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Boston after Javy


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from the article:

...and would give the Sox another option at first base behind Kevin Youkilis


Btw, I do want to trade Javy but don't want to trade him to the RedSox. Chances he absolutely crushes us later this season: 100%.

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Wonder? Isn't it obvious that he's a 35-year-old catcher with 2000 games of pounding on his body? Almost all catchers have steep declines in their mid-30s. I would have been very surprised if Javy's career arc wasn't what's happened the last three years.

At 32 Johnny Bench hit 24 homers. He never hit 15 again. He was clearly juicing and then stopped. Bill Dickey hit .302/24/105 at 32, but never hit 10 homers in a season again. I wonder what kind of horse tranquilizers he couldn't get access to anymore? :rolleyes:

Comments? Yea, you suspect everyone who's ever hit a home run of steriods and you'll see what you want to see. Pujols was on the DL for, what, three weeks? You think he would "shrink" visibly over three weeks? How come he hasn't failed any tests? Why would he stop now if he really was on the juice?

I guess baseball deserves some of this loony finger pointing for ignoring this for so long, but c'mon... some of these accusations go beyond semi-reasonble speculation and cross over into McCarthyism.

With all do respect, you're DEAD wrong about this one. I personally don't think Albert juiced, but you can see why he has his suspicions. He is supposedly very good friends with Bonds. Also, he had 25 homers by the end of May, then got derailed by an injury. Who has 25 homers by the end of two months? At one point he was on pace to hit about 80 homers. You can certainly see why someone would be suspicious. McCarthyism? Not quite. This is a total different beast.

So every player who hasn't failed tests isn't or hasn't taken steroids or HGH since the beginning of last year? Well, there's masking agents for a lot of stuff people take, and HGH isn't even detectable. So I don't really see how that means anything.

As for the thread...

A poster above said something along the lines of Javy probably going to Boston and starting to smash the ball. Well, I wouldn't mind that much because if he helps the Sox get into the playoffs, he'll in turn be hurting the Yankees chances, and I would be all for that. If he can't help us knock the Yankees out, at least maybe he can help someone else. Although, him making any sort of impact for them is not likely, IMO.

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There's only one team I know of that would claim him other than Boston and that's the Yanks. Depending on which day he was put on waivers, they Yanks might not even get a shot. If they do, you just let them claim him and pick up his salary.

I just had the exact same thought.

We need to wait to put Javy on waivers until/if the Red Sox are behind the Yankees. Then they get waiver priority over New York.

Or, we could put him on now, have the Yankees block the waiver claim and then say, "Ok he's yours for nothing."

I remember that happening 6-7 years ago with Canseco (or was it another slugger)? The Yankees put a claim in to stop someone else from getting the player and the player wasn't pulled back. If I remember correctly, they had to expose someone they didn't want to in order to fit him on their roster.

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With all do respect, you're DEAD wrong about this one. I personally don't think Albert juiced, but you can see why he has his suspicions. He is supposedly very good friends with Bonds. Also, he had 25 homers by the end of May, then got derailed by an injury. Who has 25 homers by the end of two months? At one point he was on pace to hit about 80 homers. You can certainly see why someone would be suspicious. McCarthyism? Not quite. This is a total different beast.

So every player who hasn't failed tests isn't or hasn't taken steroids or HGH since the beginning of last year? Well, there's masking agents for a lot of stuff people take, and HGH isn't even detectable. So I don't really see how that means anything.

As for the thread...

A poster above said something along the lines of Javy probably going to Boston and starting to smash the ball. Well, I wouldn't mind that much because if he helps the Sox get into the playoffs, he'll in turn be hurting the Yankees chances, and I would be all for that. If he can't help us knock the Yankees out, at least maybe he can help someone else. Although, him making any sort of impact for them is not likely, IMO.

Compared to Mariballi (sp) he will make a pretty big impact. I just hope Brob and Patterson get on alot and run like wild against him.

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There's only one team I know of that would claim him other than Boston and that's the Yanks. Depending on which day he was put on waivers, they Yanks might not even get a shot. If they do, you just let them claim him and pick up his salary.

Was just going to make the same point. The Yankees might win the claim. If they do, you let them have him.

Ignoring the salary point altogether (because it doesn't help the *fans*): You release Javy the malcontent on the Yankees clubhouse. Let him ***** and moan on someone else's team - hopefully causing lots of friction in the process.

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I would think if Choi cleared he would be a no brainer for Boston and how much we are paying on javy's deal determines the quality of the second player coming back to us. Yes I said second player, Boston is in danger of missing the playoffs and the injury to Veritek is a disaster. They will pay a very good price to get a fresh league average at worst case catcher for the next two months.

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One of those shouldn't because we NEED a backup catcher.

Widger was just released the other day.

And on the Yankee/waiver issue, shouldn't that right now not be a factor since the Yankees are ahead of the Red Sox in the standings?

Of course in 7 hours that could change if New York were to lose this afternoon, so if they need to put him through waivers the time to submit him is NOW.

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We don't hold the cards. Mike Lieberthal and Jason Larue would probably clear waivers as well.

Javy may not be the great starting catcher that he once was, but he's better than these bums. I think Javy would turn into the power hitting, I'm OK with whatever, kind of player in Boston -- but oh well. Get rid of him and get back what you can. Pay some of his salary too so we can get back something of value. I agree, getting rid of his salary helps out Angelos and no one else.

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Pujols personal trainer is someone with a past connection to steroids. There have been rumors about Pujols. I think it's reasonable to suspect him.

Why let little facts get in the way of some good, unfounded speculation? Grimsley only claims this trainer, Chris Mihlfeld, referred him to source for amphetamines. Grimsley claims to have later obtained amphetamines, steroids and growth hormone from this sources.


Note the absence of a direct connection between Mihlfeld and steroids.

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