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Could the O's leave town?


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Do it, Petey. You've tortured us long enough....now twist the dagger, pull it out and let us die a miserable fate.

Just when you think this team has hit rock bottom...I'm tellin you...

At least then we could finally, at long last, honestly say "It can't get any worse."

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PA sure went through a lot of hard work with MLB securing a regional network and protecting the value of the franchise (for his lifetime AND BEYOND) to up and move the team to San Antonio, Portland, or whatever. I don't see a single compelling reason in the OP that supports this logic and PA's own actions suggest otherwise.

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Don't get me wrong, I love Camden Yards...but it's hardley unique anymore. Almost every stadium built after OPACY has been build with that old style unique feel to it. There may be many reasons that the O's will never move out of Baltimore, but OPACY's unique feel compaired to other parks is not one of them.

OPACY was the first of it's kind. All new stadiums were modeled after it.

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PA sure went through a lot of hard work with MLB securing a regional network and protecting the value of the franchise (for his lifetime AND BEYOND) to up and move the team to San Antonio, Portland, or whatever. I don't see a single compelling reason in the OP that supports this logic and PA's own actions suggest otherwise.

MLB is not coming to Portland. The municipalities here don't even want to spend a fraction of the money in order build a ballpark for the AAA Beavers to play in (they're renovating PGE Park for ML Soccer and it won't accommodate baseball after that). An MLB-caliber park will never be built here with public dollars...and without public dollars it won't happen, period. Cross Portland off the list of cities for potential relocation.

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I was staying at a Baltimore hotel following my brother-in-law's wedding last weekend, and picked up the hotel magazine they leave in the room that describes the city. In the section on the Inner Harbor area, the big caption read something like, "The Inner Harbor area is home to the Baltimore Aquarium, many shops and restaurants, and of course, the beloved Orioles.

Beloved. 12 years of losing, but that's how they are still described.

The Orioles are going nowhere.

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I am looking at it as an outsider I will admit, but seeing Boston and the Red Sox and seeing Baltimore and the Orioles, I can tell you Boston embraces the Red Sox 200% more than Baltimore embraces the Orioles.

In the city, I see business catering to Red Sox and Yankees fans, employees wearing Red Sox and Yankees gear. You never see that in Boston, never.

And the hotel business was really the biggest indicator when they didn't even take into account the surroundings of OPACY and sightlines when they built the Hilton.

This city to me has lost their pride of hosting the Orioles IMO. They've given up on the team.

The Ravens are what matter now and are the team that is most embraced. Baltimore is a football town with a baseball team.

Have read a lot of crazy things from you over the years Trea but you have finally convinced me that not only are you off your rocker but you have as much of a clue about the O's and B'more as DT did managing a BP...:rofl:

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I was staying at a Baltimore hotel following my brother-in-law's wedding last weekend, and picked up the hotel magazine they leave in the room that describes the city. In the section on the Inner Harbor area, the big caption read something like, "The Inner Harbor area is home to the Baltimore Aquarium, many shops and restaurants, and of course, the beloved Orioles.

Beloved. 12 years of losing, but that's how they are still described.

The Orioles are going nowhere.

1) There are no ballparks of the caliber of OPACY that are sitting empty waiting for a team to come and play in it.

2) There are no municipalities begging to spend the hundreds of millions of dollars it would take to build an MLB stadium. If there was, the Oakland A's or Tampa Bay Rays would be looking longingly in their direction right now.

3) Once the honeymoon phase ends, what city would really support the Orioles any better after soon-to-be 13 straight years of losing than Baltimore has?

Even if Angelos or another owner wanted to move the team, there aren't even any better options available. End of story.

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Shut the eff up. Seriously, you have no idea what you are talking about. I live within the city-proper, I teach city youth. You have no idea how many Orioles-related discussions I have had this year. The Orioles gave my school 400 free tickets (lower bowl none the less) and we gave them all away in less than 8 hours.

So by all means take your assumptions about my city and cram them.

Moreover, every time I go to games I have about a 70/30 chance of running into at least one student in my school. This city wants to love the Orioles, they want a winner. A Thursday night game against Oakland drew over 16 K, the Rays aren't averaging much better right now. Root for the Red Sox and shut up.

Well said SJ!

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Shut the eff up. Seriously, you have no idea what you are talking about. I live within the city-proper, I teach city youth. You have no idea how many Orioles-related discussions I have had this year. The Orioles gave my school 400 free tickets (lower bowl none the less) and we gave them all away in less than 8 hours.

So by all means take your assumptions about my city and cram them.

Moreover, every time I go to games I have about a 70/30 chance of running into at least one student in my school. This city wants to love the Orioles, they want a winner. A Thursday night game against Oakland drew over 16 K, the Rays aren't averaging much better right now. Root for the Red Sox and shut up.

Thank you...

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Frankly this might not be a bad thing. I think Baltimore is no longer attached to the Orioles as much as they once were.

The city caters to visiting fans and they ruined OPACY by building a hotel which took away part of the design of the park - the Bromo-Seltzer tower. I bet that would have never happened back in the 1970's.

Perhaps the city needs to go without a team for awhile. Everybody seems to be in love with the Ravens, so I doubt the Orioles would be missed much to start.

And for the Orioles, I think a new city and owner might invigorate the franchise.

Eventually Baltimore could land one of the Florida teams or an expansion team, or maybe everybody would just become a Nationals fan and baseball would never be missed.

Go away. You don't live here, you don't watch the games. Perhaps we need to go without you for a while.

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Frankly this might not be a bad thing. I think Baltimore is no longer attached to the Orioles as much as they once were.

The city caters to visiting fans and they ruined OPACY by building a hotel which took away part of the design of the park - the Bromo-Seltzer tower. I bet that would have never happened back in the 1970's.

Perhaps the city needs to go without a team for awhile. Everybody seems to be in love with the Ravens, so I doubt the Orioles would be missed much to start.

And for the Orioles, I think a new city and owner might invigorate the franchise.

Eventually Baltimore could land one of the Florida teams or an expansion team, or maybe everybody would just become a Nationals fan and baseball would never be missed.

This is an extremely ignorant post Trea. I am very disappointed in you writing something like this when you do not have an idea as how the city views the Orioles.

The city loves the Orioles. The city wants the Orioles to win again. The city is upset because this was once one of the prized jewels of MLB and now it's been thrown in the waste-basket.

I grew up in the suburbs, have lived in the city only a 10 minute walk from the stadium and I have seen Orioles fans everywhere.

Yea, it's not like the Ravens right now because the Ravens are winning. But when the Ravens are losing, the city begins to move away from them.

Baltimore is a city that wants to see and root for winners. Teams that have the ability to compete. The fact that we are still out-selling other cities that have had World Championships within the past decade goes to show how much this city loves this city.

The more I think about how ignorant this post is Trea the more heated I get. Unfrickin' believeable pal.

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