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Link for Bryce Harper's current stats

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I was searching to see how Bryce Harper is doing and was not finding much information. Then it dawned on me to check his college's website.

for those interested, here's the link:


They have played him at C, 3b and CF thus far and his power seems to be showing already. It also appears he isn't having an incredibly hard time adjusting to his new surroundings and opponent talent level.

Anyways, I wanted to put this link up for anyone else interested in seeing how the wunderkind is doing.

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Damn, that's a nice slugging percentage. Leading the team in homers and doubles.

Yeah, I'd say he's adjusting well.

I dunno...my gut tells me that there might be a decent shot that he falls to us. I don't know if the Nats are keen on handing out back to back record setting contracts in consecutive years. However, it'll be hard for them to pass up the opportunity to add Strasburg AND Harper. Quite a haul.

The Pirates are the Pirates.

He's way hyped and most likely for a very good reason but I can see teams being wary spending THAT kind of money on a teenager.

I just hope he has a good head on his shoulders and isn't a d-bag. I know that shouldn't have anything to do whether or not we draft him but I'd hate to see him turn into another Matt Riley of sorts.

Anyway, thanks for the link. :)

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Damn, that's a nice slugging percentage. Leading the team in homers and doubles.

Yeah, I'd say he's adjusting well.

I dunno...my gut tells me that there might be a decent shot that he falls to us. I don't know if the Nats are keen on handing out back to back record setting contracts in consecutive years. However, it'll be hard for them to pass up the opportunity to add Strasburg AND Harper. Quite a haul.

The Pirates are the Pirates.

The quality of play in a JC league could be all over the place. He's playing in a part of the country where JC teams are often pretty good, but any potential first-round pick--not to mention a potential #1 overall--should be tearing up JC competition.

I also think the Pirates can't be counted out any more. They proved their cred by drafting and signing Alvarez. Sanchez may have been a slight signability pick last year, but he was legit.

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The quality of play in a JC league could be all over the place. He's playing in a part of the country where JC teams are often pretty good, but any potential first-round pick--not to mention a potential #1 overall--should be tearing up JC competition.

I also think the Pirates can't be counted out any more. They proved their cred by drafting and signing Alvarez. Sanchez may have been a slight signability pick last year, but he was legit.

Yep, if the Nats are foolish enough to pass on Harper, Pittsburgh will draft him.

They are still haunted by taking Moskos over Wieters so you can bet they won't let the Orioles steal Harper as well.

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Yep, if the Nats are foolish enough to pass on Harper, Pittsburgh will draft him.

They are still haunted by taking Moskos over Wieters so you can bet they won't let the Orioles steal Harper as well.

Who's haunted? Maybe the fans.

They're the Pirates, they'll take someone who they're confident they can sign.

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Were they confident that could sign Alvarez? I thought I remembered him having "signability issues"?

Alvarez didn't sign, he signed after the deadline and Boras negotiated a different deal with the Pirates at an even later date. If MLB hadn't allowed an exception he would not have signed.

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The quality of play in a JC league could be all over the place. He's playing in a part of the country where JC teams are often pretty good, but any potential first-round pick--not to mention a potential #1 overall--should be tearing up JC competition.

I also think the Pirates can't be counted out any more. They proved their cred by drafting and signing Alvarez. Sanchez may have been a slight signability pick last year, but he was legit.

Do you think this is true, though? I mean, this is a high school junior playing against good JC talent. I think you have to take age into account, no? Harper having a half-way decent year would be impressive, and certainly solidify his worthiness of top overall consideration.

Just my take.

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Damn, that's a nice slugging percentage. Leading the team in homers and doubles.

Yeah, I'd say he's adjusting well.

I dunno...my gut tells me that there might be a decent shot that he falls to us. I don't know if the Nats are keen on handing out back to back record setting contracts in consecutive years. However, it'll be hard for them to pass up the opportunity to add Strasburg AND Harper. Quite a haul.

The Pirates are the Pirates.

He's way hyped and most likely for a very good reason but I can see teams being wary spending THAT kind of money on a teenager.

I just hope he has a good head on his shoulders and isn't a d-bag. I know that shouldn't have anything to do whether or not we draft him but I'd hate to see him turn into another Matt Riley of sorts.

Anyway, thanks for the link. :)

I'm far more worried about a Billy Rowell career path. Similar positions, talents, etc.

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Who's haunted? Maybe the fans.

They're the Pirates, they'll take someone who they're confident they can sign.

They're the O's?

And of course the O's are the exact opposite :scratchchinhmm:?

What track record do the O's have that the Pirates don't have recently?

Bottom line is:

If Harper's demand are complete ridiculous, the O's will be just as scared away as the Pirates. If his demands are somewhat workable, the Pirates will be just as inclined to sign him as the O's. The only team that I see taking him early no matter what his demands, are the the Royals. They have the recent track record for picking the best player no matter what the costs.

The O's current front office has the exact same RECENT track record as the Pirates current front office.

-Both have ponied up the premium money/premium talent for a top Boras client (Wieters and Alvarez)

-Both have deferred at paying premium money for what they viewed as not premium talent (I disagree). Using the savings to throw at above slot guys later. O's drafting Hobgood, Pirates drafting Sanchez. Both teams spent a lot of money late in the draft.

The Pirates of all teams have been much more active throwing money internationally compared to the woeful but getting O's.

If I had to pick a side, I think the Pirates would pick Harper IF available. Think of the PR nightmare again if the Pirate deferred drafting a "stud" and letting the O's get him right after again. Not that PR plays too much in that decision, but that is why I would give the slight edge.

Summary: The Pirates are just as likely to pick Harper IF available as the O's would be. Would I love for the O's to draft him, sure. I guess I will continue to let people dream, because it is a nice dream.

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The way the draft is setup now the Pirates lose very little if they draft Harper and can't sign him. They would get the #3 pick in next year's draft in addition to a likely top 5 pick. I think that little change helped lower market teams to some extent. Now if MLB can implement a slotted salary system like the NFL thing will be much better. I do not think there is a chance that Harper falls to us and if I were the Pirates I wouldn't like my odds either.

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Damn, that's a nice slugging percentage. Leading the team in homers and doubles.

Yeah, I'd say he's adjusting well.

I dunno...my gut tells me that there might be a decent shot that he falls to us. I don't know if the Nats are keen on handing out back to back record setting contracts in consecutive years. However, it'll be hard for them to pass up the opportunity to add Strasburg AND Harper. Quite a haul.

The Pirates are the Pirates.

He's way hyped and most likely for a very good reason but I can see teams being wary spending THAT kind of money on a teenager.

I just hope he has a good head on his shoulders and isn't a d-bag. I know that shouldn't have anything to do whether or not we draft him but I'd hate to see him turn into another Matt Riley of sorts.

Anyway, thanks for the link. :)

I see this a lot around here an I thought this was a good place to set the record straight. Matt Riley was not a D-bag nor did his "attitude" hurt his career. His career was cut short due to the fact he kept blowing out his elbow.

Riley was young and immature when he received his ridiculous promotion to the big leagues (not to mention tired). He showed up to a veteran team, with a manager that liked veterans, and he didn't really have the guidance in the major league or minor league level that enabled him to handle the situation very well.

Saying that, I covered Matt from the time he was in Delmarva and through his abbreviated Orioles time. He was a good kid, who wanted to succeed badly, loved the game of baseball, and every time I saw him he was great with the fans.

People tend to overblow the 24K arm license plate and tattoos along with a few bad words from the press back then and make him out to be this guy who is the poster child for wasted talent due to his attitude.

If anything, he's a poster child for how not to handle a prospect by a former Orioles regime.

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The way the draft is setup now the Pirates lose very little if they draft Harper and can't sign him. They would get the #3 pick in next year's draft in addition to a likely top 5 pick. I think that little change helped lower market teams to some extent. Now if MLB can implement a slotted salary system like the NFL thing will be much better. I do not think there is a chance that Harper falls to us and if I were the Pirates I wouldn't like my odds either.

The compensation pick for the next season is not enough to make up for not signing the player. Not only do you lose a year of development, but the compensation pick for the following year is not "protected", meaning that if they failed to sign their draftee, they would not get a compensation pick the following year. That lack of leverage is why a compensation pick will always be a signability pick (ex. Nationals & Drew Storen).

The compensation pick is a nice consolation prize, but you can't use it as leverage to help sign the draftee, and if that player is a premium draft pick, you can be sure that the player you draft the next year won't be of the same quality.

So, IMO, whoever drafts Harper will lose quite a bit if they fail to sign him.

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I see this a lot around here an I thought this was a good place to set the record straight. Matt Riley was not a D-bag nor did his "attitude" hurt his career. His career was cut short due to the fact he kept blowing out his elbow.

Riley was young and immature when he received his ridiculous promotion to the big leagues (not to mention tired). He showed up to a veteran team, with a manager that liked veterans, and he didn't really have the guidance in the major league or minor league level that enabled him to handle the situation very well.

Saying that, I covered Matt from the time he was in Delmarva and through his abbreviated Orioles time. He was a good kid, who wanted to succeed badly, loved the game of baseball, and every time I saw him he was great with the fans.

People tend to overblow the 24K arm license plate and tattoos along with a few bad words from the press back then and make him out to be this guy who is the poster child for wasted talent due to his attitude.

If anything, he's a poster child for how not to handle a prospect by a former Orioles regime.

Good stuff, Tony, thanks.

But in addition to what I assumed, I'd hate to see Harper burn out in any way. That would be an awesome addition to our system and he could get to the bigs quick.

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