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That's sidestepping the question (though it wasn't directed at you), what is your solution to an alternative to Fielder that will be an established force in the lineup and be a cornerstone of the team for the next 4-5 years?

Who is actually on the block that we could get that would be cheaper in terms of players and $ and that will produce similarly?

I don't see anybody else that we could reasonably get.

We lost out on all the other options via FA by choosing to wait. Howard is no longer an option, AGon will not be an option.

Fielder is it, unless you think we are paying 8/240 for Pujols...

And we need that bat really this year, but definitely in 2011. We can't afford to have the younger players not have the proper offensive support for another season...

We have to get that difference making established bat, now.

Don't see why we couldn't trade for a Davis or a Kila or sign a Konerko or Pena. And then if we need to, sign a Fielder or an AGonz in 2012. Fielder is almost certain to be a FA then and San Diego isn't a farm team for Boston, so I wouldn't be surprised if AGonz is too.
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That's sidestepping the question (though it wasn't directed at you), what is your solution to an alternative to Fielder that will be an established force in the lineup and be a cornerstone of the team for the next 4-5 years?

Who is actually on the block that we could get that would be cheaper in terms of players and $ and that will produce similarly?

I don't see anybody else that we could reasonably get.

We lost out on all the other options via FA by choosing to wait. Howard is no longer an option, AGon will not be an option.

Fielder is it, unless you think we are paying 8/240 for Pujols...

And we need that bat really this year, but definitely in 2011. We can't afford to have the younger players not have the proper offensive support for another season...

We have to get that difference making established bat, now.

A team like the Orioles can realistically only take one contractual gamble the size of the one Fielder will require, and they can't afford to be wrong.

You really want to put all your eggs in this particular basket?

I sure wouldn't. The weight thing alone would be enough to scare me off. Add the questions about his character and it's even easier to take a pass.

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That's sidestepping the question (though it wasn't directed at you), what is your solution to an alternative to Fielder that will be an established force in the lineup and be a cornerstone of the team for the next 4-5 years?

Who is actually on the block that we could get that would be cheaper in terms of players and $ and that will produce similarly?

I don't see anybody else that we could reasonably get.

We lost out on all the other options via FA by choosing to wait. Howard is no longer an option, AGon will not be an option.

Fielder is it, unless you think we are paying 8/240 for Pujols...

And we need that bat really this year, but definitely in 2011. We can't afford to have the younger players not have the proper offensive support for another season...

We have to get that difference making established bat, now.

I don't agree with the idea that you have to acquire a "an established force in the lineup and be a cornerstone of the team for the next 4-5 years" to compete.

I see no reason why you can't get similar results from any or several of a variety of other approaches, many or most of which are more cost effective in both money and prospects. And many, many times more likely to happen in the real world.

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A team like the Orioles can realistically only take one contractual gamble the size of the one Fielder will require, and they can't afford to be wrong.

You really want to put all your eggs in this particular basket?

I sure wouldn't. The weight thing alone would be enough to scare me off. Add the questions about his character and it's even easier to take a pass.

No. Especially when that basket is going to cost significantly more than it would for a non-putrid team, rendering it even less likely to be justifiable.

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There probably isn't one player we could get that will give us what Fielder is likely to give us.

But that doesn;t mean that you can't win either and you seem to think it does.

Well I'm looking at the roster spots that aren't locked down.

1B, DH, SS, 3B and LF are the positions that aren't set in stone.

1B, 3B and LF and DH are all power positions, but you don't get a ton of value out of the DH slot because that player doesn't play the field.

Thus all your wins are coming from 1B, 3B and LF. If we give 3B to Josh Bell in 2011, that will be a spot that will be tied up by an inconsistent player for 2 years given the learning curve so then you are left with LF and 1B.

One of those has to be a cleanup hitter and both likely have to be good hitters to makeup for Bell's likely struggles and the lack of an offensive SS.

If you go with Pie/Reimold in LF and Bell at 3B and then a bat like Chris Davis at 1B, you run the risk of having a similar offense to the one this year, as you have a bunch of unknowns going into 2011.

Similarly, if you sign Konerko, Lee or Pena for 1B you run the risk that they might completely drop off the table and then you are committed to them for multiple years, and your offense could again tank.

You know what you have in a bat like Prince Fielder and what he can provide for the offense.

Obivously he can't be the only offensive upgrade, but he gives you a known quantity in an important offensive position.

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There are a few options that are under control for 2011, maybe none with as good of a fit as Fielder (as a 1B), but we shouldn't get locked in on him. Josh Willingham, Corey Hart, Aramis Ramirez.

Realistically we need at least 2 bats, almost certainly 3, and possibly even 4 depending on Roberts's health.

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A team like the Orioles can realistically only take one contractual gamble the size of the one Fielder will require, and they can't afford to be wrong.

You really want to put all your eggs in this particular basket?

I sure wouldn't. The weight thing alone would be enough to scare me off. Add the questions about his character and it's even easier to take a pass.

He's the only option for a difference making power bat that will be available to us.

And I don't see him as much of a risk on a 6-7 year deal as he'll be 32-33.

What questions about his character are you referring to?

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There probably isn't one player we could get that will give us what Fielder is likely to give us.

But that doesn;t mean that you can't win either and you seem to think it does.

This. Trea seems hell bent on the idea that "if we don't acquire Prince Fielder, we can't win." This is simply not true. There are numerous solutions to the first base black hole.

The Orioles have 3 glaring holes in the infield to fill, and 1B is only one of them.

OH Poster, El Gordo has a good Theo Epstein quote in his sig: “In baseball, if you convince yourself you need a certain player, you’ve already lost. One player doesn’t have that much impact,” . “It’s about building organizations. It’s not about adding players"

It's clear you are headstrong in the "Prince or bust" camp. I am not as bullish on Prince. His weight is a real and legit concern. I would rather the O's pass on the risk/reward on Prince and use their (limited) resources to fill the many holes.

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He's the only option for a difference making power bat that will be available to us.

And I don't see him as much of a risk on a 6-7 year deal as he'll be 32-33.

What questions about his character are you referring to?

Ones like this?
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There are a few options that are under control for 2011, maybe none with as good of a fit as Fielder (as a 1B), but we shouldn't get locked in on him. Josh Willingham, Corey Hart, Aramis Ramirez.

Realistically we need at least 2 bats, almost certainly 3, and possibly even 4 depending on Roberts's health.

ARam would be a fool to opt out given his dreadful 2010.

As for Willingham and Corey Hart, both have serious question marks (moreso than Fielder) and are not cornerstone players, but would require multi-year deals that we'd likely have to overpay for.

They are good complementary players, but we need another franchise cornerstone, as well as the complementary players.

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ARam would be a fool to opt out given his dreadful 2010.

As for Willingham and Corey Hart, both have serious question marks (moreso than Fielder) and are not cornerstone players, but would require multi-year deals that we'd likely have to overpay for.

They are good complementary players, but we need another franchise cornerstone, as well as the complementary players.

Why would Willingham and Hart require multiyear deals? I thought the idea was to build a winning team in 2011? If we did that, we could make a run at Fielder, AGon, Reyes, Rollins, whoever, and try to resign those guys if we want. Or take the picks.

I'm not saying I'd definitely go for these guys, but the idea that it's Fielder or bust is pretty silly. And a set-up for failure.

I'd rather go after a couple of established guys, maybe that's Willingham, maybe it's Drew, maybe Haren, we have to see what's out there, and also target some younger, blocked guys. Davis, Kila, Bartlett, etc.

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Why would Willingham and Hart require multiyear deals? I thought the idea was to build a winning team in 2011? If we did that, we could make a run at Fielder, AGon, Reyes, Rollins, whoever, and try to resign those guys if we want. Or take the picks.

I'm not saying I'd definitely go for these guys, but the idea that it's Fielder or bust is pretty silly. And a set-up for failure.

I'd rather go after a couple of established guys, maybe that's Willingham, maybe it's Drew, maybe Haren, we have to see what's out there, and also target some younger, blocked guys. Davis, Kila, Bartlett, etc.

Why would Willingham or Hart take a 1 year deal to sign with one of the worst teams in baseball? You are talking a 3-4 year deal with each at least.

And how are we supposed to build a winning team with unknowns in the offense like you are suggesting with Davis, Kila etc.?

We had unknowns in the offense going into this season. How did that work?

It may not be Fielder or bust, but right now before 2011, I don't see a better option. AGon will either re-up with the Padres or be traded to Boston or will sign with Boston as a FA as he wants to play there and they want him.

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He's the only option for a difference making power bat that will be available to us.

And I don't see him as much of a risk on a 6-7 year deal as he'll be 32-33.

What questions about his character are you referring to?

This is the same sort of thinking that gets a team into Soriano-type deals.

Commit oodles of money and keep your fingers crossed that the production will be what it's been in the past (because you desperately need it) despite the red flags.

Fielder comes off to me as a less nuclear Carlos Zambrano. Fiery and passionate mixed with immature and temperamental.

The one thing that has stuck with me is that Prince and Cecil had a falling out at some point years ago, and ever since Prince has rejected every one of Cecil's attempts to reconcile. To me that's petulant and immature.

This article is several years old but as best I know nothing has changed. Here's another.

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I'd assume most GMs would have a list of a dozen, maybe two dozen names for most of their potential holes. Prioritized by production, availability, age, contract, acquisition costs, likelihood of attracting said player to Baltimore long-term (if applicable), and other relevant factors. Anyone whose list was simply "Prince Fielder" would be almost criminally inept.

But aren't the Os criminally inept?

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The one thing that has stuck with me is that Prince and Cecil had a falling out at some point years ago, and ever since Prince has rejected every one of Cecil's attempts to reconcile. To me that's petulant and immature.

This article is several years old but as best I know nothing has changed. Here's another.

These stories are pretty sad and disturbing. However, the anger he has and the childish need to be better than his father seems to be a large part of what drives him, so this kind of cuts both ways. I think it's what is creating what JTrea is calling passion and drive. But certainly I would be concerned that at some point he might either boil over, or alternatively, flame out.

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