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Posts posted by rolliefingers

  1. The new MASN ad with the cuties checking out the Oriole bird is making me mad. :mad:

    That's literally the only Orioles/MASN commercial I've liked this entire year. Even though the white girl has a weird mouth and it angers me greatly.

  2. Torii Hunter is a good player overall. Aubrey Huff once hit a homerun that "helped" beat the Angels in August.

    The Dallas Braden one might be my favorite, just because, I mean, I barely know who Dallas Braden is, and I'm a huge baseball nerd who posts on OH at 2:12 am. Does the average Oriole fan have any clue whatsoever who Dallas Braden is?


    I am never insuring my car with Geico and I am never ever buying anything produced or written by anyone in 3 Doors Down ever in my entire life thanks to this hellacious commercial.

    I would hope that you'd eschew Three Doors Down because they're terrible, not because one of their terrible songs is in that commercial. ;)

  4. Battle Cry of Freedom The Cilil War Era by James M. McPherson

    Ooh this one, too. Do you read Ta-Nehisi Coates's blog at The Atlantic? He's been borderline obsessed with the Civil War lately, and he's highly recommended this book.

  5. The Fifties by David Halberstam

    The Irony of American History by Reinhold Niebuhr

    The Baltimore Book by Elizabeth Fee, et al.

    Next up:

    The High Cost of Free Parking by Donald Shoup

    The Power Broker by Robert Caro

    Infinite Jest by DFW

  6. How about the nightly rotation of commercials on MASN?

    The Texaco commercial, "Tex Message". Absolute crap and a horrible play on text messaging. Give it a rest, Texaco.

    That idiotic Firestone commercial featuring the girl in her Jeep. Get to the damn intersection and go already, will ya?

    I could go on, but you all know the commercials of which I speak. Terrible.

    Those aren't even the worst ones, but I agree. The small rotation of commercials turns even mildly annoying ads into the visual equivalent of fingernails-on-chalkboard.

  7. "Put it in me, Steve."

    Stop it, Quiznos. That's disgusting. I do not want to hear an oven making creepy, unsubtle sexual euphemisms about food during my commercial breaks. If I had kids, I would be Helen Lovejoy-ing the crap out of you.

    I agree, but I almost have to give them credit for making their commercial as inappropriate and bizarre as possible. But still...yeah.

  8. The ones where Howie Long says asks the guy if he wants a man step of a warranty...honestly, is there a worse apples-to-oranges comparison? What's next? He'll ask me if I want wheel locks or brakes? If the best Chevy can do is compare warranties to "man steps"...I don't have much confidence in their product...

    Yeah...can't I have both? Apparently not.

  9. (Tell me who's watchin')

    I always feel like

    Somebody's waaatchin' mee!

    (Tell me who's watchin')

    I always feel like

    Somebody's waaatchin' mee!

    (Tell me who's watchin')

    I always feel like

    Somebody's waaatchin' mee!

    (Tell me who's watchin')

    I always feel like

    Somebody's waaatchin' mee!

  10. I don't think anybody was calling Ray Lewis a hero a week after he was arrested. Let's allow this one to simmer for a little while before we make judgments on how A-Rod will be viewed.

    I'm pretty stunned at all the hypocrisy coming from the A-Rod thing. He (sort of) admits it, and now he's apparently the only guy to ever do steroids.

    Umm, this guy Brian Roberts who we're all deifying because he's our guy? He did it, too.

    Grow up, people.

  11. Ellipsis abuse. Seriously, not every sentence needs to be ended with one.

    Did you know that ellipsis abuse costs the American taxpayer $5,398.24 per day in emotional distress and ankle damage? Little-known fact. Only you can prevent ellipsis abuse.

    • Upvote 1
  12. Yes you will. You will get to college and want to hook up with girls and know where parties are and that is how that information is disseminated in this day and age. You will catch a cute girl's name in your chem lecture and look her up to see if you share any friends so that you can get introduced to her. You will have a group project where the group exchanges information on Facebook. It may not seem useful in high school but it very much is useful in college.


    /has done the same thing many times

  13. Hey, Facebook is awesome. You can change your language to Pirate. That's all I need to accept the new Facebook.

    I should clarify. I like Facebook a lot. It's a nice service. I'm just saying that anyone who spends more than .00004 seconds weighing the pros and cons of the new Facebook - much less creating a group on the topic - should probably get out a little more.

  14. Guys.

    I have something important to say. I know it might not be easy...

    Marc Zomberg is not a real person. He is not going to bring back the old Facebook if you join this group. "Marc Zomberg" is the silliest **** I've ever heard. Please stop inviting me.

    I can't believe two million people fell for this crap. It just rattles my faith.

    In a world full of ridiculous people who care about ridiculous things at ridiculous amounts, the "Bring Back Teh Old Facebooks!!!11" movement might be the ridiculousest.

    Seriously, people. Go outside. Read a book. Maybe even...talk to another human being. I know it's tough, but give it a shot.

  15. Okay, what exactly is the point of the ragingly homoerotic Hanes commercials with Michael Jordan and his cast of admirers including Kevin Bacon, Charlie Sheen and Cuba Gooding?

    Isn't it enough to thank Michael for the Hanes shirts (which, apparently, he stitches together himself?) without begging for him to eat Korean barbecue with you, and throwing him your cell phone?

    Do Hanes make you gay?

  16. McLovin, is there a way to set a post on "auto repeat"? This one is needed at least once every 2-3 days. It has gotten to a level that's beyond ridiculous at this point. Brian's second called strike three today was a ball but at least close to the strike zone. The first one there was absolutely no excuse in the world for. It was very literally 6 inches below his knees and close to a foot off the plate. Molina was even set up a foot outside before the pitch was thrown. Pitchers and catchers around the league clearly know that they can get a free called strike against Roberts by throwing it somewhere there's absolutely no possibility of him hitting it. I don't know if it's some kind of punishment for appearing in the Mitchell Report or what, but it's clearly looking like there's some kind of conspiracy against Roberts on that one particular pitch! :angryfire::cussing::mad:

    I didn't watch the game, but...seriously?

    • Upvote 1
  17. The worst commercials on TV are the Sonic ones. Those people at the drive-thru just make me cringe.

    I actually think those commercials are hilarious, but - as I believe I've noted before on this thread - I can't really understand why they advertise in the Baltimore market. According to Sonic's location search, there is not a single location in the state of Maryland. Not one. Not even in the DC market, unless you count Charlottesville.

    I mean...huh?

  18. boredom + large scissors + long hair = no more long hair

    I got really lucky. I impulsively hacked 6 inches off yesterday afternoon (while it was dry! Horrors!) and it actually looks decent. One of my friends was shocked when I finally admitted I did it myself. I hate hair salons and I guess I just saved myself $20, but I wouldn't have the nerve to try anything shorter or more complicated. Nice to know it can be done, though.

    I've been cutting my own hair since I was 12. I think I could probably do it without looking by now.

    I know; apples and oranges. :)

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