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CA-ORIOLE last won the day on August 31 2014

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  • Birthday 09/27/1960

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    Vintage Baseball Cards, Baseball, Kids, Family
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    Self Employed
  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Manny Machado
  • Favorite All Time Oriole
    Brooks Robinson

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  1. Yeah, I'm not too crazy about this one. I don't think it's horrible or anything. Price is about right by the market, i'm just not sure our odds are very good right now and Davies might have been a good asset for us next year and beyond.
  2. Absolutely. It would have been an amazing story.
  3. Dayum. I was really hoping he'd go the whole year without a HR.

    Zack Greinke

    Holy crap. His ERA is down to 1.30!
  5. It is pretty fascinating. He's hitting a lot more groundballs this year and spraying them everywhere.
  6. Nick's OPS has dropped to .726. He is still in search of his first homerun,
  7. Nick finishes June with zero homeruns for the season. Still holding firm with a respectable 746 OPS and 389 OBP. rWAR sitting at an even 1 (fWAR slighly more favorable at 1.2) at almost the halfway point of the season. Nick has started in 76 of Atlanta's 77 games, including 1 game as DH.
  8. Yeah, Turner Crushed it last year too. He has really filled out and developed power. He looks like a Lumberjack up there with that big Red Beard. Always liked him.
  9. I'm with your fiend who would like to see him go all year with zero home runs. That would be awesome.
  10. 0-2 with 3 walks today. OBP at .399 with a .305 BA. OPS at 771. Still 0 Homeruns. I'm impressed.
  11. Nick finishes May with Zero homeruns. 731 OPS. 104 OPS+ and a near replacement 0.2 rWAR despite a still impressive 385 OBP. fWAR does hold him about a half win better (mostly in defensive value between DRS and UZR) .
  12. It is rather amazing that he is maintaining good production. He is not striking out and and slashing away at a 371 babip. 72 points higher than last year. Wee Willie Keeler would be proud.
  13. Not sure what is sadder about this.
  14. Nick's OPS is up to 740 and he was batting cleanup today.
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