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He's back! Tejada signs 1-yr deal.


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Uh, he didn't play a full season closer to half a season didn't he? I think he needs to prove himself over a full season first before annointing him the spot in the lineup where the best overall hitter usually hits.

I'm not getting sucked into this with you OldFan. Look at the numbers and you will see Reimold and Nick are the team's most well-rounded (best) hitters.


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What role would Andino serve?

I guess its a matter for who will be used more as the 25th man.

With 4 outfielders ahead of him, how much will Montanez play if he is on the bench? Not much.

If Atkins and Wiggy are on the team how much would Aubrey play? Not much.

About half the games the O's will be behind late in the game. When Izturis come up he will be pinch hit for with Wiggy, Scott or Pie. So who do you want to be at SS in late inning after Izturis is removed. I would say Andino not Tejada.

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Now that Tejada is older (;)), has his attitude improved?

Many fans were happy to see him go in late 2007 and now many seem to be happy that he is back.

That sums it up for me. I have my concerns about this signing from the standpoint of the importance of good IF defense especially for a young pitching staff. (Probably because I'm currently re-reading George Will's terrific book Men at Work and I'm on the Cal Ripken section which discusses the surperb defense of the 1989 Orioles)

If Miggy brings his .300 avg and his 2004 attitude back to Baltimore, I'll be real happy with this signing even if he struggles a little with the transition to 3B.

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Seems like a typical MacPhail move with much more upside than downside. Some positives IMO are:

- possible huge offensive upgrade if Miggy gets time at SS

- possible upgrade over last year's Mora

- possible draft picks as Miggy is a Type A and, hopefully, will go to a Type B next year

I think there is exposure in that:

- Crede might perform better offensively and is probably a better defender

- and we'll see if the total $ spent on Miggy/Atkins might not have been better spent another way.

Miggy's best role might be as a super-infield utility guy - putting in time at 1B/3B/2B/SS and getting 400+ at-bats this way. This would allow more flexibility on the bench as well. If Miggy were to be used this way, Pie could still see plenty of time.

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While I can't offer much statistically to support my optimism, color me thrilled to have Tejada on the O's again. I'm a 'wait-and-see' guy with his defense, but I do know that having a 300BA, double power, and fiery attitude is something the younger guys could afford to have this year. If this is the last acquisition, I'll be content. Unless they trade Wiggy or Scott, too.

Great news for me! Can't wait for ST!

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I'm not getting sucked into this with you OldFan. Look at the numbers and you will see Reimold and Nick are the team's most well-rounded (best) hitters.


Please, let's not let a certain poster hijack this thread about Tejada. Of course we can and should discuss ramifications (such as where he and others will now bat), but as Art Wing said, let's not get sucked off-topic into this poster's obsessions. (I can't even see the posting by old fan since I've got him monkeylisted, but I can see the responses, alas.) There are pluses and minuses to the Tejada signing, but for 2010, having him in the lineup is fantastic. He's not a "big bat" anymore, but he's close, and rounds out an order that could be pretty dangerous. Just give us some decent pitching, and we can begin to dream.


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Welcome back Miggy. A fine signing in my view.

I agree. Great signing! Nice bridge to Bell! Provides that nice middle of the order bat to protect our growing stars. I love it. Yes Miggy may be getting a bit long in the tooth, but he's a legitimate, bonafide professional hitter. Add Bedard and we may start knocking down some wins.

There are many things that go into developing young major league players. But learning to WIN is part of the learning curve. The on-the-field baseball skills are coming along well. Now let's put some legitimate help around these guys and win some games so they know how it feels and what it takes. I'm not suggesting playoffs or anything just yet but let's get to 500! Go O's!

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What no one has really mentioned...

This pushes everyone back in the lineup one spot...which allows Wieters and Reimold to probably hit in better positions and not force the envelope.

But wait, I thought lineups meant nothing and where the player is positioned in the lineup is mneaningless?

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Scott should be traded ASAP.

Put Atkins at 1st, Miggy at 3rd, and rotate the 4 outfielders amongst DH.

This would be nice...Would definitely make this move a lot better.

Still not sure why we need to think about trading Scott. Neither Atkins nor Wigginton are capable of being an everyday first baseman, so why not play Scott against RHPs? Trading Scott would be a poor decision.

Adding Tejada is an awesome move, especially since it's just this year. That means that Tejada, Izturis, Atkins, and Wigginton will all be gone after this season, giving us even more room to bring in younger, cheaper talent from our system, or the ability to sign a big-time FA without having veteran dead weight sitting on the bench.

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