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Here I am, drunk off my you know what. Not ready to crawl into bed, yet, in fear of ending up like Bonham or Hendrix. So...having some time to kill I hit up the OH and come across these 5 pages of greatness....

Please don't ban Echo! This kind of epic fail is rare, I'm sure this is only the tip of the iceberg!

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I'm not sure what you're talking about " a few days ago". Not like I come on here every day if it was. Clearly some people need to get a life.

Again, you reject reason and choose to fight. What I told you was the truth. Just because someone posts something 3 days ago even to a comment i made doesn't mean I read it. OK. I know that's a hard concept for you to grasp.

Love how you keep telling me to stop attacking as you make incendiary comments.

Really!?! You've been a fan of the Orioles since 1969? Really!?!

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I'm not sure what you're talking about " a few days ago". Not like I come on here every day if it was. Clearly some people need to get a life.

Again, you reject reason and choose to fight. What I told you was the truth. Just because someone posts something 3 days ago even to a comment i made doesn't mean I read it. OK. I know that's a hard concept for you to grasp.

Love how you keep telling me to stop attacking as you make incendiary comments.

This is masterful. He admonishes Moose for "choosing to fight" just one sentence after saying he "needs to get a life." Wow.

I'm really surprised he doesn't have two red pips yet.

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Don't play dumb. Your goofy idea that Catfish Hunter broadcasts with Palmer came up when you did the same thing 12 days ago. Back then, several people pointed out to you that Catfish Hunter has been dead for some time. But, evidently, you just drop in to bash Palmer but don't bother to read anything or learn anything.
I'm not sure what you're talking about " a few days ago". Not like I come on here every day if it was. Clearly some people need to get a life.

Again, you reject reason and choose to fight. What I told you was the truth. Just because someone posts something 3 days ago even to a comment i made doesn't mean I read it. OK. I know that's a hard concept for you to grasp.

Love how you keep telling me to stop attacking as you make incendiary comments.

How's about we try this again. Click the link in Shack's quote. You clearly were schooled on this "a few days ago".

Enjoy the Sun boards partner.

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I guess it's not wise to tell the emperor he has no clothes. I actually had no idea that people in Baltimore felt so strongly about Palmer.

I guess after listening to the greatness of Scully for 20 years, I find Palmer's self-indulgent banter disgusting.

Thought everyone else did too.

Jim Palmer is an intellegent man who knows a hellava lot about baseball. While I will agree that his opinions can be narrow minded at times the fact is he is allmost always right. I absolutely enjoy listening to him, and I don't live in Baltimore. I should also point out that saying he is bad because he isn't as good as Scully is like saying Pujols isn't any good because Babe Ruth was better.
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Here I am, drunk off my you know what. Not ready to crawl into bed, yet, in fear of ending up like Bonham or Hendrix. So...having some time to kill I hit up the OH and come across these 5 pages of greatness....

Please don't ban Echo! This kind of epic fail is rare, I'm sure this is only the tip of the iceberg!

Ban me for what? Speaking my mind and responding in kind to ridiculous character assasinations?

Not one of you geniuses has yet stood up and said: "Jim Palmer is a great broadcaster." Because you know he sucks. Everyone does.

You just love him because he's an O.

Well I appreciate what he did 40 years ago too. But that isn't a permanent life pass.

And I don't see an hammer and a sickle on this site, do I? This isn't the soviet union yet is it? free speech and all that.

I'm an O's fan since 1969. I expect I've loved them far longer than most of you on this board. So excuse me if I don't spend my life on a ridiculous forum and know every fact about baseball and I missed that someone died. Wow! amazing!

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Ban me for what? Speaking my mind and responding in kind to ridiculous character assasinations?

Not one of you geniuses has yet stood up and said: "Jim Palmer is a great broadcaster." Because you know he sucks. Everyone does.

You just love him because he's an O.

Well I appreciate what he did 40 years ago too. But that isn't a permanent life pass.

And I don't see an hammer and a sickle on this site, do I? This isn't the soviet union yet is it? free speech and all that.

I'm an O's fan since 1969. I expect I've loved them far longer than most of you on this board. So excuse me if I don't spend my life on a ridiculous forum and know every fact about baseball and I missed that someone died. Wow! amazing!

You are not gonna get banned because of your opinion, your gonna get banned because you are continually insulting people for disagreeing with you and disproving your arguments.

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I watched the game on MLB.TV. Among many, many stunning social gaffes tonight, he subtley put down the Nationals announcer by "asking" him if he ever pitched in the big leagues, which of course he had only pitched in the minor leagues. My jaw hit the ground - a new low (if that's possible) for Jim Palmer.

And how many times did he say over and over again how he wished he was 22 again and could pitch like Zimmerman again.

Jim Palmer is a narcissist - it's all about Jim Palmer. And if it ain't about Jim Palmer now, wait, it sure will be soon.

He has absolutely no class whatsoever. If you listened to the O's broadcasts for years with Jim Hunter and Jim Palmer as announcers, you would think that Palmer was the only pitcher in the booth. Jim Hunter was every bit the pitcher Palmer was and has tons of class. I've never personally heard him subtley or otherwise bring praise upon himself by talking about his own career and people he played with and all this irrelevent stuff.

Yeah. Jim Palmer has class. Just ask 'em.

Yes Palmer is in love with himself. Yes it is fun to mock him sometimes about it. However at heart he is harmless.

Frankly he is usually right about his observations also.

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