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Crazy O

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Posts posted by Crazy O

  1. Thanks for the responses/feedback and validation for the guesses lining up to what we came up with!  


    Certainly a possibility that this is a fake but man...some of these signatures are really good if so.


    The Cal one is just about the only one I didnt even bother to look up- my brother has a ball he had signed in person and I remember it looking spot on to that. I'll get a pic of that one to compare...

    Glad there was some interest to look at though! Makes you wonder (if this is real) how many of these sorts of things are laying around garages...


  2. I thought this would a cool baseball artifact to share with you all in the depths of this very, very long offseason. This bat is one year older than me! Of very unknown origin...in fact, its a little bizarre. This bat was purchased for TWO DOLLARS at a yard sale, by a ten year old girl...in Sacramento, CA. How a bat like this made its way out there, only to end up in a junk pile, I will never know. Or - even weirder - that she would happen to live with an Orioles fan transplant who would look at this bat and become very, very confused as to how she got it....

    Need a little help on 3, 17, and 20!


    Sure wish we had Jim Palmer or Brady Anderson on here...

    1.  Sherman Obando



    2. Leo Gomez



    3. ???



    4. Brooks Robinson!!!



    5. Ben McDonald



    6. Cal Ripken Jr!



    7. Gregg Olson



    8. Rick Sutcliffe (???)



    9. Johnny Oates



    10. Paul Carey



    11. Mark McLemore



    12. Mike Mussina 



    13. Todd Frohwirth



    14. Jeff Tacket



    15. Chris Hoiles



    16. Harold Baines! 



    17. ???



    18. Davey Lopes


    19. Jack Voigt



    20. ???



    21.  Mike Devereaux



    22. Harold Reynolds (???)









  3. Yeah for real! These terrible mods keep deleting all of my golden posts. Crazy how time flies. I was 12 when I signed up for this board, don't tell Tony, but I did it without parental supervision. 

    • Upvote 2
  4. My chronograph no longer resets to 0, but to the 25-minute mark. It would cost more to fix than the watch is worth. :(

    There's nothing worse then a beloved watch breaking beyond feasible repair. :/

  5. Ok, when you write or say anything leave out the annoying IMO, IMHO, JMO, etc. If you are opining about anything it's a given that it's your opinion. Writing these "cute" little abbreviations to let everyone know that it's your thoughts on display is extraneous. If you are ascribing the words to someone else you generally quote the person, unless you are Joe Biden of course.FWIW, JMHO

    Fixed that for you :P

  6. Here's a simple rule that will always work for names of German origin. The sound corresponds to whichever vowel comes second. So an E sound (as in Wieters or Niekro) means it should be spelled 'ie', and an I sound (as in Schneider or Steinbrenner) means it should be spelled 'ei'.

    Source: my last name starts "Sei" and is pronounced like "Sigh". My dad taught me this rule, and it has almost never steered me wrong (and in those cases I honestly believe it's because the family butchered the anglicized pronunciation of the name somewhere along the line).

    Wow, never heard this before! Weird, considering it applies to me, with a german last name.

  7. Ran 6 miles last night (personal best!) and now my ankle is killing me. It didn't start hurting until around 10 am today. What the what?

    Anyone have any recommendations for good shoes/inserts that will reduce the wear and tear?


    I pronate, and this is what I use. I had to get a highly cushioned shoe because I have a tendency to get stress fractures...these shoes are the BEST.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Yeah, really. She has obviously never watched a Family Guy with Herbert in it. Those jokes can be damn funny. I crack up every time I see the episode where he sings "Somewhere That's Green" or the jokes they crack when he's Obi-Wan in the Star Wars episode.

    Funniest character in Family Guy.

  9. So last February I had a really really bad night, involving the Po-lice and all, and when I got home at o'dark thirty I fell asleep listening to my iPod. Well, I woke up at 4 or 5 in the morning and saw a flashing light in the room, and was completely baffled as to what it could be. Looking around I discovered my iPod had slid off the bed DIRECTLY into a pint of water I had set on the floor. Kabloohey, there goes my iPod. It was completely dead, making strange noises, and not even chargeable. Today I came across it looking for a pair of headphones and decided to try and charge it. Lo and behold it freaking works. That's a **** ton of music.


    I have jumped into a pool with an mp3 in my pocket...same story. Only 2 Gb though, I have moved onto bigger and better `pods.

  10. Track! I love it! Running! God it sucks! But it's so much fun....:scratchchinhmm:

    In my 2nd meet ever I tied the freshman school record for the 4x400 split at 64.8. Now it's time to break it.

    Well I got the record. Actually, I destroyed it. I ran a 62.31.

  11. Track! I love it! Running! God it sucks! But it's so much fun....:scratchchinhmm:

    In my 2nd meet ever I tied the freshman school record for the 4x400 split at 64.8. Now it's time to break it.

    • Upvote 1
  12. Falling asleep while watching infomercials! I love doing this! Nothing actually puts me to sleep better than turning on an infomercial and let it dull me to sleep! Does anyone else do this?

  13. I'm gonna bow out for a while. No one wants to hear me prattling on, stealing bandwidth, anyways. :o

    Not that it's a bad thing, I just thought that it was hilarious. I've never seen 27 posts in a row in a public thread. Is that a perfect game?

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