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Dinner with Flanny


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Well, I was one of the lucky Hanger-outers who participated in the Dinner with Flanny last night. I would love to give you all a full report, but we've been sworn to secrecy. :D Actually, I have some work stuff to get completed early this morning, so this will be brief. I’ll post something more in-depth later though.

First, I have to say, it was wonderful to meet Mike and Mrs. Flanny (Alex). On the way to dinner, I commented to my boyfriend how unusual this is. I know it’s not like having dinner with the POTUS or something, but having dinner with a sitting GM of a MLB club – especially my MLB club -- was a big thrill for me. I mean – does Billy Beane, John Schuerholz, Brian Cashman, or Theo Epstein go out to dinner with fans? If they do, I haven’t heard about it. I truly appreciate Mike and Alex taking time out of their busy schedules and family life in order to meet with us. Furthermore, I appreciate Tony-OH recommending me for this gig. I had a blast. :D I also want to thank helloharv for setting this up. There were a couple of scheduling snafus (this has been in the works since January, I think), but harv handled everything thrown at him.

After I get my work done, I’ll peruse the "call for questions" OH thread and the Sunspot thread in order to jump start my brain on what was discussed last night. A big huge cup of coffee might help jump start my brain as well. ;)


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I was lucky enough to be a member of this dinner party too, (Thanks to those involved with getting me there), and I had a great time. As you can probably tell from my lurking around OH, I don't talk as much as I like to listen and occasionally chime in. So to sit around with the OH crew and the sunspot guys as they talked baseball with Mr. and Mrs. Flanagan (and their guest - who I never did catch her name - sorry!) was a pleasure. The dinner was great too. :002_sbiggrin:

I'm not going to even try to get into the details of the conversation, and try to guess what I should and should not say - or what was 'on' or 'off' the record. Suffice to say, the invited crew got to ask plenty of questions (most of the ones off my 'list' of topics) and we got back frank, matter-o-fact answers. While certainly, the questions posed weren't particularly pointed, they did cover many of the topics we discuss on here daily. And it was refreshing to hear straight answers and 'behind the scenes' details. In fact, it really seemed like this was an opportunity for the Orioles crew to explain what they see from their perspective.

By this, I mean, we speculate. A lot. I mean - an awful lot. Dead horses would be an understatement. Yet, a lot of the details, and stories, and information I heard last night contradicts a number of the rumors that we base our speculations upon. Then, to see everyone work themselves up into a frenzy based on the supposedly true information can be frustrating. Mrs. Flanagan spoke to this frustration, and upon scanning the board this morning, after hearing what I heard, I felt the same way. Given the veracity of what I heard, a couple of the verdicts we've rendered in the court of OH are just way off-base.

And it doesn't matter what I'm talking about specifically. And I know some of you are reading this thinking, I've been duped with misinformation. But honestly, I find it hard to believe that last night's dinner was a calculated attempt to select eight fans from the Mid-Atlantic region and attempt to sway their opinions in the hopes of their spreading the word. (Heck - if that was the case, I certainly wouldn't have been there! :002_stongue: ) It really felt like a chance for the truth to be told a bit, (even it never gets to really leave the room). Well, that and a chance for good food and drink, and good Orioles stories, and good questions from the internet crowd.

I have to get back to work, but the two things I took away from this meeting:

1) Members of the FO and of the team do keep up to date with the forums, and the blogs, and the fan base. Sure, we knew this already, but what I often find easy to forget is how it can affect these people. With the anonymity of the internet, 20/20 hindsight, the instantaenous flow of true and false information, and the passion of sports, I know it's very easy to start ranting and raving about the people involved with these situations - their feelings be damned. After being reminded that we often times don't hear the whole story, I'm going to make an effort to temper my judgments. Or at least, I'm going to stay away from the personal attacks I've seen on some of these boards.

2) I do believe that this FO cares about winning. I believe they've made honest attempts in a number of these dealings that did and didn't work out. I believe there's a passion there about trying to have a successful team/franchise (despite our poor results). I've heard the negative side of the story so often, I had doubted other things I'd heard and seen. I mean, if you hear it often enough, it has to be true, right?

Anyway, I know I'm not convincing anyone who already has their minds made up as to the makeup of the Orioles FO. In fact, I'm sure the cynical crowd has probably lost respect for my views based on this response. And that's ok.I'm just one guy, one fan, that doesn't post much anyway.

Regardless, I thank the Flanagans for taking the time out of their schedule to meet with us fans. And knowing what I know, and hearing what I heard I'm going to enjoy rooting for the home team just a little bit more. :002_ssmile:


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I am thrilled you had a great time. It is refreshing when someone's faith in this organization is renewed. Mine was recently (as posted in the Rants section) with an experience I had with the ticket office.

The frustration and negativity on the boards is justified though with the continious missteps of the FO over the last 10 years. We all want the same thing- a winning team, good people and players to cheer for.

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I would really like to know what the "other side of the story" is, that would net us the likes of Millar, Conine, Patterson. Also what plan would continually count on Matos as a major contributor to this team. I know there are always two sides to the story, but we also have on-field results that confirm the thoughts of a lot of posters. The front office has no clue.

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I will start with a few of my questions that were answered....Witchy's report will be much more detailed.

1.What is fact and what is fiction in regards to the BJ Ryan contract extension situation.

The 3/15 is pretty much a myth. When they were discussing an extension Ryan only had a few games in as closer at the end of the season.They didn't know what his role was going to be in 2005 in the off-season. Julio or Ryan as closer. They looked a what the top paid set up guys were getting paid and started early discusions but when it came time to work on a deal, his agent made it clear he wanted to have BJ hit the open market and see what kind of offers were out there. As we know, Toronto overspent to get him and the agent came out smelling likea rose.

2.When you were Pitching Coach, how did you want your pitchers to pitch with an 0-2 count?

Never waste a pitch by throwing it 5 feet outside but also never throw a pitch that can be hit hard. It should be outside .In his words "black or ball" In the old days, players would get fined if a batter even got a piece of the ball on an 0-2 count.

3.Do you see the O's as buyers or sellers or both at the deadline?

Didn't get into specfics at the deadline but did mention a few names that they may target in the off-season. Since the free-agent market is weak, they will explore trading for guys with years left in the contract.Maybe by taking a high contract and reworking it.

4.As much as he is willing to explain.....what happened with the Delgado situation this year and last year when he seemed to be the Perfect Fit for our team.

Delgado wanted to be in NY. The deal he signed with the Marlins, most everyone knew it was a 1 year deal then he would be moved. The Marlins wanted At Least Penn and they were not willing to do that.

5.At what point can we expect to see our payroll increase due to MASN network deal?

Should happen this off-season. Could increase by 30 million if the right pieces are available.

6.Who was the best hitter and pitcher you played with or against during your career?

Thurman Munson was one of the best hittes he ever witnessed.

Hargrove was the guy that had the worst batting average against Flanny . Something like 3 for 35.


It was a great night to sit around and ask questions and hear a little about the inner workings off what really goes on in the Front Office. Also got to hear great Earl /Eddie /Dempsey stories plus about when Flanny and Duq visited Tejada this off-season.

Mike and his Wife are class acts.

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5.At what point can we expect to see our payroll increase due to MASN network deal?

Should happen this off-season. Could increase by 30 million if the right pieces are available.

Good question. Very encouraging answer. :)

If true... :(

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4.As much as he is willing to explain.....what happened with the Delgado situation this year and last year when he seemed to be the Perfect Fit for our team.

Delgado wanted to be in NY. The deal he signed with the Marlins, most everyone knew it was a 1 year deal then he would be moved. The Marlins wanted At Least Penn and they were not willing to do that.


Penn better turn out to be a #2 or #3 pitcher for a long time to pass up that trade. A known commodity with at least 5 prime years left compared to an unproven prospect?

Delgado is a left handed Tejada, with more power.

BTW money talks, but the trade is not doable unless Delgado would have been in Baltimore for at least 4 years.

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I will start with a few of my questions that were answered....Witchy's report will be much more detailed.

1.What is fact and what is fiction in regards to the BJ Ryan contract extension situation.

The 3/15 is pretty much a myth. When they were discussing an extension Ryan only had a few games in as closer at the end of the season.They didn't know what his role was going to be in 2005 in the off-season. Julio or Ryan as closer. They looked a what the top paid set up guys were getting paid and started early discusions but when it came time to work on a deal, his agent made it clear he wanted to have BJ hit the open market and see what kind of offers were out there. As we know, Toronto overspent to get him and the agent came out smelling likea rose.

2.When you were Pitching Coach, how did you want your pitchers to pitch with an 0-2 count?

Never waste a pitch by throwing it 5 feet outside but also never throw a pitch that can be hit hard. It should be outside .In his words "black or ball" In the old days, players would get fined if a batter even got a piece of the ball on an 0-2 count.

3.Do you see the O's as buyers or sellers or both at the deadline?

Didn't get into specfics at the deadline but did mention a few names that they may target in the off-season. Since the free-agent market is weak, they will explore trading for guys with years left in the contract.Maybe by taking a high contract and reworking it.

4.As much as he is willing to explain.....what happened with the Delgado situation this year and last year when he seemed to be the Perfect Fit for our team.

Delgado wanted to be in NY. The deal he signed with the Marlins, most everyone knew it was a 1 year deal then he would be moved. The Marlins wanted At Least Penn and they were not willing to do that.

5.At what point can we expect to see our payroll increase due to MASN network deal?

Should happen this off-season. Could increase by 30 million if the right pieces are available.

6.Who was the best hitter and pitcher you played with or against during your career?

Thurman Munson was one of the best hittes he ever witnessed.

Hargrove was the guy that had the worst batting average against Flanny . Something like 3 for 35.


It was a great night to sit around and ask questions and hear a little about the inner workings off what really goes on in the Front Office. Also got to hear great Earl /Eddie /Dempsey stories plus about when Flanny and Duq visited Tejada this off-season.

Mike and his Wife are class acts.

Look, with all due respect to Flanny, if they were still equivocating after 6 years with BJ Ryan, then there's something wrong with their talent evaluation. I don't think anyone foresaw him turning into a left-handed Rivera last year, but his performance in 2004 certainly showed that he had arrived.

I understand that they didn't want to make the Mike Timlin mistake, but that was a FA signing. They were watching the guy pitch for six years; they should have had more foresight than they did.

I'd also like to hear what his rationale is for not trading him last year at the deadline. That was an even boneheaded-ER move.

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Penn better turn out to be a #2 or #3 pitcher for a long time to pass up that trade. A known commodity with at least 5 prime years left compared to an unproven prospect?

Delgado is a left handed Tejada, with more power.

BTW money talks, but the trade is not doable unless Delgado would have been in Baltimore for at least 4 years.

I wouldn't say that was any certainty.

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