 10-9 (4-2 vs Balt, 6-7 vs KC) 2) Balt 3-3 (4-2 vs KC, 2-4 vs Det) 3) KC 9-10 (2-4 vs Balt, 7-6 vs Det)
    • I assumed the OP meant next year.  I don't think there's anyone on the international side who has a chance at this point to blow up that quickly.  I agree that if we're looking beyond just next year then yes, that's more likely.
    • You are wrong. If Detroit wins out and the Orioles are swept (and KC doesn't sweep), we fall to the #2 wild card due to our tiebreak loss to Detroit head to head.  Detroit is the #1 wild card in that case.  We are the #2 wild card.   If KC wins 1 or 2, they are the #3 wild card, otherwise Minnesota is the #3 wild card. If Detroit wins out AND KC wins out and we are swept, it is a 3 way tie for the 3 wild card spots.   Based on head to head among tied teams, we are 3-3 (4-2 vs KC, 2-4 vs Det), KC is 9-10 (2-4 vs us, 7-6 vs Det), and Det is 10-9 (4-2 vs us, 6-7 vs KC).   So Det is the #1, we are the #2, and KC is the #3. So to be the #1 wild card and get home field Tuesday, we need either one win or one Detroit loss.   KC's results are irrelevant to whether we get the #1 spot or not, although they could jump us and Detroit by winning out if we lose out and Det wins out.
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