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Posts posted by theonestevewh

  1. After a long 6 months I finally have my big 3 certs of comptia (A+ Net+ and Sec+)! Time for some fun and then onto cisco! :D:D

    Congrats! I remember when I first got those certs about 4-5 years ago! I feel old now. I recommend either buying a CCNA kit from Ciscokits.com or buying the Boson Netsim router simulator software. I bought both, you shouldn't need both though, and got great experience from both. Congrats again! :clap3:

  2. "There's no doubt"...

    The first words out of Juan Samuel's mouth after nearly every question.

    Hey Juan, there's some doubt. At least a smidgen.

  3. I'm currently reading Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do About It by Richard Clarke and Robert Knake. It's an interesting read and Clarke keeps the tech jargon to a minimum so most non-geeks can understand it. His cyber attack scenarios are a little too sensational and oversimplified but not ultimately unrealistic. Clarke is doing a good job to spotlight cybersecurity but it's more than likely in vain.

  4. Getting hit in to on the golf course. Happened 4 separate times today, 2 different groups. We we waiting for the group ahead of us at every tee, so its not like we weren't keeping pace.

    One ball literally landed in the basket on the back of my golf cart, while I was pulling out a club. Inches from hitting me square in the face. Unreal.

    A lot of people I play with, mostly older guys, give me a lot of crap for wanting to wait until the group ahead is well out of range before I drive. I learned my lesson a few years back. I was getting fairly good at golf (after about 6 years of playing it haha) and I got a new Nike Sasquatch driver. Well, when I got a hold of a ball with that driver, I could easily drive it 300+ yards. I wasn't consistently there but it happened fairly often.

    So, my friend and I get to the course one afternoon and a walk-on, an older gentleman, gets added to our group. The course is crowded and we're moving at a snails pace (we finished 18 in a little over 5 hours). The old man, my friend and I are getting frustrated and we're all sucking. So, we get to a hole with a fairly open and slightly downhill fairway and the next group up is about 320 yards away. The old man drives (about 180 yards) while my friend and I wait. Well, he starts giving us crap about how we can't hit it that far. So, in a moment of frustation, we said funk it and drove. My friend sliced his drive off the tee into the adjacent fairway. I drove my ball, you guessed it, about 330 yards and it lands right in front of the leading group. They, of course, had a mini-hissyfit (chipped my ball off the fairway and shouted profanities) and I gave that old man the dirtiest look ever. Actually, we almost came to a physical altercation with the leading group when my friend crushed a drive a few holes later that hit the cart path, took a huge hop, and landed right behind them.

    So, now I wait and I'm usually the one that almost gets hit by golf balls. :eek:

  5. It's a good thing some OH'ers are not in charge of any nuclear ordnance, a squadron of samurai, or even a swarm of killer bees. Because if some of you were, we'd be doomed by your innate ability to overreact. I'm talking a disaster of biblical proportions. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

  6. I missed a midterm in a history class freshman year. I only went 50% of the time anyway, usually read a book or magazine in the back, and never paid attention, so I just totally missed the announcement that it was coming and didn't bother to show up that day. Somehow, the professor's grading scheme was so strange that even with a 0 on that, I did well on the final and pulled an A-. I considered that to be my one free pass and started actually showing up for things sophomore year.

    I missed every test except the final in a class in my second semester of freshman year. It was Introduction to Programming. It was basically going over programming concepts and learning pseudocode. Well, the thing was that I had taken a few programming courses in high school and then C++ in my first semester. On top of that, I was a fairly accomplished web programmer in my personal time. So, obviously I was well beyond the class. The professor pulls me aside after the second class and tells me to only show up for the tests. I must have been hungover because what I heard was "only show up for the final". So, two weeks before the final I get a call from the professor saying "Um... you missed four tests". We made a deal that he'd just knock 10% off my final and that would be my final grade. I ended up with a B and a lesson in listening. Good thing the professor was a cool dude.

  7. Restoring with any virus is a big NO NO especially viruses/malware nowadays just infect system restore. It's best to just stick removing. Download malwarebytes that should take care of your problem.

    Depends on what type of malware you have really. I've done a System Restore in this case more than a dozen times and only once has it actually done that. Last time I did this was a few months ago so maybe "nowadays" doesn't include that. haha

  8. And to be honest, how long since you've reformatted? PC's do really need a clean format after awhile. Back up your important stuff, make sure you got your .exe's readily accessible, and format and clean install Windows again.

    True, true. I hate going through the process of formatting and then installing Windows (done it way too many times) and such so I have a ghost image of a clean Windows load and all my other programs all ready to go so all I have to do is fallback to that and then I'm good to go. I don't have to worry about any data since I have that on a network drive. Man, does that make me a geek?

  9. Before I go into my post, I think can of corn is right and you should DL and run Malwarebytes and see if that works. If it doesn't work then the problem gets more complex. I've had to deal with my share of spyware so here's a few tidbits.

    1. Is the juice worth the squeeze? I once had to work on a system for about 10 hours trying to remove a trojan off a PC for a family member because that family member turned off System Restore. If you have System Restore turned on and you know when the spyware first infected your PC, restore to an earlier date and be done with it. If it still reappears then try advanced spyware removal techniques.

    2. Sometimes you can try every piece of anti-spyware in the book (which can take an hour+ easy per each one) and still not solve your problem. To solve my family member's issue I had to find a good process management program, suspend/turn off a lot of processes, then run anti-spyware and it finally came off. If you have no idea was a process is, what the standard Windows processes are or where to find a good process management program... then you're better off not trying this.

    3. Whatever you did to get that spyware... don't do it again. :)

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  10. My Rant: New England Drivers/ Customer Service

    I live in Connecticut and have done so for the last 4 years, so I already knew how bad the drivers are. One coworker of mine last summer even told me that when her 16 year old daughter started driving that she had to be taught that red lights were not voluntary. And she was serious! Well yesterday I was having a bad day. My comcast cable is not, and has not worked in a week. I got the bill from them and learned that the last time I called them for a problem they charged me $24 for the call. This is after they said they would credit me 20 dollars for the inconvenience! Anyway that is not the focus of my ire.

    So me and my fiancee go through the drive through at our local taco hell. As we are pulling out of the parking lot we realize they had forgotten some items we ordered, as they often do. So I throw the car in reverse to backup and swing into a parking spot. While backing up this dillweed pulling in to the taco hell in a red sports car pulls right up to my bumber. As I pass the parking spot and throw the car into drive to pull into the spot the guy in the sports car pulls in to the same spot. Only he doesn't do it well and half blocks a handicapped spot as well. As he gets out of his car I roll down the window and ask him what hes doing. He mutters something and goes into the restaurant.

    I don't think he expected me to come in after him, as I had to do to get the items the taco hell had forgotten. Now I am not a huge guy but at 6' 250 I am also not small. So when I walk into the taco hell this guy is standing in line looks at me and gets this "Oh Sht" look on his face. Turns out hes about 5'7" or so and doesn't look like he has seen the inside of a gym in quite some time. I didn't end up paying him any mind, I am not confrontational so that was pretty much the end of the encounter. But the look on his face was priceless. Unfortunately his driving is the rule in New England, indicative of a very egocentric society.

    Thank you for listening to my rant, sorry if its too long, but it helps.

    A little dude in a sports car with an ego problem? That's not just a New England thing. :)

  11. Two rants:

    1. When are the Transformers going to take out the Phoenix Mars lander? I've been waiting patiently. I got a fever and the only prescription is more Transformers.

    2. I have stubbed my big right toe about five times in the last two days on the most random of objects and frankly my toe is losing its will to wiggle anymore. :(

  12. At least once a week a systems engineer at my work says, "Steve, I want you to capture the essence of this." Really? Capture it? Do I use a net? From now on, every time he uses that phrase, I will mentally set him on fire with my eyeballs.

  13. Mosquito. In my room. Normally they're easy to catch but this one took three days to find and kill. She was stealth.

    It was a Ninja Mosquito, you're lucky to be alive.

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