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2010 Mobbies: Vote for the Orioles Hangout!


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They are not counting their chickens and yet...they are scheduling the time off for the ceremony.

Looks like I'm taking 1.5 days

I’d need to leave early to even get there in time, what with rush-hour traffic.

Maybe I just won’t drink that much and drive home afterwards. Assuming I’m not in jail by the time that little shin-dig is over.

Apparently, I'm unemployed, a nutjob, an idiot, and a stalking whiner, but have a great boss.

by duck on Nov 6, 2010 9:18 PM EDT

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First thing! Don't forget to vote for us in the Mobbies! Now that Orioles Hangout, er, Tony's Take has been added, we don't have a shot in hell to win, but put up a good effort anyway, all right? I figure if we finish in second place behind them, we still won the best blog competition since Orioles Hangout isn't a blog. Vote every day! -Stacey

AND Camden Chatter is? HA.

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The amount of talking out of both sides of the mouth disturb me in this. :/

I stayed out of this until the Yankee Blog was called into play. The YANKEES, wow. Oh by the way CRStoner (even with your kind words about her)...she has a thread devoted to targeting you as well, not sure why, so I am calling on everyone to vote CHRIS for Terps Blog.

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Wasn't talking about you. Mainly talking about Stacey. Honestly, Stacey, why are you so blatantly trying to have your cake and eat it too? I mean, yeah, winning would be nice, but you say one thing here, one thing there, and at some point you can't use the "kidding around" excuse anymore. I really don't understand the line of thought there. You want to bolster relationships, not muddy the waters. You're entirely too smart to not realize that everything you say on both sites (or any other, for that matter) is readily available for consumption.

I mean, jeez. I write for a Raven's blog site now, and we're up for a Mobbie, and until right now, I haven't mentioned it here, mainly because I considered it rude to pimp out another site on Tony's site. You're basically wagging the dog, creating a rivalry where none really existed...so I gotta ask...just how many more hits are you seeing as a result? Because that's what I figure your impetus is here. Peg yourself as the poor underdog, unfairly placed against this site, call out for help from your site network, maybe get some grassroots to take hold and get your name more widely exposed as a result. I mean, it's either that...or you really DON'T realize what you're doing. So, how do you want to be seen, as a site owner/leader who is using web psychology/dynamics to increase her traffic, or a girl who can't figure out why everything she says is thrown back at her?

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Orioles Hangout:

A blog (with various bloggers, including Tony Pente, Scott Hoffman, and Roy Freakin Firestone) with a message board attached.

Camden Chat:

A blog (with various bloggers, including Stacey, duck, and Andrew_G) with a message board attached.

How could one possibly rationalize that OH is any less eligible for this contest than CC? I haven't quite figured the logic in Stacey's assertion.

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Orioles Hangout:

A blog (with various bloggers, including Tony Pente, Scott Hoffman, and Roy Freakin Firestone) with a message board attached.

Camden Chat:

A blog (with various bloggers, including Stacey, duck, and Andrew_G) with a message board attached.

How could one possibly rationalize that OH is any less eligible for this contest than CC? I haven't quite figured the logic in Stacey's assertion.

That logic does not not fit her agenda. She (proudly) won last year due to this improper perception. Therefore as Bart said...the face duality.

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Weams is cracking me up in this thread.

I have seen Stacey's posts on here and I find it very amusing that she wants to paint herself as some very knowledgeable source.

Thanks Rob.

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